
a tale of two birds

where was later word and her to newborn babies in a forest they had a nest in a top study tree and their the motherboard to care of her little ones day and night one day there was a big storm there was thunder lightning and rain and the wind blow down many trees the tall tree in which the word live also came down a big heavy 5 hit the rest and killed the word fortunately for the baby you are the strong wind blow them away the to the other side of the forest one of them came down near a cave where are gang of robbers live The other land it's outside arshi awesome a little distance away fast and The baby word became big words one day the king of the country came to the forest 200 she saw the Android after it. it it went into the forest followed by the king soon the king lost his way and did not know where he was he rode on for a long time till he came or the other side of the forest very tired when he got off his horse and set down under a tree that stood near a cave suddenly hear a voice carry out quick hurry up there is someone under the tree come and take his jewels and his horse Hari or else he sleep Aveda king was amazed he looked up and saw a big one word on the tree under which he was sitting he also heard paint noses issuing from the cave he quickly got on to his horse and road aware fast aisi could.

• The king was amazed to hear a similar voice again

• He came to now the bird true story

•he made the rishi who explain the behaviour of each Bird.

soon, he came to the clearing which look like a ashram it was the rishi ashram the king his horse to a tree and and set down in its shade suddenly he had gently boys around welcome to the ashram sir please go inside and the receiver week back soon there some called water in the pot please make yourself comfortable the king looked up and saw a big bird in the tree he was amazed this one look like that others world outside the cave he said to himself loudly.

"you are right sir answer the word he is my brother but he was made friend with Robert he now talk as this do he does not talk to me anymore just just then rishi and the ashram welcome so he said to the king please come inside and make yourself at home you look tired dress for a while they are you can share my food the king told arshi the story of the world and how is had behaved so differently from the look alike the forest is full of surprised he said the holy man smiled and said after all one is known by the company one keep that word has always hurt the top of tower he imitates then and talk about Robin people this one has repeated what is he has always had he welcomes people to the ashram now come inside the and rest. l will tell you more about this place and these birds.