
No pill for regret

It had been a month since Chief Heeds issued Eliza and her children a notice to vacate all his properties and Eliza had been absolutely livid since that day. Even now as she thought back to that day she thought, 'That old fool, who does he think he is. How dare he? He dares kick me out of my house after everything I did for him. Such an ungrateful old fool.' She continued seething. 'He should be grateful I unburdened him with that useless thing he called a wife!'

Every time she remembered him throwing those DNA analysis result at her, the pictures of her and her lover and their fun time together while calling her out of her name, 'He even dares to compare me to a wife he himself couldn't even be faithful to or trust. I will kill him with my bare hands before I sign those divorce papers. I will not be weak like that Palmer woman.' thought Eliza.