

Two she wolf twin sisters at war with each other since when they were in their mother's womb, one destined to rule over the other and mate with the most powerful Alpha in all werewolf packs, a union that will forever change the course of the all werewolves packs in the world, but when the Alpha accidentally imprints on the wrong twin, the other twin sort revenge and aligned herself with the werewolves mortal enemy leading to a war so deep in blood and threaten the lives of every werewolves that will drive them to almost extinction.

Benjamin_light_jr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


Three people walked along the edge of the lake, their figures silhouetted against the setting sun. As they drew closer, Vera recognized one of them as David, Damon's younger brother. The other two, a boy and a girl, were unfamiliar to her.

"Guys, you know my brother?" Damon said, his voice carrying over the gentle lapping of the water.

Victoria and her friends responded in unison, "Oh yes."

"And these are my childhood friends, Christian and Crystal. Our parents were also childhood friends, but they're from a different pack in Arizona. And also, Crystal is David's girlfriend." Damon then turned to the newcomers and introduced Victoria and Vera. "This is Victoria, and this is Vera." He paused, an apologetic look crossing his face. "I'm sorry, I never got the three of your names."

"Jordan, nice to meet y'all," Jordan said, stepping forward and shaking hands with Christian and Crystal. Francesca and Beverly followed suit, introducing themselves with polite smiles.

David's gaze shifted to Vera, his eyes narrowing. "Who invited her?" he asked, his tone laced with disdain.

Victoria and her friends chuckled mockingly at Vera, their laughter cutting through the air like a knife. Damon stepped in, his expression stern. "Come on, guys, give her a break. I invited her."

As the group continued to converse, Vera felt a sense of relief as she slipped away from the circle. She made her way back to her spot under the tree and picked up her book, hoping to lose herself in the story once more. She glanced up occasionally, observing the interactions around her. Jordan and Beverly were making out, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. Victoria's arms were draped over Damon's bare chest, their connection evident. Crystal was piggyback riding David in the lake, both of them splashing water and laughing joyfully. Francesca and Christian were engaged in a deep conversation, their voices low and intimate.

Vera sighed, trying to ignore the pang of loneliness that gnawed at her. She buried her nose in her book, the pages providing a temporary escape from her reality. The sounds of laughter and playful banter drifted over to her, a constant reminder of the camaraderie she was excluded from.

The laughter and merriment around the lake abruptly died down, replaced by tense expressions and wary glances. Everyone seemed to be looking at something in the distance. Vera, unable to see what they were seeing, felt a knot of anxiety tighten in her stomach.

"What do you think they're doing close to your home territory?" Christian asked Damon, his voice low and serious.

"If they want blood, then they can come get it," Damon replied, his eyes fixed on the unseen threat.

Utterly confused, Vera looked around, trying to make sense of the sudden shift in mood. "What's going on?" she finally asked.

Beverly scoffed, her voice dripping with contempt. "Oh, we forgot how useless you are."

Damon, sensing Vera's confusion, explained, "Cult of Herod members. They're far in the distance, but it looks like they're heading this way, towards my estate. They're in our pack territory."

Vera's mind raced as she pieced it together. "Oh, it must be the same cult members that attacked the war council members," she said.

"What?" Damon turned sharply to face her.

"Yeah, I came from the clinic today, and some war council members were attacked by the cult members. The Oracle managed to patch them up," Vera explained, her voice steady despite the tension.

"They dare attack members of my pack in my territory..." Damon's eyes flashed with anger. "Leave them. They are mine." Without another word, he began to stride towards the intruders.

Francesca watched him go, her worry evident. "Shouldn't we go help him?"

Christian shook his head. "He doesn't need our help. He'll be done with them in less than a few seconds."

"I've actually never seen Alpha Damon in his werewolf form," Jordan said, his tone a mix of curiosity and awe. "I heard it's big."

David smirked, pride shining in his eyes. "Whatever you heard is an understatement. My brother's werewolf form is the biggest ever."

Vera watched as Damon walked away, his figure growing smaller as he approached the cult members. Her heart pounded in her chest, a mix of fear and admiration swirling within her. She had always known Damon was powerful, but seeing him in this context, ready to protect his pack without hesitation, made her realize just how formidable he truly was.

As Damon approached the intruders, Vera's friends continued to watch, their confidence in him unshaken. Beverly, Jordan, and Francesca remained seated, chatting idly as if this were a routine occurrence. Only Vera, with her limited understanding and human sight, felt the full weight of the impending confrontation.

The minutes ticked by, each one feeling like an eternity to Vera. She clutched her book tightly, unable to focus on the words. The sunny day breeze grew colder to her, and she could hear the distant sounds of conflict—growls, snarls, and the clash of bodies. Despite the reassurances of everyone, worry gnawed at her. She wished she could see what was happening, wished she could do something more than just sit and wait.

Finally, after what felt like an age, Damon reappeared. He was unscathed, his expression calm but with a hint of triumph. The cult members were nowhere in sight.

"It's done," he announced as he rejoined the group. "They won't be bothering us again."

There was a collective sigh of relief, and the tension that had gripped the group dissipated. Vera could see the admiration in the eyes of everyone, and even she felt a surge of respect for Damon.


As Damon approached the cult members, a palpable tension hung in the air. The moonlight cast an eerie glow over the scene, making the shadows of the trees dance menacingly around the intruders. Damon's presence was commanding, his eyes blazing with a fierce determination.

"You have some nerve," he began, his voice a low growl that seemed to echo through the forest, "not only stepping into my territory but also my estate land."

One of the cult members, a tall, wiry man with a scar running down his cheek, sneered at Damon. "Out of our way, Alpha, or you'll face the same consequences your pack members faced earlier this morning."

Damon's fists tightened at the mention of the wounded pack members. His rage simmered just below the surface, but he kept it in check, knowing that he needed to stay calm and focused.

Another cult member, a woman with wild, unkempt hair and eyes that gleamed with malice, stepped forward. "Move out. We only want the girl in the sundress."

Damon's brow furrowed in confusion. What do they want with Vera? His mind raced with possibilities, none of them good. "What's she to you, and why do you want her?" he demanded.

"Maybe we just want a snack," the woman taunted, her lips curling into a cruel smile. "Maybe we saw her and she pissed us off. Now move before you die."

The cult members began to circle Damon, their eyes filled with predatory intent. The air was thick with menace, and Damon could feel the weight of the coming fight pressing down on him. He was outnumbered, but he wasn't afraid.

"The only people gonna die here are all of you," Damon declared, his voice cold and deadly.

The cult members laughed, a harsh, mocking sound that grated on Damon's nerves. "You think you can take us all at once?" one of them jeered. "You haven't even transformed into a werewolf yet."

Damon's lips curled into a smirk. "I don't need to transform to finish you all off."

The cult members snarled, transformed and lunged at him, their movements synchronized and deadly.