
A survivor's life in the dungeon. (Danmachi fanfic)

witness the journey of a man who lost everything, as he dives in the dungeon for strength and power. will he succumb to the dangers that he'll face, or will he persevere and find what he's looking for, be it revenge or closure that's for him to decide. . . . . . Hey, I'm writing my very first fanfic, I'll write this story as realistic as I can, so no overpowered MC, he'll be strong, but not in an overpowered kind of strong. I hope y'all like it, and please leave comments and feedback so that I may improve the writing of the fanfic, and it will be deeply appreciated. this fanfic will be dark, themes of death, violence, gore, and other dark stuff, so reader discretion is advised.

TheManCandy · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 90 Gàe Bulg! Beowulf!!

The sounds of the battle was echoing all throughout the city of Orario. Every impact shook the ground as Denki, who was running with everything he has, gulped.

He could already see the amphitheater, his legs was straining at every step he takes, his hands bleeding from the heavy object that he was carrying.

Even at level 3, Denki was struggling to lift the weapon of his god, but he knew he must make haste, this is the only way he could help.

"WHY IS THIS FUCKING THING SO FUCKING HEAVY?!!" He cursed as he grit his teeth and moved.






August hand shook as he blocked an incoming attack from the creature, he can feel his bones rattling and straining from the impact. He grit his teeth as his feet was lifted of the ground.

The creature sent the young adventurer flying back, but it knew that it still has more problem to deal with.

A gigantic fist crashed at it's jaw, it snapped it head to the side, as Heracles followed up with a three punch combination aiming at the creatures vital points.

The creature found a bit of lee way since he sent August back, so its focused was primarily at the god.

Seeing no point in dodging or blocking, the creature opted for a simultaneous hit, brandishing its claws to attack at the same time as Heracles. It trusted that its durability will be able to take the god's assult, but Heracles wouldn't be able to take on it's claws.

Heracles shifted his lead leg to the right, canceling the combination he was about to throw. Fighting barehanded against the creature that has greater durability than him was starting to take its toll.

'Damn it, it's learning as it fights!' Heracles narrowly dodged the sharp claws of the creature, and with a rotation of his body, he throw a low hook straight for the creatures ribs.

His fist digging deep into the creatures side, a gnarly crunch made the god smirk as he could feel the creature bones cracking at his strength.

The creature grunts in pain as it swung it claws wildly at the god. Heracles leaned back, his eyes starting at the claws as it pass by his face.

But he didn't expect the creature would also bring it's head forward, headbutting the god straight at his nose.

Heracles winced, caught off guard by the blow, and the creature didn't let that small opening pass by. It stabbed its claws straight at the god's lead leg, the spear like claws going through the hard muscles of the god.

Heracles roared in pain, whilst delivering a straight right at the creature. Sending it back a few steps. His led leg buckled as the claws were forcefully pulled out.

The creature smiled wildly at this, this is its chance, it rushed forwards, claws at the ready to tear the god to pieces, only to crashed face first at a violent boom, as August took advantage of the creature's tunnel vision, slamming his spear at its head, sending it flying back.

August jumped back and landed at the side of Heracles. "You good old man?" August asked, his voice a bit worry as his eyes momentarily glanced at the wound in Heracles' left leg.

"Don't worry about it, keep your focus on that thing." Heracles answered, his voice firm, but his face was grimacing at the pain. 'What's taking Denki so long?' he thought to himself as he took a deep breath.

The creature roared in fury, black tar streaming down its face from the blow it had just received. It eyed August and Heracles,

"We need to synchronize our attacks," Heracles panted, his breaths heavy from the strain. "I'll distract it; you find an opening and strike. Got it?"

August nodded, his eyes sharp and focused. He knew the god was right; they needed precision and timing to defeat this relentless foe.

With newfound determination, Heracles charged at the creature, his fists at his side, muscles bulging at its limit. His movements were swift and calculated, designed to keep the creature's attention on him.

As Heracles dodged and weaved, August analyzed the creature's patterns. He watched its every move, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

The creature, enraged by Heracles' audacity, lunged at him with deadly claws. The god parried the attack skillfully, deflecting the blows with precise timing. His agility and reflexes were impressive, but he couldn't keep this up forever.

Seeing an opening, August lunged forward, his spear, crackling with red lightning, aiming at the creature's vulnerable spots. The creature anticipated his move, attempting to counter, but August shifted his weight at the last moment, narrowly avoiding the strike.

August seized the opportunity, his spear dancing with lightning as he aimed for the creature's eyes. The creature recoiled, howling in pain as the sharp tip of the spear grazed its skin.

Heracles followed up with a powerful uppercut, his fist connecting with the creature's jaw. The impact sent shockwaves through the air, and the creature staggered backward, momentarily disoriented.

