
A survivor's life in the dungeon. (Danmachi fanfic)

witness the journey of a man who lost everything, as he dives in the dungeon for strength and power. will he succumb to the dangers that he'll face, or will he persevere and find what he's looking for, be it revenge or closure that's for him to decide. . . . . . Hey, I'm writing my very first fanfic, I'll write this story as realistic as I can, so no overpowered MC, he'll be strong, but not in an overpowered kind of strong. I hope y'all like it, and please leave comments and feedback so that I may improve the writing of the fanfic, and it will be deeply appreciated. this fanfic will be dark, themes of death, violence, gore, and other dark stuff, so reader discretion is advised.

TheManCandy · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 78 Tournament Finals Start. The amphitheater incident (1)

Ibri Achaa stood in the middle of the stage, he was tasked by Ganesha to host the finals as the god was impressed by his performance yesterday.

With a smile plastered on his face. 'It's showtime.' he took a deep breath before starting. "LADIES AMD GENTLEMAN!!! IT'S... TIMEEEE!!!" he wailed on the top of his lungs, making the crowd go wild as they cheered loudly. "For two days, we have witnessed battle, war, and victory, all leading to this moment! And now, only two remain, this is the last fight to determine the strongest level 5 in Orario... Nay, THE CONTINENT!!! THIS IS THE FINALS!!!"

Ibri paused, savoring the adoration from the crowd. Taking another breath in, he continued. "Now without further ado, allow me to call on our two fighters! The two of them need no introduction, they have dominated the competition, and now only one stood in their way! On my RIGHT!!! THE CROWN PRINCE OF RAKIA!!! MARIUS!!! VICTRIX!!! RAKIA!!!"

Marius marched to the stage, his stride arrogant, his every step held confidence, the look of superiority glued to his face, he smiled mockingly at the crowd that was raining down boos towards him, giving a message loud and clear, he was better than them. He firmly believed it so, he was above everyone.

'Talk about ego.' Ibri thought to himself, he knows that he really shouldn't be biased, but he really wants August to beat the prince to a pulp. "And to my LEFT!!! THE GÁE BULG!!! AUGUST!!! KAISER!!!"

August walked on to the stage, his sight was set on the prince, his mana, pulsing at a rhythmic beat, sending gusts of wind everywhere at a steady pace. His eyes, unmoving, his aura put a stop to everyone in the amphitheater, be it gods or mortals alike.

"Tsk!" Heracles clicked his tongue, he knew this feeling well. "That idiot." he mutters to himself as he watches August walk to the stage. 'He's angry, he's letting his emotions get the better of him.' the god wanted to smack August in the head.

Heracles have taught August the importance of maintaining a neutral emotional state when engaging in combat, he thought him to fight cold, like ice. But right now, his anger was like a raging inferno.

Sure, anger can be used as motivation, it can fuel you, give you strength, but it can also hinder you, it makes you rash, tense, predictable even... Something that is exploitable for a skilled fighter.

August arrived at the middle of the stage, face to face with the prince, there's no trace of emotion that can be seen in his face, not like his earlier fights where excitement was apparent with every move he makes.

Everyone in the arena gulped, the barrier was stronger than ever before, they weren't able to sense any mana from the stage, yet the ambiance that August is giving right now is downright terrifying. There was a pin drop of silence the moment he stepped on the stage.

The Prince who was smiling moments ago turned serious, his mana suddenly rose, covering every part of his body, a subconscious defense mechanism when facing something dangerous that every adventurer has.

'Did he just make me nervous?' Marius mind was in shambles, this was unacceptable for someone with his stance. A royal like him shouldn't be nervous of this common trash.

Ibri who is on the stage with August ran for his life, he felt that if he stayed there any longer, he would get killed. All the thought of professionalism in giving the crowd a good show flew out the window for the host. Right now, his survival instinct is in control.

August saw that as the signal to start, and without wasting anymore time, August charged in, lifting his spear to the side, he went in for a powerful stab, heading straight towards the prince's chest.

Marius quickly drew his sword, he moved it to block the spear while he took one step back to gain a sliver of time before the spear head reached him. He successfully parried the stab, shooting August's weapon to the left.

August used this momentum and spun, rotating a full 360, he slashed his spear horizontally, carrying the full force of his physical strength and the momentum of his spin.

The prince clicked his tongue, his plan was to counter with a blow of his own after parrying August's stab, but alas, all he could do was block the incoming strike.

His sword met August's spear, and he was shocked when his feet left the ground, he went flying, crashing at the wall as his back bounced off the hard surface.

"Argh!" Marius let out a pained grunt, and the moment that he looked up, August was fast on his heel, brandishing his spear, he sent a powerful overhead strike, slamming Beowulf straight down towards the prince.

