
A swordsman in TBATE

As usual, A man reincarnated in TBATE because of a god and he asked for some wishes. The story will start 30 years before canon because I want the MC to have strength to face the Asuras. I prefer a MC who Gets stronger not because of plot armor but, because of efforts. So, yeah. The MC will be genderbend but it doesn't affect the story in any way. I knows that my writing quality sucks. So, please feel free to drop if you don't like it. But, if you do, drop some comment about what I did wrong.

Embra · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 1


White, White all around.

This scene feels familiar like those in the fanfic. Well, seeing that there is no one here let's recall things.

My name is ..., don't remember anymore. What the ..., I also don't remember the faces and names of my family members and friends anymore.

What The Hell??? ... wait.

I still vaguely remember that I was a computer technician of a company and things that happened there are a little bit fuzzy but, my knowledge about anime and mangas and other knowledge are easy to recall.


That is a bit of a relief to be able to recall something after being killed because of mighty bus-sama. Yep, folks, I for one died because of a drunk bus driver. *sigh*

But my death aside, Is this kind of thing usual in here? If I don't remember my name or anything that associates with me, am I still me...?

"Yes, you are still you, $#@%€€"

A voice of an old man suddenly echoed in this room? space? And, an old man with a long beard can be seen sitting on a white pristine throne right in front of me. How the f did I not see him.. wait

"ODIN from MCU??? What?"

"Oh, Is that what you see me as? Well, that doesn't matter. Some saw me in the appearance of 'Morgan freeman' and some even saw me as ' Keanu Reeves '. *sigh* My appearance doesn't matter. Just call me ROB. Now, let's focus on you. You are chosen because of your positive karma. An average 35-years old mortal, whose life is so bland that there is little to no negative karma.

So, you are deemed worthy to be given a second chance. Now, you have five wishes. Thank carefully. Oh and, you can't wish for OP power at front."

Five wishes, huh? I don't remember doing many good deeds but, whatever. Let's take what I get. Better not complain to him and be sent to hell or whatever. Now, which world should I go to? One piece? Naruto? Hm... But, there are already many fanfics about that already. So, let's choose something new. Something the author will have difficulty in writing it.

(AN: Can you not break the 4th wall just at the start of the story?)

Shut up and write properly.

Now, which world... Hm. Oh right, there is a new novel I just finished reading a month ago, right? If I am not wrong, it should be called, 'The beginning After the End'. Though the novel is not finished yet, let's go to that world. It is a relatively safe world as long as you do not go to dangerous places. Ok. Let's choose that world. For the wishes, let's see, a strong body and a quiet place to get stronger would be good, right?

Muahahaha, finally time to fulfill my dream.

"Um. Mr.ROB, I wish to be reincarnated in TBATE with the strongest physical body a mortal can get in that world."

"Ho? The strongest you say? Alright. 1st wish granted. What is the 2nd?"

YoshAAA... Now, with the strongest body granted, the strongest techniques are a must. But, whose technique should I get? Hm. Among my favorite characters, Meliodas is the first. Then, Madara, Zoro, Mihawk, Ichigo, and there are many characters whose techniques, skill, and power I wanted. Hm... Whatever, let's go with the strongest character but, not OP, at least I hope. He is not as powerful as Goku or the likes.

"For the 2nd wish, Can I wish for Meliodas's power and skill?"

"No. His power as a Demon King is too powerful for that world. Besides, if you possess the power of darkness, you would not escape the eyes of the powerful beings of that world. And, last but not least, there would be some big consequences if I reincarnated you as a demon. Well, if you don't want those, you can use a wish though. DO you want it?"

Ah... Ok. That is definitely a no. I don't want to catch the attention of Asuras or whatever higher beings of that world till I am on a white core stage. Yep. That is a big no. So, whose power should I wish for? hm...

"If you are undecided, I have a suggestion. Want to hear it?"

"A suggestion? Please do tell."

"Alright. The first option is to choose the fighting experience of three of your favorite characters, which will not include their power or personal memories but, purely fighting experience using roulette.

The second option is to get all the power and skills of one character, also using roulette. Of course, there will be a consequence of being alerted to powerful beings of that world if the power is something like Meliodas' unless you use a wish for that.

So, how's that?"

Oh, drawing lots, huh? Why not? Let's go for the first one. Regardless of whose skill I get, it is better than getting the attention of the powerful beings who can kill me with a thought.

"That was an excellent suggestion and I would like to take the former option."

"Here you go then. *snap*"

Odin, I mean, ROB snaps his finger and a giant wheel of roulette appears beside him with the names on it. Just from the first look, I saw many of my favorite characters such as 'Uchia Madara', 'Yamamoto Genryusai', 'Gojo Satoru', and many other OP characters. And, of course, there are also some not-so-powerful character names like 'Satou Kazuma'.

