
A Tale of Time and Life

Struck by the Killing Curse of Lord Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, Harry Potter meets Death. Death provides him an opportunity. An opportunity that allows him to do more than survive, to finally live the life he has been deprived of. An opportunity that sends our protagonist back in time to the end of his second year. Rated M just in case. Hello there! I am quatroquatro from fanfiction.net. A reader of this novel suggested I post this novel here as well and I thought, why not? Fair warning, this story can be slower than most stories on this site. I hope you enjoy this work as much I do writing it. Note: After the first five chapters, I will only be updating 10 parts a week. The parts are usually around 2,000-2,500 words. Support me at Patreon if you like my work. As of now, I have no intention of keeping content behind tier, it will all be public. https://www.patreon.com/quatroquatro

Quatroquatro · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Chapter 5 – Introspection of the Broader Hogwarts. Part 3

Neville turned to Harry. "You reckon he took that lunch from the kitchen."

Harry shrugged, "He is a really protective elf, that much I can tell you. I wouldn't be surprised if he got Madame Pomfrey's order himself."

"Funny one, isn't he?"

"You don't even know the beginning of it. But he really is the best, even if he can be quirky at times."

Neville turned towards Luna and asked, "So, what are Nargles and Umbugubular Slashkilters?"

Hermione looked like she wanted to refute the existence of the creatures, but Harry gripped her shoulder before she could say anything. She sighed and remained silent.

Luna's eyes widened with excitement and reached for a tabloid under her pillow. "Daddy runs The Quibbler, and he loves to find creatures most people think don't exist. Nargles can be little thieves sometimes and Umbugubular Slashkilters really like to create a lot of chaos. Nargles steal my stuff sometimes, I wish they give back my locket with mummy's picture in it," she trailed off, her tone slightly down cast. Neville looked furious and Hermione was shocked. Luna still wore her typical dreamy countenance, albeit there was a hint of sadness in her eyes and her smile faded away. Harry schooled a neutral expression. Oh a few little blighters want to play rough now. Well then, I got just the remedy for this.

"You know, I can have Dobby help you find your stuff. He is amazing at finding things."

Her bright smile was back in full power. "If you can, that would be really nice. I do not have much to remember mummy by."

Harry closed his eyes to calm his growing temper. To take something that reminds of their lost loved ones from a child, how low must you be? Why isn't there any action done against this kind of inhumane action? Hogwarts, supposedly the safest place in all of Magical Britain instead should be referred to the breeding ground of all evil.

The trio spent their time with Luna who, bless her heart, was a girl who pursued the wonders of the world. There were times Hermione couldn't hold herself to counter some of the more outlandish claims, but Harry put a stop before she could press further. Neville silently looked on, still awfully disturbed by her earlier revelations. The trio left the Hospital Wing when Madame Pomfrey returned and closed the wing for visitors.

Neville led them to an empty classroom and closed the door with such brute force and it startled Harry and Hermione. He yelled out, "We have to do something, we have to fix this, this is just wrong. You saw how Flitwick and McGonagall acted last night."

Hermione sighed, "I cannot believe that Professor Dumbledore was one who forced Madame Pomfrey and the other professors to inaction."

Harry scratched his chin. "Is it really an impossible conclusion to come to? Now that I think of it, all this kind of makes sense."

Hermione and Neville now directed their full attention towards Harry. Hermione quirked an eyebrow, "How so?"

Neville unexpectedly answered, "Forgive me Hermione, but if a second year who is also a muggle-born was able to figure out that the monster was a basilisk, how was Dumbledore, the defeater of Grindelwald, the greatest wizard alive and the headmaster of one of the best schools for magic be unable to piece the evidence together?"

Hermione opened her mouth a couple of times to retort but could find answer in rebuttal to Neville's points. Harry on the hand, was impressed with Neville's reasoning. Could not have put it better myself.

Harry asked, "Any reason why you excluded the political positions he has?"

Neville deadpanned, "Gran always complains that the Wizengamot is filled with idiots anyways."

Harry chuckled at the answer and Hermione did not know whether to laugh or admonish Neville. Neville ignored the two and continued, "Also if Dumbledore really wanted to remain in the castle when Malfoy suspended him, he could have easily done it. He is the most politically and magically powerful person in Magical Britain. Staying headmaster while the governors are rebelling doesn't sound like something he cannot do."

Neville took one breath and concluded, "Am I surprised that he is choosing to ignore and hide everything going on here at Hogwarts, not one bit. I know that I am not the only one in this room that also thinks the same way". He looked towards Harry who nodded back in response.

