
It's You Who Are Fated to Be (38)

Audrey narrowed her eyes as she looked at those cars.

Were they going to besiege her?

Audrey sneered and suddenly stepped on the accelerator under her feet. The car then quickly sped out like an arrow.

The cars following behind Audrey immediately stepped on the accelerator to catch up with Audrey's car when they saw that.

But she was too fast. They simply could not catch up. They could only watch as Audrey's car disappeared from their sight.

One of the drivers slammed the steering wheel in anger.

"Fuck, this woman is good at driving."

The voice of one of his fellows came in his earpiece immediately, "Boss, as far as I know, there is no road ahead. When that woman gets there, she can move forward."

"Alright, then let's continue chasing!"

After a while, they reached a road that had been surrounded by fences as it was under repair. Audrey's car was parked on the side of the road.

They immediately got out of the car to check Audrey's car.

But Audrey wasn't in the car.