
A Sweet Girl Won’t Be Fooled and Lose Her Mind by the Villainess

A wealthy young man from a wealthy family was turned into a poor girl named Ifia. A system then gave her a choice. 【Save the World】 or 【To be in a relationship with the villainess】 Compared to the heavy responsibility of saving the world, the villainess Amelia is a cold and beautiful woman with silver hair and purple eyes. As long as Ifia can deal with this rich woman, she can happily live a carefree life. Every second of hesitation for Ifia feels like a betrayal to herself. Later on, Ifia successfully captures Amelia’s heart. She was held in the arms of the villainess and kissed, preventing her from destroying the world. Then, seeing the devil’s horns and tail sprout out of her head, she finally understood the system’s language trap. She suppresses the desire to end it all with the system. There is still a chance to be saved now, she must escape!!! It's a translation !!

SleepySmile · Book&Literature
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62 Chs

Chapter 16

"talking" (Mc to system) [System]

Ifia didn't immediately set off. After confirming the location with the person who knocked on her door, she opened her wardrobe to change her clothes for a disguise.


The incident in the classroom today, where she was innocently implicated, sounded an alarm for her. As long as she gets close to the female lead and her group, misfortune seems to follow. Even if she wants to enjoy the gossip, she can't let herself be unlucky!


Before coming to Pulis Academy, Ifia bought nice clothes on the first day and for the next two days, she wore plain, unassuming men's clothing along with a flaxen wig.


Perhaps it was due to her previous habits, but after putting on pants, Ifia walked even more masculinely than some guys.


There was no unnatural transition between genders. Back in the dark physician's clinic, Ifia playfully teased a pretty girl, making her burst into laughter. However, in the next moment, Ifia was almost chased down the street by a burly man with arms twice as thick as her legs.


In the end, it was the girl who scolded her, preventing her from having her legs broken or being attacked.


So, despite looking delicate and rosy, no one thought she was a girl. At most, they found this guy unusually cute.


Lacking any trace of masculine energy.


Thinking back to the perilous moment before, Ifia quickly finished changing into her disguise. She then put on a light brown baseball cap, raised the brim to cover most of her face, and immediately transformed into an ordinary boy.


Even if Irene stood in front of her, she wouldn't recognize her.


Apart from attending classes, Pulis Academy doesn't restrict students' dress during other times. The nobles dress flamboyantly, akin to peacocks, while common students typically rotate through a few outfits.


Ifia's current attire is very ordinary, absolutely not attracting the slightest attention.


With everything ready, Ifia quickly left the dormitory, feeling excited like a spectator at a spectacle.


"Ronnie, have you forgotten all our years of friendship? Now, you are hitting me for the sake of Britney, sob, sob, Ronnie, you're so heartless."


Just as she arrived at the destination, Ifia heard Fiona's voice.


Just like Ifia, many gossip enthusiasts had gathered, forming a circle. Curious individuals craned their necks to get a better view, as if watching a free movie, only missing popcorn and sunflower seeds.


This place wasn't far from the dormitory building, and the onlookers were all common students.


There were no nobles in sight, probably feeling too embarrassed or simply uninterested!


In the crowd, Ifia was jostled around. She raised her hand to hold onto her baseball cap, preventing it from falling off. She pushed through the crowd, finally able to see the scene inside… the familiar trio of Irene and her friends were there, along with a tall and slim unfamiliar man, presumably Fiona's ex-boyfriend, Ronnie.


The one who was exploited by Britney, the aristocrat of the same class.


Ronnie was tall but somewhat slender. His face could be described as delicate, without any noticeable handsome features that would explain why Fiona was still infatuated with him.


Compared to him, Prince Carloy, who was blind-eyed, was far more good-looking.


"Fiona, don't cry for now, absolutely do not agree to his demands."


"Yeah, even after breaking up, you come to your ex-girlfriend to borrow money! Ronnie, have you really lost all sense of shame, or is it that spending time with nobles turns you into a dog, devoid of morals and decency!"


