
A survivor's life in the dungeon. (Danmachi fanfic)

witness the journey of a man who lost everything, as he dives in the dungeon for strength and power. will he succumb to the dangers that he'll face, or will he persevere and find what he's looking for, be it revenge or closure that's for him to decide. . . . . . Hey, I'm writing my very first fanfic, I'll write this story as realistic as I can, so no overpowered MC, he'll be strong, but not in an overpowered kind of strong. I hope y'all like it, and please leave comments and feedback so that I may improve the writing of the fanfic, and it will be deeply appreciated. this fanfic will be dark, themes of death, violence, gore, and other dark stuff, so reader discretion is advised.

TheManCandy · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 91 The aftermath of the battle

With a primal roar, August unleashed the extreme magic inside Beowulf. Like the smite of the gods, lightning crackled inside the primal spear as it beamed straight towards the creature. A flash of red light erupted as a deafening, thunderous boom shook the air.

The spear traveled true, a beam of red flew straight towards the heart of the creature, scorching the very air as everything in its path seemed to make way for the spear to connect.

The red lightning formed into a wolf, pouncing towards its prey, bringing nothing but death, like the predator that it is.

The spear made contact, straight to the core of the creature; it didn't even pose any resistance. The red lightning erupted inside the creature, destroying everything within, its skin charred as the unending volts and mana bombarded.

It embedded itself into the ground, passing through the abomination like it was nothing; the spear encountered no resistance from the creature's tough skin.

The deafening roar of the crimson lightning subsided, leaving behind an eerie silence that settled over the city of Orario. The air was thick with the scent of burnt ozone and lingering magic, a testament to the cataclysmic battle that had just taken place. August stood amidst the aftermath, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. His eyes, once filled with determination, now held a mix of exhaustion and something deeper, something primal. But it soon vanished as the mana inside his body started to disappear all too quickly.

The magic Endless battle had now come to an end with the death of the creature; every ounce of pain, fatigue, and mana exhaustion assaulted August.

The once-terror that had plagued the city now lay motionless, its body charred and lifeless. The red beam of destruction had struck true, piercing its heart with unerring accuracy. The threat was finally over, but the cost had been immense.






The gods could feel their skin crawling; all they could do was stand still, unmoving, as the fear slowly subsided. It was surreal; never did they think they would feel the dread and despair of a Theïkó óplo releasing its extreme magic.

The remnant of the mana clung in the air; a touch of it made the gods want to vomit at how sinister the mana was—for them—.

Hades was the first to move; he could no longer feel the presence of the creature. He gulped and quickly ordered his familia—who were also glued to the ground—to hurriedly check on the amphitheater.

This made Buddha and Thor snap as well. Using all of their natural speed, the two gods dashed towards the amphitheater to see if their blood brother survived.

They too felt the magic that was released by the primal spear. They were worried that the god-killing weapon may have also claimed the life of Heracles along with the creature.

The gods rushed to the scene, their divine senses stretched to the limit, searching for any trace of Heracles amidst the aftermath. Hades' familia was the first to reach the amphitheater; their eyes widened in shock at the devastation before them. The once-mighty creature lay in a smoldering heap, its body a testament to the sheer power of Beowulf's extreme magic.

And they found August, standing still and unmoving, and Heracles just staring at his child with a grimace on his face. August's eyes had no light in them; his breathing was faint, and his face had this sunken, pale look.

Heracles moved shakily towards his child; every step was painful as the wound in his left leg squirted out blood at every move he made. The god stopped in front of his child.

August looked at his god with a shaky voice; he spoke. "I-I did it... Old man." He coughed blood as he fell forward, Heracles catching him by his chest.

"You did good, boy," Heracles muttered as he looked back, only to see the dumbfounded faces of the adventurers and gods who rushed towards the amphitheater when they could no longer feel the mana of the creature.

"H-he did it..." Gareth stuttered, his eyes wide open as he stared at the creature's lifeless corpse. It was charred and mangled, with whiffs of smoke and black tar oozing out of its body. "The lad really did it."

