
A Symbiote in Shingeki No Kyojin

It was the day the titans reached humanity's line of defense— the walls. Titans poured in and devoured many while some survived. But not all were lucky to survive and escape this dilemma. A child that got covered in ruins is slowly dying. Nothing can save his life now. Except, of course, if something like a symbiote from another world comes in and helps him...

Mysterious_God · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Walking down the hallway, both Erwin and Carrion just stayed silent. Of course, unbeknownst to the former, Carrion is speaking to Helix internally

'Helix-san... You said you can heal me, right?' Questioned Carrion

{Pretty much, yeah. Why'd you asked?} Helix sharply replied a bit bored of the walking

'Well... I want to know more about you... You saved me, after all'

{Hmm? Sure... What do you want to know?} Helix just flatly said. There was nothing wrong with doing this in his head

'Really?! Then... Umm... What age are you, Helix-san?' Carrion got excited and accidentally jumped in joy causing Erwin to be confused for a moment

Hearing this question, Helix proudly answered him {Humph! I'll let you gladly know that I am at most 17 years of age! A bonafide youth at his prime!}

'Huh... Helix-san... You're the same age as my older brother...' Carrion pointed out the similarities, although it was just the age coincidence.

{I am? Well, that's neat. I can be your like... Brother figure? How does that sound?} Helix proposed

And for a moment, a shine glimmered in Carrion's eyes as he heard those sincere words from Helix

'REALLY?!' He asked enthusiastically

{Yeah, sure kid. Any other questions?}

'Oh, I know! Umm... What else can you do?' Truly, a child's curiosity knows no bounds.

{I can list a few... Let me see... I can give you superhuman strength and agility? Take over your body if you're in danger... Duplicate myself... And many more that I still haven't tried out yet...} Helix listed

Ever since he woke up, abilities granted by the black humanoid started to surface in his mind to which he was quite surprised at the start.

It was true. When the black humanoid gave Helix power-ups, he gave a bunch of good abilities. Not too overpowered not too weak. Just abilities that can help him and his host

'Dupulicyut? Dupilikeyt? Dupu...' Carrion was having trouble with saying this specific word. It even amused Helix and couldn't help but chuckle

{It's pronounced 'Duplicate', it isn't even that hard to say... I think. As for what it is, I can essentially replicate myself and be planted in someone else. Of course, I still have complete control over my duplicates, kinda like multiple minds.}

{'Now that I've thought about it, will this ability be safe? I mean... I watched Venom: Let there be Carnage back on earth and Carnage was born when Cleetus bit Eddie and got small bits of Venom... Then, with the help of some poison to stimulate the symbiote in Cleetus, Carnage was born... Will that be the same for me? I hope not...'} Silently thought Helix, a bit worried.

{'For now, I'll only conduct tests...'} Helix made a mental note of this.

'Helix-san? Are you still there?' Asked Carrion

Without Helix knowing, he had been in a deep thought and ignored Carrion's questions. So, he and Erwin are now at a dining table with a plate in front of him.

{O-Oh yeah... What's up?} Replied Helix, coming out of his thought

'Well... There's a scary man with scary eyes looking at me...' Carrion said, a bit scared.

{What do you mean? Can you look around so I can see them?} Helix said as he wanted to know who the 'scary man' is.

Carrion then looked behind and Helix saw a person with short, straight black hair styled in an undercut curtain, as well as narrow, intimidating dull gray eyes with dark circles under them and a deceptively youthful face.

He is quite short, but his physique is well-developed. He is currently frowning making it difficult for others to guess what he is thinking.

He is sitting on a far table sipping on a tea while staring intently at Carrion.

{'That's...'} Helix thought, obviously knowing who it is.

{'Levi Ackerman?'} He added

'Helix-san... Why is he staring at me...?' Asked Carrion

{... Don't mind the short guys... Short people typically have a bad temper, so this guy must be too. Just ignore him for now...} Helix gave his own opinion to Carrion

Erwin, however, saw Carrion's gaze at the peculiar menacing man at the corner.

"Levi, stop that, the kid is getting uncomfortable..." Erwin said, sensing the mood

Levi didn't answer back and just drank his tea while reading something.

Seeing this, Erwin just sighed and told Carrion "Don't worry too much about him. Just eat because I have some questions for you later, is that fine?"

Hearing this, Carrion consisted Helix for some help 'Helix-san, what do I do? Should I answer his questions?'

{Yeah, it's fine. Just don't expose me tho}

"Y-Yes... It's fine..." Carrion stuttered a bit

Seeing this, Erwin nodded and left the cafeteria to let Carrion ease himself with the surroundings

Seeing the stray food in front of him, Carrion started eating it slowly because it was hot. It was a simple meal but to him, it was delicious

Seeing Carrion eat, Helix got curious about something

{'Now that I've thought about it... Does the AoT world have chocolate? As a symbiote, I need a substance called Phenethylamine, which is a substance produced in the human brain or chocolates...'}

Right now, Helix is worried about his daily needs such as the substance mentioned before.

{'As for eating brains... I don't feel comfortable with that. As a former human, I can't just go around eating people's brains just because I turned to something else... That's just stupid.'}

While eating his food, Carrion asked Helix once more 'Helix-san... Can I ask something?'

Hearing this, Helix temporarily let go of his thought and responded to Carrion

{Sure kid, what's up?}

'Well... I was wondering... Are there others like you? Like... Your family? And why is your name Helix? What does it mean? Ah, no! I didn't mean that to sound bad or anything...'

Hearing this, Helix chuckled internally as he sees the naïveness of the child

{That's it? Not much of a difficult question... Alright! For your first question, no, I don't have any families and I doubt there are others like me; I am Unique! Second, my name came from the shape called Helix which is the shape of the DNA of a person!}

Helix explained, but he then sensed the confusion in Carrion so he added,

{Oh wait, I'm not sure if you could understand the last part, just think of it as my name came from a shape!}

'Your name means a shape? That's weird... Hehe' Carrion giggled

{Maybe it is? Haha!} Helix dryly laughed

{'Yeah, I'm not gonna tell this kid what the real meaning of my name is... It might scare him... As it is connected to my most dangerous ability'} Silently thought Helix

* * *

After Carrion finished eating, Erwin appeared in the cafeteria again and escorted him out to ask him questions regarding what happened before he fell asleep. Although the chances of extracting information from a mere child are more challenging than that of an adult, they're willing to try.