
A swordsman in TBATE

As usual, A man reincarnated in TBATE because of a god and he asked for some wishes. The story will start 30 years before canon because I want the MC to have strength to face the Asuras. I prefer a MC who Gets stronger not because of plot armor but, because of efforts. So, yeah. The MC will be genderbend but it doesn't affect the story in any way. I knows that my writing quality sucks. So, please feel free to drop if you don't like it. But, if you do, drop some comment about what I did wrong.

Embra · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 6

??? P.O.V

A few minutes later, we have finished treating ourselves with the medicinal plants around the cave and the glass building beside it. How do we even call it? A garden? But, most of the plants here are vegetables. How does this even work? I don't see any artifacts around. Can this be a new way of agriculture?

"My lady!! Please come look here." (Aya)

Aya hurriedly calls over from the entrance of the glass building while I was inspecting the vegetables in it. Looking at her, she seems some good thing as her face is practically beaming. Anyway, when I follow Aya, who excitable takes me into the cave, I found that the first room is a place to study with bookshelves and a huge desk. Further in, I saw a beautiful kitchen with cooking wares placed neatly. But, Aya invites me further into the bathroom where there is a little pool in the middle of the room and Alea is already ready beside the pool with some bucket.

"You two, what have you done? Let's get out of here! what if the owner saw and get angry?" (???)

I was immersed in the neat and clean style of this place that, I didn't notice that I come into another person's house without permission. I can't believe them. How could they act like they own the place while there is no owner? I taught them better than this!!

But, before I could get seriously angry, Aya shows me a paper that looks thick enough to be mistaken as a scroll. She was also being nervous while handing me that, maybe because of my scolding earlier. I better calm down and ask them why are they doing this before scolding them. *sigh* I got a little impatient.

"U-Um, m-my lady, W-We saw this letter on the desk. It says that we are free to use this cave as long as we don't destroy it. That's why we come in here." (Aya)

"..what?" (??)

I hurriedly take the letter as I can't believe what Aya is saying. After all, who would generously invite intruders to his home without a motive behind it. This is really suspicious. But, my worries kinda reduce a bit because of the handwriting on the letter which honestly looks like scribbles and it is written like this.

""TO whoever reading this letter, You are welcome to my humble adobe.

You are free to read books, eat whatever in the kitchen, and take a bath.

Just, don't sleep on my bed, and steal or destroy any of my things.

I would get really angry if you do this.

So, chill, I mean, stay comfortable till I come back from a hunt.

BTW, you are free to take the medicinal plants and vegetables from the greenhouse too.

Just don't destroy them or make it looks like a group of animals ravaged there when you are done.

Or I will really get angry.

Oh, and if you are here to steal or savage whatever you see in here, DON'T.

Let's negotiate when I come back.

From, child of nature, Enma""


A chuckle escapes my mouth when I finish reading the letter because of its hilarious written style and how childish it sounds. The scribbling, aka unique handwriting, is also not helping either. Maybe, just maybe, the owner is not a monster but, someone who is approachable at the very least, or I hope so.

"Child of nature, Enma, huh?" (???)

"Yes. We have already checked this whole cave using my sound magic and Alea's magic. There are no traps here. Though there are some hidden things, it may be because he or she doesn't want us to show us. But, we assure you, there are no traps." (Aya)

"Yes, my lady. The water here is also cool and it seems it is directly connected to a stream nearby. I have already checked with my water magic. This water is pure." (Alea)

Looking at them, I can see that they are tired from the constant running and wants to take a bath. *sigh* Why was I unusually tense? Is it because I got ambushed in this beast glades while no one is supposed to know my presence here? Or is it because this is an unknown place with an owner whose strength may be far superior to us?

I rub the bridge of my nose to calm my rising headache and takes a deep breath to calm my mind. Get a grip, Thalia! They are also equally tense and tired mentally as me. What use is there to make it tenser?!

"... I am sorry you two. I was a little bit impatient... Alright, let's clean ourselves quickly. We need to be presentable in case the owner comes back" (Thalia)

""!! Yes, my lady!!"" (Alea and Aya)

After cleaning ourselves, which took longer as we all wanted to just submerge ourselves in the pool but hold back, we come out to the kitchen from where the smell of grilled meat is coming from. Instantly, our guard went up because now we realize that, the owner has come back.

Damn it, I wanted us to be presentable in front of the cave but, who would have thought that the owner would come back first. I make eye contact with Alea and Aya to convey to them my meaning of not being hostile and I come out to greet the owner after checking that I am at least presentable.

"Thank you for waiting for us to finish the bath. I do not mean to intrude on your place but, circumstances force us. Can you please hear us out?" (Thalia)

Though I politely greeted the owner with a calm demeanor, I am shocked to see a child grilling the meat. The child turns around to show her adorable face and smiles lightly while gesturing to the stools which I am sure were not there before. They are made with wood, so did she make it right before we come here from the bath?

"Oh, hello there. You guys must be hungry, right? Take a seat there. I am almost finished." (Owner)

Sensing no ill-intent, we decided to sit on the stools with a counter in front of us. It looks a bit like a bar like those human shops. Is she a human? Is she connected with the humans who attack us? So many questions and suspicious situations that, I tried to sense her mana and I was surprised. Her core level is just light red. An impressive feat for a child but, what is more, impressive is that her body is not giving an opening. It is not because she is taking a stance or something.

It is just an aura surrounding her that tells everyone who wants to attack her that, she has no opening. I have only met that kind of aura in my husband and other veteran generals. She is definitely a skilled fighter, dangerously skilled fighter. All three of us perceived that fact even though we ourselves are not skilled fighters. We share a glance again and decided not to takes our guard down, even though an opponent is a child, at most around ten years old.

But, contrary to us who are tensed and had our guard up, the child in front of us just ignore us and serve us some grilled meat with pineapple while smiling like an innocent child. Even with our elven eyes, we could not see any poisonous herb being used on the meat itself. And coupled with the fact that we are hungry and the smell of meat is mouth-watering, we decided to eat first, as the child says.

"Here you go, dear guests. Grilled Wolf meat and pineapple freshly picked from the field. Let's enjoy ourselves first. We can talk later." (Owner)