
episode 1

(The episode opens in the Middle Ages)

Narrator: In the past, when Kanisha was taking a journey she had a shocking experience

(Kanisha and Morgana's attacks hit each other and cancels each other out)

(Kanisha summons three rings that have electric force)

(Morgana falls to the ground and looks angry)

(Kanisha giggles evilly)

(Morgana flies back up and summons more power)

(Kanisha cancels Morgana's attack)

(Morgana and Kanisha are fighting)

Rikild: Merlin, we must stop this.

Merlin: My dear, Rikild you see that they are evenly matched.

Rikild: Merlin, trust me, we must stop her.

Tam (looking at Rikild): What's wrong?

Rikild (looking worried): Kanisha is in great danger.

Morgana (thought): It's an even match, but how? There's only one way to fix this.

Kanisha (thought): I'm actually starting to win.

The knights: Ka

(Morgana pulls out a sword with a red aura and bones and she puts it through Kanisha's chest)

(Kanisha looked shocked, looks at the sword, takes it out; and she fell to the ground)

The knights (worried): Kanisha, are you okay?

Conandus: I guess she isn't a witch

The knights: That's what we were trying to tell you.

Morgana (thought): I did it, I pulled the sword of the underworld out, now I can kill Merlin.

(Kanisha sees Morgana flying close and moves Merlin out of the way and gets hit with dark energy)

The knights (worried) (scared): Kanisha, no.

(Kanisha's eyes turn back to normal away from the soulless eyes)

(The screen shows a white void)

A voice: Look another appeared

Kanisha: Wha (opens her eyes) (sees the people)

(Among the people is a woman who has long red hair, white skin, wearing a fluffy hat, long red dress with long sleeves, heels, and holding an closed umbrella named Lizzie)

(There is a man who has short black hair, brown skin, wearing a black suit and shoes named Noah)

(A 16-year-old girl who has black hair with red hair, white skin, wearing a purple shirt, red skirt, purple heels, and red gloves holding a phone named Cupcake)

(An anthropomorphic female white Lion wearing a brown soldier outfit named Jane)

(Each person from a different timeline are shown by their outfits)

Kanisha (gets up): Where am I?

Lizzie: You're in Limbo, not exactly heaven or hell.

Kanisha: Oh, that actually makes sense

Cupcake (taking pictures): Look at her tail, she must be a mutant

Noah: Oh, if that's so, why aren't you in heaven?

Kanisha: Uh, well, I kinda may have killed somebody

The others: Ah!

Noah: That's enough to get you into hell, but that's not enough to get you sent down here even if you didn't want to die (snaps his fingers) immortal soul

Cupcake: O! M! G! You mean like can look young and live forever

Noah: Yes

Jane: I thought you said it's almost impossible to one of those down here

Noah: It is unless you use a weapon from heaven or hell or hell's secret spot: the underworld

Kanisha: Yup, a dagger from the underworld that's what killed me

Jane: Oh, if you knew the weapon why sacrifice yourself

Kanisha: I was helping Merlin and a bunch of knights

Noah: That makes sense, immortal souls are immediately sent here if you were killed

Kanisha: Okay, that's great in all so how do I get out

(Everybody laughs)

Cupcake: You are so cute, a way out

Noah: I would think the gods gave you super intelligence because they only give out immortality nowadays because I know you weren't born in hell or heaven or child of the gods or goddesses

Jane: You never know they just created a girlfriend and got sent here because of a revenge plot

Kanisha: As much as I am flattered by the suggestion I am from Earth and got killed on Earth, technically from a different timeline, but still Earth, so now I am not born from heaven or hell or mount olympus, although that would be awesome (shakes her head) I need to go (heads deeper into the white void)

Lizzie: I wouldn't

Kanisha: I don't see why (tail shakes) (stops herself) oh, if I go in my soul is completely gone and my body is a hollow shell

(The others nodded)

Cupcake: We have (takes a selfie) seen it happen many times before, stubborn people go into there even though we warn them

Kanisha: Fair enough, I guess then I will try another way to get out (tries to open a portal with a purple aura)

(The portal is sealed)

Kanisha: Alright, portals don't work, hmm

(Kanisha combines elements of air, water, earth, and fire and attacks the void)

(Nothing happens)

(Kanisha phases through the void, but ends up back by Cupcake)

(Everybody except Kanisha is watching Kanisha with a bored expression on their face)

Lizzie: Sweetie

Noah: No, I want to see how long she lasts

(Kanisha hits the void with a ball of red aura with black aura)

(The energy blast hits Kanisha)

(Kanisha sends sonic waves, but they get canceled out)

(The screen shows the others watching Kanisha who is on the ground, exhausted)

Lizzie: Dear, are you okay?