Irene and George sided with Fiona. As words of comfort turned into accusations against Ronnie's shamelessness, Ronnie, however, remained stoic, his expression unchanged.


He looked at Fiona with eyes filled with sorrow, his mouth forming a bitter smile that seemed to hold numerous unspoken struggles. Before he could say anything, Fiona broke down.


Breaking free from Irene's grasp, she staggered and ran to Ronnie, crying, "Ronnie, you still love me, right? It's just Britney forcing you. Don't be afraid, Pulis Academy isn't owned by the Britney family. As long as we get back together, no difficulty can overcome us."


In the crowd, Ifia was left speechless.


Good grief, this is top-tier romance brain!


How many years of experience does it take to be unable to hold onto even the main character, Irene?


Ifia glanced at Irene again, seeing her frowning with a gloomy expression. Her gaze towards Fiona lost some warmth, and impatience started to show.


It's better to study than to meddle in other people's affairs.


If Fiona listened to advice and intervened, that would be fine, but the key point was that she wasn't listening at all.


Due to their friendship, Irene couldn't simply turn and leave. She felt even more annoyed now. She didn't bother looking at Fiona and Ronnie. Instead, she lifted her head and scanned the surrounding crowd, not finding her roommate Ifia.


Being able to get into Pulis Academy, Irene wasn't a foolish person.


Britney's sudden troublemaking and Ronnie's uninvited appearance both seemed to carry the scent of conspiracy. After considering various possibilities, Irene eventually narrowed down the suspicion to Ifia.


It wasn't difficult to guess. Britney disliked beautiful girls, and Ifia was very attractive enough. Britney's bet with Fiona was probably an attempt to drive Ifia away. In doing so, Britney must have made other preparations, making it difficult for Ifia to secure the top spot in the upcoming exams.


Regardless of the outcome, Irene was determined not to leave the academy!


As for why Ronnie was sent to ask Fiona for money, it was probably to cut off Ifia's retreat. If Fiona asked Ifia for money, even if Ifia didn't want to lend it, she might still do so to avoid being excluded from their small group.


Fiona, on the other hand, just asked for a large sum directly!


Britney would use this opportunity to take Ifia's money, and later, when she tried to force Ifia out of Pulis Academy, she would make sure Ifia lost a significant amount.


It could be said to be a cunning and poisonous scheme.


Although Irene sympathized with Ifia getting involved in the conflict, once it concerned herself, she had no sympathy for anyone.


In crucial moments, one only needed to consider oneself. After this matter was resolved, she planned to distance herself from Fiona.


Fiona, with her unclear mind and a tendency to hold grudges against others.


It wasn't an issue before, but continued contact now could likely lead to trouble.


However, even though Irene had a suspicion of Britney's scheming, she didn't stop others from going to find Ifia. Instead, she observed from a distance.


If they thwarted Britney's plans, there might be other sinister moves in the future.


However, being just roommates didn't warrant her taking a stand.


Nevertheless, Irene had already seen the person who went to call Ifia back, but Ifia hadn't come.


"Fiona, it's okay if you don't have the money. I'll borrow from someone else."


Unable to locate Ifia, while a new complication unfolded on Fiona's end, Ronnie didn't respond directly to Fiona's request for reconciliation. Instead, he turned around with a disappointed and dejected expression, prompting Fiona to immediately cry and hug Ronnie's arm, urgently saying, "I'll borrow, I'll borrow. Ronnie, don't leave. I'll get the money right now."


Wiping away her tears, Fiona turned to Irene and George. Though she didn't express it directly, her facial expression revealed everything.


She needed to borrow money from them.


Seeing this, Irene's expression became even more unpleasant, mirroring George's disapproval.


The desire to disappear on the spot made Ifia, among the onlookers, feel fortunate.


Damn, thank goodness she's clever!


If she had come over without disguising herself to watch the excitement, she would have become the spectacle in the eyes of others.


"Where's Ifia? She should have money, enough for Ronnie to use."


Unexpectedly, George, usually silent and reserved, spoke up, directly mentioning Ifia's name.


What a move to stir up trouble in the east!!!