
A Tale of the Two Sword Mark

A man gets pushed off the edge of a building and falls to what is a new and unfamiliar world.

fathomlessvoid · Fantasy
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2 Chs

I'm... Stupid?

Now, where we left off, I was explaining the death of the young fellow, but now I'll skip forward a little. He is nine months old, and gets quite... Well, you'll see.

Well... This is officially the worst experience of my adult(?) life. My own mother is wiping my ass with leather, since toilet paper isn't a thing. Also, with the fact that I was automatically labeled a genius just because the first words I spoke were, "Hello mom, dad," I was met with concerned faces and a very old dude coming into the house and doing a, well... "Mark examination?" I don't know any more than you do. He said it was strange that I was speaking so fluently, since I had the "Two Sword Mark." I don't know what that means, but if it means I was dumb, then that's bad. Discrimination is a part of any society, and with me being "dumb" because I have this mark...

Anyways, talking about this and putting it into practice are two different things. I am, in fact, not less-than-average in intelligence, I'll have you know. I'm the one that gets rid of people with less-than-average intelligence. Surprisingly, however, my parents didn't treat me much differently. This "discrimination" seemingly didn't reach them, since they were, well... To be harsh, I've been watching them for a while now, myself, and they are quite dumb. They are lighting candles next to wood, and wondering how they are catching fire...

Maybe it's just me, or does anyone else feel like waiting in a crib as a baby would be excruciatingly boring. But when I try to call for mother, only cries come out, and, well... So do the milk-makers. "Oh, I dropped you and you're crying. Must be hungry, right?" That is the representation of my mother's logic. Honestly, I would consider her an abusive mother... well, if she meant the things that she's done.

Finally, my adorable sisters are the bane of my existence. They squeeze and pull at my hands all day, not to mention what they do with my cheeks. The only reprieve I have is my father, who frankly just doesn't give two shits what happens to me.