
Chapter 31: Be Our Guest

My father was a simple man, he seemed to always have a sad smile. It was a nice smile, one that made you want to smile back and grab his hand while asking him what’s wrong. That smile turned to one of amazed love any time he looked at my mother, or any time he played with me.

I remembered once when mom had been sick and we were alone in the apartment, we were playing hide and seek and when it was my turn to hide, I ran into the linen closet and hid. I slid back as far as I could against the wall and waited. I waited a long time and Dad didn’t come. I started to feel like I couldn’t breathe and the next thing I knew my head hit the ground.

Here, my hands and feet bound together, staring at Ferrer while he stared at me. I felt that helpless feeling, that feeling of knowing that no one was coming.