"Now, August!" Heracles shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos of battle.

August nodded, his eyes determined. With a fierce battle cry, he unleashed a barrage of lightning-imbued thrusts, each strike finding its mark on the creature's body. The creature roared in agony, its movements growing sluggish under the onslaught.

Heracles seized the opportunity, his fist cracking the space as he delivered a mighty swing, he struck the creature's side, the force of the blow sending it crashing into a nearby building.

The ground trembled as the creature struggled to rise, its body battered and bruised. August and Heracles stood firm, their determination unyielding.

"We can't let it regain its strength," August said, his voice resolute. "We have to finish this now."

Heracles nodded. "WITH ME!!!" Together, they charged at the creature, their combined strength and determination fueling their assault.

The battle raged on, the clash of gods and mortals echoing through the city. With unwavering resolve, August and Heracles fought side by side, their teamwork and determination pushing them to the limits.

"ENOUGH!!!" the creature roared as its mana pushed the two of them back, sending them crashing at the rubbles and ruins of their fight.

The creature was panting, damage was apparent on its body as well, it can feel its inside mushed and battered due to Heracles blow, while its skin was ripped and charred by August and his lightning infused spear.

"I'VE HAD IT! YOU TWO WILL DIE NOW!!!" The creature spoke with malicious intent, the violent mana inside its body, growing larger and larger.

August and Heracles got up shakily, panting as well, as their body was littered in wounds and bruises.

"We seem to have pissed it off." August chuckled, as he got on his stance. "That's one violent mana right there."

"it's planning on ending this." Heracles spoke seriously, he clenched his fist as his godly aura burst out. "We need to kill it now!"

August took a deep breath, since the battle started, the voice of Beowulf was always nagging at his head, telling him to use its power even more. Telling him to use that.

"I may have a way to end this, but I need time." August looked at Heracles, his eyes burning with determination and resolve. "Can you handle it for a few minutes?"

"...." Heracles didn't answer right away. His mind was analysing August. 'Don't tell me! He has access to that already!' his eyes widened at the thought. He knew the how these weapons operate, the magic August used, is still incomplete, August may think that it was his original magic, but the truth is, it belongs to the weapon and is only making him think that its his own creation.

The extreme magic of each weapons. At first it comes with just a thought, something to inspire them to form the magic, like when he discovered the mana dome, that was the inspiration August needed to knock at that door.

Then it will fill the users mind on how to construct the magic using that inspiration, for August it was Gáe bulg, Beowulf. But it was still incomplete. And Heracles knows why it is. Because the weapon deemed when the user is ready to access that.

It isn't like that for every users. When Heracles was still mortal, he could only count those who were strong enough to handle the extreme magic of the theïkó óplo with his hands.

"Old man... Trust me." August voice snapped Heraclas out of his thoughts. "This is our only chance."

Heracles grimaced, he could feel the mana inside the creature rising to new heights, he knew that this was their only shot, yet could he really allow August to do it? To essentially break his body?

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU ALL!!! AND DESTROY THIS PLACE ALONG WITH EVERYONE!!!" The creature mana had now reached its peak.

Heracles closed his eyes... He knows that he must do this. He nodded at August, his eyes staring at his child.

Before August could start, he felt someone who shouldn't be here. He looked to right and saw Denki. His face disgruntled and pale as beads of sweat fall from his face.

Heracles followed August eyes, and with it a smirked rose on his face. "Finally!" Heracles couldn't help but raise his voice when he saw his other child. And at his side, his mace. "How much time do you need?" Heracles' asked.

"A minute or two. Can you do it?" August smiled as well. His voice almost challenging his god. "From the looks of it, that thing is really angry right now."

"Boy! Who do you think you're talking to?" Heracles raised his right hand up. He then screamed on the top of his lungs. "THROW IT!!!"

Denki eyes bulged. He was straining himself with just carrying this lumbering weapon from their house to here and his god wants him to throw it? "Fucking slave drivers!" Denki mustered everything he had, and with a forceful grunt he tossed the mace as far as he can. Using every bit of strength his level 3 body can give.

The mace flew high into the air, and Heracles smile dropped at the pathetic throw Denki did. He could tell, it wouldn't even reach him. "I'LL DOUBLE YOUR TRAINING AFTER THIS!!!" he screamed as he ran to towards his weapon.

"Agreed!" August chuckled as he got to his stance. "Now get the hell out of here!"

But Denki was already running before August could even finish his words, he did what Heracles' asked him to do. His task is complete. Now he need to get the hell away from here. He knows that he'll only be getting in the way if he stays. "Please win!" He said without even glancing back, fully trusting his god and captain to do the task.

Heracles jumped, his face crumbled from the pain of his injured left leg. But he fought through the pain, as his hand firmly grasp his weapon. The legendary mace of Heracles.