Hermione protested in response. "But why would he want to do all this? He is our headmaster and as you said, he is the most powerful person in Magical Britain. Why would he do this to children?"

Harry replied in a grim tone, "Because he is not just a headmaster, he also a politician. A politician is more bothered about maintaining power than correcting and changing a wrong situation. Neville, did your gran tell you anything about how things changed for the muggle-born after Voldemort disappeared?"

Neville shook his head. Harry moved towards the window and stared out into the castle grounds. He added, "Did you ever notice that the only people who seem to get harsher punishments tend to be either muggle-born students, orphans, or students from less powerful wizarding families. Even then, they seem to only get a slap on the wrist. Leave aside the Snape punishments for now, but even then, you can see he tolerates the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws a lot better than he does with Gryffindors."

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "What are you trying to say Harry?"

"What I am saying is that Dumbledore is not keeping his politician and headmaster hats separate."

Neville nodded and Hermione's eyes widened. "You are saying he is purposefully ignoring everything for his political benefit? Then why didn't he do anything about the basilisk? Wouldn't it help him politically to deal with it?"

Harry maintained his gaze into the castle grounds. "I am going to let you think the answer for yourselves."

Silence pervaded the classroom. Harry moved to lean against a desk, while he maintained a steady gaze outside. Neville moved to a seat and fiddled with his thumbs. Hermione still stood, clearly disturbed, and tried to unveil the answer. A dozen minutes later, she let out a gasp.

"Because revealing who the monster was would drive attention to the castle. He does not want any public attention directed towards the castle. That would raise questions about him."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Then why would he leave the castle for his suspension? Surely keeling to Malfoy publicly does him no political favors."

This time Neville answered, "Because when something goes wrong when he is gone, he can either come in to clean the mess or clear his name of suspicion. The public would hate Malfoy for kicking the most powerful wizard out of the school, when he could be protecting their children."

Harry nodded solemnly, "Correct in one."

Hermione looked dejected, while Neville looked resigned. Harry narrowed his eyes. This won't do, here we go. "But there is something we can do. We just have to be the voice and arm of reason."

Hermione looked at Harry quizzically, "How do we do that?"

Harry grinned, "I got a little secret to share with the two of you."

He beckoned them to follow him, Hermione and Neville followed him still confused with Harry's behavior. Harry led them to the seventh floor, to the entrance of the Room of Requirement. The other two only became more befuddled by Harry's actions. However, a few seconds later, their jaws dropped in awe.

Harry let a grin work into his face at the surprise of his two friends. He cleared his throat and proclaimed, "Welcome to the Room of Requirement! Come now, stop gawking and get inside."

The other two mechanically entered the room and looked around the room in awe. Hermione blurted out, ever so elegantly, "How and what is this place?"

Harry maintained his grin. "It was all thanks to Dobby really. I had him find a room that would help me a couple of days ago, and he found this place. This room turns into whatever we desire, within reason of course. You can make this room a room full of ancient magic books, a dueling ring, or even a bedroom. But you cannot get food from this room, but that's fine."

Hermione stopped and directed her gaze toward the centerpiece of the room. "Is that the Sorting Hat?"

The Hat chuckled, "I am indeed Ms. Granger. You may refer to me as The Hat, for I am The Hat Most Supreme."

Harry muttered under his breath, "So is your bloody ego."

"Mind sharing your thoughts Mr. Potter?"


And so, Harry introduced his two friends to the Room of Requirement. The Hat gave a similar lesson on mind magic to his friends and guided them through their effort. Harry meditated in a corner while they were receiving an introductory lesson in mind magic. After they were done, Hermione and Neville approached him. Hermione spoke first. "So, what is your plan?"

Harry smiled, "My goal is to first make us strong enough to handle the future. Mind magic will help you and hide your mind from other people."

Hermione shivered, "I am not comfortable with the idea of anyone peaking inside my mind."

Neville inquired, "Anything else?"

Harry tilted his head slightly. "Not much we can do currently, but we can slowly better ourselves and use the resources of this room to our advantage. But first, I think we should pay a visit to the Head of House of Ravenclaw."

Hermione scrunched her eyebrows and shook her head after a few moments. "No, Harry and I will go see Professor Flitwick. Neville, go to the Hospital Wing and make sure Luna gets to the Great Hall safely."

Neville nodded resolutely and left the room. Harry smiled and left the room with Hermione. The duo worked themselves over to Flitwick's office. Harry knocked on the door. A familiar voice squeaked, "Enter!"