Cupcake (texting on her phone): We warned you

Noah: Are you that desperate to go to your human family?

Kanisha: I promised them I would come back, I can't give up (gets up with a yellow aura surrounding her) I won't give up

(A white aura comes out of Kanisha's body which shocks Noah)

Kanisha (eyes closed) (as the white aura comes out of her): Merlin, if possible, get this message so you can give it to one in charge

Noah (thought) (shocked): That's impossible, that aura only could come from an angel, who is this girl

Lizzie (concerned): Noah, what's wrong?

Noah: (shakes his head) (calm) nothing

Lizzie (concerned): Are you sure?

Noah: Yes, but that girl is about to pass out

(Lizzie catches Kanisha)

Cupcake: Is she okay?

Jane (feels Kanisha's pulse): Yup

Lizzie: Good, let's just let her rest

Noah (looks annoyed): Hmmm

Jane (looks at Noah): You got that look of vengeance in your eyes, why she isn't an angel

Noah: That aura it is of angel origin, which I don't know how that is possible

Cupcake: Maybe the great goddess gave her the powers of all

Lizzie: Yeah, wait, how did you know that

Cupcake: It appeared on my phone somehow even though the only thing appears is the last things I looked up before I died

Noah: The great goddess, but she's been dormant for centuries, nobody has heard from her since the Big Bang

Lizzie: Wait! So, you mean

Noah: Yes, she helped create the universe

Lizzie: But, why give her such a gift, she seems so ordinary

(The screen switches to Aunt Stella crying her bed)

Aunt Stella (crying) (while holding a picture frame of Kanisha as a baby): I shouldn't have let her go

Kanisha: Aunt Stella (tries to move, but can't) (looks down and sees ink under her feet) this must be because I'm dead (looks up) please show me the others

(The screen shows Melanie and Nobusawa together)

Melanie (looking sad): I thought she was tougher than that

Nobusawa (looking sad): Poor Stella, I can't believe it

Melanie (looking sad): I didn't even get to fully earn her forgiveness in my opinion

Nobusawa (looking sad): I can't believe I wasn't her friend for long, but I was praying for her to be safe; what even could kill an immortal mutant

Melanie (looking sad): It wasn't a sword, a gun would be too weak, I felt the pain and it was definitely a dagger

Nobusawa (looks at Melanie): How do you know what that feels like?

Melanie (looking sad): We were practice using weapon and I nearly died by a dagger, but got saved by a healing potion

Nobusawa (looking sad): How old were you?

Melanie (looking sad): I was six

Nobusawa (looking sad): Hopefully she is happy in heaven

Melanie (holds Nobusawa's hand): I'm sure, she is

(Tears come from Kanisha's eyes)

(The last screen shows Ren, Tania, the maids, and butlers)

Tania(praying): You better be staying strong

Ren (praying): We wish that you become a guardian angel

The maids and butlers: Rest in peace, Madam Kanisha

(Kanisha is on her floor, filling it with tears)

(The camera shows Kanisha crying in her sleep)

Cupcake (puts her phone down): Poor girl

Lizzie: She must be connecting with her loved ones

Noah: What a weakling

Jane: How rude, you were a mess when you realized you are never going back to heaven

Noah: That was when I first got here

The bride (wiping Kanisha's eyes): Guys, fighting is not going to help

(The bride has blonde hair in a bun, white skins, wearing a viel, white dress, gloves, and heels)

A male criminal: Yeah, it's annoying, more annoying than the fact that I didn't get to kill my ex-wife

(The male criminal has short black hair, light brown skin, wearing a white jumpsuit with black stripes and shoes)

A female criminal: And that I got caught by the queen bitch of me burying my third daughter

(The female criminal has long red hair, light brown skin, wearing a white jumpsuit with black stripes and shoes)

Lizzie: Seriously, if it wasn't for that nuclear bomb, I would question why you two aren't in hell

The criminals (shrug their shoulders): Eh!

Noah: Forget that, if Kanisha has those angelic powers, maybe we can get out

The others (look at Kanisha who is still asleep): Hmmm

(Episode ends)