His eye gleamed as he smiled at the creature, a smile that mirrored August's vicious one. "Round two! YOU FUCKING ABOMINATION!!!"

As soon as he landed he dashed towards the creature, ignoring the protest of pain his body is sending towards his brain.

The creature roared in response, it claw glowing as it charged mana into it. When Heracles said that it was learning as it fights, this is what he meant by it.

At first the creature didn't even bothered infusing its attack with its overwhelming mana, relying on its natural stats as it fights, but now, as it watched the adventurers, especially August. It had learned how to use its mana pool.

Heracles didn't care though. If he was barehanded then it would have been a problem. But now he has his weapon.

The god swung his mace at the same time the creature slashed his claws forward. The two being of immense strength holding nothing back.

The claws and the mace collided as an explosion of mana boomed throughout the whole city. The shockwaves reaching the evacuees who were now outside of Orario.

A huge crater formed below the god and the creature, their body unmoving. As they locked eyes with each other.

The two roared as they continued to pummel each other, the creature with its attack now amplified with mana, And Heracles who now has a weapon that can handle his full power. Exchanging blows after blows, clashing as the crater that they were standing on became deeper and deeper at every clash of their powerful blows.

As this was going on, August dived into his mind, into the abyss inside Beowulf. There he saw the golden wild eyes staring at him. With a firm determined voice. He spoke. "I need more!"

"I've already given you enough." Beowulf answered him, its tone seemingly amused by the mortal's request for more power. "It's now up to you on how you'll used my power."

"The show me!" August demanded. "Show me how to use it!"

"Silly master. You've already used it... But it was incomplete. A fraction of what it really is."

"You mean-"

"Yes! The magic that you think you've created. That was mine to begin with. You've only touch a fraction of its true power, yet the power is slumbering inside you, inside us. That's what I've been telling you... Use me! Use my power, the ability to consume and bring death to everything!"

Beowulf voice trailed out as August opened his eyes. "Bring death to everything huh?" He chuckled. The words of Beowulf echoing inside his head. He really did rely on the weapon, and the only thing he thought that was achieved by his own strength, was actually a by product of the weapon itself. But right now it doesn't matter.

He will use it. Use everything that the weapon can offer. The mana inside him started to bubble at surface.

His mind forming words for a chant. A chant to complete the magic that he was only using a fraction of.

"I beseech the tempest's wrath, the crimson lightning's might!" The clouds above started to twirl as the mana coming from Beowulf calls upon the storm that has formed above Orario.

"With bolts that rend the firmament and etch scars upon the sky, I invoke your boundless power, ancient and relentless. Guided by my unwavering spirit." The very space started to shake, as the debris and rubbles the littered the area started to float in the air. Each one crackling with red-electric currents.

"Let the world shudder, let the heavens weep, and let the earth tremble in awe! From the heavens to the depths below, from horizon to horizon, let none escape the ferocious storm that heralds my will." The god and the creature both stopped at their tracks, their clash coming to halt as the mana they felt brings them dread and fear. They could feel the eyes of death staring at them, they felt small, they felt like prey.

The creature eyes snapped towards August, its eyes filled with primal fear. It could feel the intet of the adventurer. It could feel death grasping its heart.

It moved, dashing towards the adventurer, but Heracles slammed his mace at the creature abdomen. Even the god felt the overwhelming fear, even more so than the creature. His instincts telling Heracles to ran as far away as possible. Away from the Primal spear. Yet he fought that instinct, he fought it with everything just to stop the creature from reaching his child.

"With the roar of a thousand thunderbolts and the fury of countless tempests, I command the very essence of lightning! The very embodiment of death! Consume everything in your path, and bring death to thy enemies!" The mana erupted high into the sky, a red beam coming from the center of the amphitheater, coming from August.

Piercing the heavens above as the world turned crimson blood-red.

August lifted his weapon, the Theïkó óplo, the primal spear Beowulf, above his head, taking a throwing stance, a mana dome the size of Orario burst out his body. He could see everything. Feel everything. But all he cared about right now, was the creature.

Who this time knew that it was too late, it ran, its instincts getting the better of it, the creature who's only goal was to kill and devour everyone here, now had a different agenda.... Survival.

The ground beneath August cracked and cratered as he jumped high into the air, his eyes cold, as he started at the creature who was running for its life. His muscles bulged, as the red lightning that coiled around his body all moved towards the spear. Making it crackle with the energy and magic to kill everything. "Die." he muttered coldly as he threw his spear. Beaming straight to the heart of the creature. Like a lightning bolt from the heaven. A flash of red blinding everyone even those outside of Orario.













Chapter 90 is done now, how do you guys like the story so far?

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.