Harry and Hermione entered the Charms professor's office. To their right was a cabinet filled with accolades, newspaper cutouts, and trophies from his time as a dueling champion. To their left was a shelf with various trinkets, photographs, tomes. A magical ladder was situated in front of the shelf. Directly in front of them, Professor Flitwick sat on a chair that can magically adjust its height. His desk was cluttered with parchment and tomes.

The minute professor let out a squeak of surprise. He quickly conjured another seat in front of his desk. Unlike, the ones in McGonagall's office, these seem more comfortable. "Ms. Granger, Mr. Potter, what a surprise! Please take a seat. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Harry started, "Professor, we are here to ask you to take some disciplinary action against the students that bullied Luna Lovegood."

Flitwick sighed, "I suppose you wanted to come after overhearing the lashing we received yesterday?"

The duo nodded affirmatively. Flitwick leaned back and sighed again, "There is not much we can do, your word will be taken as hearsay and her words hold no ground for me to do anything."

Harry slowly nodded and say from the corner of his eyes that Hermione had a heavy frown adorning her face. Harry quietly spoke, "How many times have you given that very convenient excuse to students in our situation before?"

Flitwick was taken back. "Excuse me?"

Harry repeated louder and slower this time. "How many times have you repeated your convenient excuse to students before?"

"Mr. Potter I assure you-"

"You can go assure every student who has been bullied ruthlessly, every muggle-born in this hall that has been insulted repeatedly with your false excuses. But it does not clear you of the fact that you remain willfully ignorant."

Hermione steeled her gaze and added, "Professor Flitwick, a lot of students are being hurt. Why are you doing this to us?"

Flitwick spoke a little bit forcefully this time, "Like I said Ms. Granger, I cannot do anything without concrete evidence."

Harry laughed, "So, let me get this straight. We saw a girl attacked by her own housemates with plenty of portraits and students who bore witness to the attack. Still, you think it's hearsay? What do you take as absolute witness?"

Flitwick narrowed his eyes, "Witness by another professor or a prefect is considered solid reason to act."

Hermione countered, "You mean the prefect who was having a jolly good time torturing a little first year?"

Flitwick replied, "Ms. Granger you are-"

Harry interrupted, "Telling a nasty truth that the professors here wish to turn a blind eye to. So, the only valid reason to act was if that torture ever happened in front of you?"

Flitwick squawked, "Mr. Potter! Stop twisting my words!"

Harry harumphed, "I am twisting nothing here. Just repeating your own words here Professor Flitwick."

Flitwick narrowed his eyes, "Oh? Then if we were to listen to hearsay, we should have expelled you for the Heir of Slytherin incident this past year."

Hermione gasped and Harry let a feral grin work into his face. "You mean the very incident I just stopped by slaying the monster, without the support of the staff might I add. You mean the basilisk who slithered the halls of one of the greatest magical schools and yet, not one professor was able to put the pieces together, which a second-year muggle born did?"

Flitwick sputtered, "That's not what I meant! If we were to act to hearsay, we should have expelled you!"

Harry retorted, "What ignorance! I know that you have truth potions which can get someone to tell the truth. If that were case, you could have properly investigated me. Or you could have called the magic police, what were they called again Hermione?"

"Aurors Harry."

"That's right, them. They could have been called to investigate. Instead, you did none of that. See where your argument falls apart?"

Flitwick remained silent. Hermione spoke this time. "Professor, I have been called horrific things this whole year, in front of prefects no less. No one did anything to correct the person who insulted me. Instead, I have been told to be silent and do nothing. Tell me, why I should just be a carpet for scum of the earth? Is it because you too believe in the pureblood nonsense? Is it because you are afraid of some powerful person? If so, you are just paving the way for the next Voldemort."

Flitwick flinched at the mention of his name and remained silent. Hermione continued, "Did you know that he came from these very halls? Surely someone as smart as you can understand that there is a problem here?"

Harry shook his head. "Forget it Hermione, we are not going to get anything out of this. A plea for humanity and right thing seems to be lost on this lot. Let's go."

Harry and Hermione got up and left. As they were about to leave, Flitwick yelled out, "Mr. Potter, Ms, Granger, I am really sorry, but I really can't do anything."

Harry sighed, "Save it. Professor McGonagall told me the other day that you were one of her favorite teachers. Your actions just prove how the magical world seem to love spitting on my parent's graves"

Flitwick collapsed to his chair, tears flowing down his face.

Hello All,

Just to let you know, I update ahead on fanfiction dot net. So if you want to read more, please head over to that site. It is under the same name.

Please drop a review and share your thoughts and some power stones if you like this story.

Thank you for reading!



P.S. Chapter 7 is up in Fanfiction dot net

P.S.S This like the shortest chapter of the series thus far

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