TBH, I would become a farmer or something if I got Kazuma's power. Not gonna lie, I like Kazuma's character but, his skill??? Not so much. So, I am desperately praying to every god, deities, and Buddha to give me something useful because My whole future will depend on this roulette.

*start the roulette*

Please give me something useful at least, please...

Oh... OOHHH... YES. YES. YES. Man, I would already be dancing like crazy if I was not in the form of a white ball in this white space because one name was chosen in the roulette. The character is one of the powerful antagonists or more like the middle boss of an anime.

'''Upper Moon One - Kokushibo'''

I am definitely not complaining. The guy is someone who has been honing his sword skills for 400 something years. Besides, he alone overwhelmed three hashiras with the marks. That alone speaks of his sheer power and skills. Yep. I hit jackpot. It seems my luck is still good even after death. Yosh, Let's not waste this chance and draw two characters at once.

*Roulette starts again*

... I want to slap my previous stupid ass for thinking that I will hit jackpot all three times. I mean, I have no problem with the skills of these two characters but, *sigh* There is no going back now. So, let's get this over with. I will leave the future problem to the future me. Btw, the two names the roulette chose are

'''Kirukiru AMOU'''

'''Twin-winged Edelweiss'''

One is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and the other is skilled in the sword, evident by her title of 'strongest swordsman in the world'. I am definitely not whining. Yep. I will take what I get even though I have no idea whether I will be able to use their skills to the fullest in a male body. After all, I am just an otaku. Not some martial art expert.

"That settles it, isn't it. So, for your second wish, you will get the fighting experience and knowledge of those three characters. Now, what will be your third wish?"

Hm, now that I have got the strongest body and skills, I might need a weapon, right? Then, what will I need? No, more than that, what do I want to do in that world? To become strongest and fight side by side with the main character against the powerful beings? No, that is not it. What I want is a life where I can do whatever I want without minding the consequences. Good, now I know what will be my last three wishes.

"For my third wish, I want a safe place in the Beast glades where I don't have to worry about the strong beasts. And, for my fourth wish, I want to be able to use Mana/chakra/Qi techniques of other animes like Black clover and Naruto. Lastly, I want a support system like an AI for 'Swords and Magic' world version."


Oh, dear. Odin, I mean, Mr.ROB is staying silent. Was it too much or something? But, I didn't ask for OP power like 'reality change' or something, right? Come on, please say something. Your silence is killing me.

After years of thinking, which was a minute or two in real time, Odin speaks

"Alright. I will grant all of your wishes. But, don't you think you are missing something? like a weapon or so? A support system will not have a 'Shop' Function. So, where will you get a strong weapon in that world? *Grin*"

I... I have a very, ver, terrible feeling seeing the grin on his face. I don't know what he is plotting but, he had a point. I mean, what will be the use of the skills of those three characters if I don't have a strong weapon to use it. Damn. I admit. That was my mistake. But, I really, really don't like the grin on his face.

"You are on point, Mr.ROB. I need a strong weapon. But, I think I have used all my five wishes. Would you like to give me an extra one?"

"No. It will be an exchange. I will give you a strong weapon, strong in mortal terms. But, you will have to pay a price. In the form of a curse or so. But, as you have wished for the strongest mortal body, the curse will not be something that will affect your health or something. So, what do you say? Will you take it? *Grin* "

Yep, I hate that grin. It is really frustrating though. I am very sure, he will not tell me what the curse is. But, I really hope it is not something like 'Not being able to make your Lil bro stand' or something. If so, I am employing my 'world annihilation plan which I drew in my middle school.

F***. The offer is really tempting. Is this guy secretly, a devil? Gosh, I can't even call the police or file a complaint. The worst that could happen to me is becoming the strongest mana beast or something, right? *sigh*... Fuck it. Let's take it. At least, with a weapon, I can be sure that I will have limbs to hold it.

"Then, I would like to take your offer. May I ask for a large broad sword?"

"Yes. I will design it like Meliodas' sword when he was the leader of the commandments. It is at the top of your 'coolest weapon' list, anyway."

"Thanks. That would be fantastic."

"Haha. Good. Now I know where to reincarnate you but, when do you wish to reincarnate?"

"Ah right. I would like to be the strongest before the canon starts. So, I would like to reincarnate to about 30 years before canon starts."

"Alright. Now, off you go."


With a snap of his finger, my vision starts to brighten up and it didn't take long for me to lose my consciousness. Now, in the world where your mana core decides your life, I am going to be reincarnated with the fighting skills of the anime characters. But, I am not worried. I will become the strongest in terms of physical and magical means before the main character fight with the powerful beings. Maybe I will even bully him a little when he is still weak. Hehehee. Regardless of what happens in the future, I will use the time given to me to the fullest potential and get stronger. In my next life, there shall be no more paying-for-bills, or rents, or no more getting-scolded-by-superiors. I refuse to be just an average Joe. I will be the strongest and no one will be able to look down on me.