
It's You Who Are Fated to Be (34)

Nell opened her mouth and wanted to eat the fish, but the smell made her uncomfortable.

In the end, she put the fish back and retched at the table.

James immediately held her arm and looked worriedly at Nell's pale face. "Nell, are you okay?"

Nell shook her head. "I'm fine, but today's fish has a strong smell."

Strong smell?

James, who had also eaten fish, did not feel the smell.

While looking at Nell's reaction, James suddenly realized something.

James suddenly smiled when he saw Nell sitting on the chair tiredly.

Seeing James' smile, Nell glared at him angrily.

"I feel so terrible right now, and you're laughing!" Nell stroked her chest to ease her discomfort.

James handed over a cup of warm water to her. Nell took the cup and took a sip. Then her stomach felt a little better.

"Nell, I asked you to go to the hospital for a check-up. Did you go?" James suddenly asked Nell mysteriously.