The other adventurers started to feel the emotions of triumph wash over their bodies; the abomination lay lifeless on the ground, no longer exuding the sinister mana that threatened to devour everything in Orario.

It all started with one, then two, cascading into every adventurer as they cried and cheered; they had survived, first from the attack of Evilus, and now, from the abomination.

But not everyone was cheering in joy. Heracles looked at August, a melancholic look on his face; he could feel August's heartbeat starting to slow, the coldness creeping up his child's body.

Heracles knew that this was the price August had paid for; now it was all up to his child on how he would survive this, or if he could survive this.






August's body felt light, like he was floating in the air; there was a serene quiet buzzing in his ear. This sensation was all too familiar for him now.

"Beowulf?" He looked around while he called for its name. "What's this? Why am I here again?"

"Hello, master..." He could hear its voice, digging deep inside his core; he could feel his bones vibrating at the sound of its deep growling voice. "It seems that you're alive... For now at least."

August felt a bit taken aback by its words. "Alive? Of course I am." He snapped his head, trying to look for where it was. "Show yourself!"

"What's the rush, my master? We have plenty of time here." Beowulf's voice echoed behind him. He quickly turned only to see the endless blackness of the abyss. "Or did you forget what I said?"

"What game is this?!" His voice gained volume; he was starting to get pissed.

"No games... This is merely a byproduct of your actions. I've warned you, didn't I... That your body wouldn't be able to handle my power as it is." A low laugh shook the dark abyss as its voice continued to assault him from every direction. "As I said. There is a price... There is always a price."

August couldn't answer; yes, it had warned him, but at that moment, if he had to choose again, he would still do it. It was the only way to kill that abomination.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, remembering the teachings of the old man. He needed to calm his mind. "So... What happens now?" He asked. "Are you going to take my body now?"

"Silly boy... You're still too weak for me to reap." He felt a tingle at the back of his neck as its words left a bitter taste in his mouth. Weak... That word had been thrown around so many times today. First it was Ottar who called him weak, then it was Finn as he urged him to leave along with the evacuees.

Anger started to rise inside him; he hated that word. He chuckled as his voice gained volume without him knowing. "I am not weak!" He said with anger laced in his voice.

"Your performace would say otherwise," Beowulf said amused; it felt like it was mocking him. "Let me remind you that you were useless in today's event... You were useless against that Cain person, useless against that semi-immortal bastard. So useless that the adventurers even sent you away because you would become a liability if you stayed."

A pair of golden eyes opened in front of him; he felt small compared to the majesty that those eyes held. "It was your fault that the creature was unleashed. The death of everyone there was because you failed to kill a person that was so weak he couldn't even put up a fight."

It grinned, revealing canine teeth that shone through the darkness of the abyss, chains rattling in the background could be heard as August could feel Beowulf moving closer towards him. He was but a speck of dust in front of it.

"And at the end of the day... After telling me that you won't rely on my power again, that you would find your own strength. That you would make me your own. What did you do?" He looked down, his face crumpled as he clenched his fist in anger. "You begged for my strength, you asked for it. You were the one who called on me. Face it, August... You need me."

"...." August couldn't muster a word; he looked up to see it looking down at him, like a child. Its golden eyes gleamed in the darkness of the abyss, like the sun in the night.

"What's this? No witty comeback? No answer? Pathetic!" Its voice growled in anger.

It closed its eyes as the world returned to darkness; the only thing that could be seen were stars in the endless abyss. A product of him breaking the first chain, or at least that's what it said to him.

"Now you may be wondering, why you're here? The answer is simple. You will stay here until I say you're ready, and you will learn how to properly use me. The god trained you well... But he has not trained you enough."

Its words caught him off guard. After all that, it suddenly would offer to train him. "Why?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Isn't it obvious? As talented as you are, You still don't know how to properly use my power. The event of today proved it...." It paused and continued. "And I can feel something big coming. For the first time since the age of heroes, multiple Theïkó óplo are unsealed and claimed."

"You mean the prince and that grey hair guy?" August asked.

"Yes... We were sealed after all. Ganesha is just stupid enough not to recognize the power within me when his familia dug me up." He released a soft chuckle as he reminisced on how he became unsealed. "but now 3 theïkó óplos are active. Which can only mean one thing..."

"The age of heroes would be returning, and a great war would be coming, a war that would pull the gods, mortals, and monsters into the fray. And you... You need to be ready for it."

August's heart raced at the information Beowulf revealed. He gulped and tried to calm himself down. "H-how can you be so sure?"

"Primal instincts."






Erebus's heart raced; he and the members of his familia had gotten quite far away from the city but he could still feel the aftermath of August's extreme magic.

There was a prickly sensation crawling up his skin, as crazy as he is, he is still a god and is not immune from the fear that the Theïkó óplo released.

Not to mention, he felt another one back in the city. A crippling fear that seems to burn him from the inside.

He breathed heavily as Ari supported his figure; he had to make sure none of his other children are present to see him in this state. He had a reputation to protect, and Ari was the only member of his familia that he trusted completely. After all, the girl was extremely infatuated with him, and would die if he so ordered it.

"There was another one in Orario?" Erebus mused as a smile slowly formed on his face. Two theïkó óplo were a coincidence, but now that it was three, it could only mean one thing. And it made Erebus salivate at the prospect of it... Chaos would be coming to the lower worlds. And it was something that he craved.

"Ari... Send a message to the others." Erebus ordered with a smile on his face. "Tell them to prepare their familias... We are going to war."

"Consider it done, my lord." Ari bowed and sank into the shadows; her destination was the other gods of Evilus. They had dealt a massive blow in Orario, something that they could take advantage of.

In Orario, Marius had an ugly look on his face; he felt humiliated as he was toyed with by the level 7 Cain. Not only that, someone he viewed as trash had unleashed something beyond his understanding.

"FUCKING TRASH!!! ONLY I HAVE THE RIGHT TO HOLD THIS POWER!!!" Marius gripped the sword on his side. His aura was dangerous as a cold air followed his wake.




Arthur hid himself in the alley as his injuries started to heal. He didn't know why he did what he did. His plan was to enjoy the quiet life as an adventurer in Orario, away from the dramas of the gods.

"You've done it now, Arthur. You just had to play the fucking hero!" He reprimanded himself as he glared at the sword on his side. "And you... You could have stopped me, you know!"

A voice then chimed inside his mind. Sounding amused by his reaction. "Hey now... You were the one who jumped in, not me."

"Not the point." Arthur sighed as he slowly got up on his feet. "I really shouldn't have pulled you out of that fucking rock."

"What a harsh master you are." The voice hummed inside his head as Arthur walked out of the alley, now completely healed from the injuries he had suffered.

"I really need a coke!"




Somewhere in the mountains north of Orario, a boy with white hair placed his bag on top of the carriage; he would be joining a caravan heading towards Orario. The villagers had told him to stay, and he was welcome with them. But he respectfully declined their offer.

With his grandfather now gone, there was nothing left for him in that village, so he decided to go on a journey. To become an adventurer in Orario.

'This is what he would have wanted,' he thought about the time where he and his grandfather would read stories about heroes and monsters inside the dungeon. Well, he would be interested in that, but his grandfather always let the subject go on how to pick up girls inside the dungeon.

He chuckled, remembering those memories. "Watch over me, Grandpa." He smiled as he looked at the heavens. A tinge of red seemed to color the sky. It was majestic in the eyes of the young man.

"Bell." The boy looked back as he heard his name being called. "Are you sure about this? You know, you could always stay with us here in the village."

"It's okay... I already made up my mind." Bell smiled as he scratched the back of his head. He then turned serious, and with a determined voice, he clenched his fist and said. "I'll become an adventurer like in the stories my grandpa would read."












Chapter 91 is done now, how do you guys like the story so far?

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.