Marius jumped to the side, dodging the blow, the spear slammed to the ground, shaking the stadium as debris flew off everywhere.

"YOU FUCKING MONGREL!" Marius cursed as he launched an attack of his own, his sword glowed a violent purple hue as he loaded mana into it. He then slashed vertically, with the aim of cutting down the trash in front of him.

August sneered, "Pathetic." he said coldly as he leaned his body slightly backwards, letting the sword pass by him harmlessly... Or at least that was the idea.

The sword boomed as the mana inside it violently exploded, right at August's face, it sent the adventurer flying back, some parts of his skin turned black, patches of frozen flesh riddled his body.

August didn't know what hit him, his body felt cold, even his bones felt like it was freezing. He glared at the prince, his hand shaking at the extreme cold that he felt.

The prince has a huge grin on his face, the ground in which he stood was riddled with purple ice. "Don't get carried away, mutt!" he spoke mockingly.

August didn't answer, he clenched his fist a couple of times, trying to get the feeling back on his fingers. His eyes never leaving the prince.

Marius chuckles at this. He then starts to speak. "You think you're special, don't you? Hahaha! You make me laugh." The prince walked around August, with the adventurer following his movements. "You are nothing more than a shit under my boots, make no mistake, you might think that you are on my level but you are beneath me... ALL OF YOU ARE!!!"

"Only I have the right to wield this power." The prince looked at his sword and at the spear on August's hands. "You are a mistake, one that I will rid of, right at this moment!" he said as he arrogantly opened his arms wide. He then points his sword, the Theïko óplo Mistilteinn towards August. "So do entertain me before I snuff you out of existence."

August smirked, he sighed as he twirled his spear and took his stance. "Are you done?" he asked, his spear glowing a violent red as he charged mana into it. "If you're gonna come then come." He's mana exploded shaking the very city with its sheer density and magnitude. "I've got some shit to work through."

"DIE!!!" The prince roared as he dashed forward, his sword glowed purple as cold air filled the whole stadium. He vanished out of August's sight, appearing behind him as he slashed his blade straight to his neck.

August learning his lesson earlier didn't dodged, instead he opted for a more personal approach. He twisted his body as his spear flew towards the blade, the two god killing weapons clashing, a violent boom vibrated the stands, their mana battling for dominance.

August adjusted his grip, sliding his hand at the end of his spear, with a quick flick of his wrist, his spear twisted, sliding free from their deadlock, rushing inside Marius' space.

Marius smiled and leaned forward, dodging the spear with precise movements, he then grabbed the shaft, holding it in place, whilst stabbing his sword forward towards the adventurers heart.

August let go of his spear completely, he spun to his left dodging the sword with his movement, all while sending a spinning back fist that landed cleanly in the prince's jaw.

The blow staggered the prince, making him let go of the spear, which August caught while delivering a spartan kick at his abdomen sending the prince a few steps back.

August then stab his spear in the ground, and with a forceful yank, he pulled a chunk of solid concrete about as large as Heracles, and with a simple twirl of his spear, he slammed his weapon forward towards the boulder, breaking it and launching fast moving projectiles towards Marius.

Marius blade blurred as he slashed it forward, destroying every projectile coming his way, the dust covering his vision, and August took advantage of it as he rushed forward, crouching low to the ground with his chin almost scrapping the floor.

Marius' senses screamed, he couldn't see the attack, but his body moved on its own, moving his head to the right, he narrowly dodged August's spear that was coming from below.

"ENOUGH!!!" the prince roared, slashing wildly towards August, with the latter moving his spear to block every blow.

The two engaged at the center, sending multiple deadly blows towards each other, their weapons clashed against each other again and again.

But it was clear for everyone to see who held the advantage, August was forcing the issue, controlling the tempo of the fight as he violently pushed the prince back with an unending assault of spear strikes too fast for the crowd to see.

But even with that happening, the prince was smiling inside his head. 'Yes mutt, keep it up, you'll be in for a surprise.' he stopped his lips from rising upwards, forcing himself not to smile.






In the stands, a lone figure was cheering as the match continued. "Wow, look at them go!" it is Erebus, he was smiling crazily as he watched the match unfold, anonymous along with the crowd.

The god glanced behind him, and with a smile he asked. "So... how did it go?"

A hooded figure appeared out of nowhere, she was a shadow, her presence was so minuscule that she was basically invisible to the naked eye. "Everything is ready my lord." she answered.

Erebus nods in approval, his eyes glued at the two mortals fighting below, specifically, at their weapons. "And what about our friend Lucius? How is he fairing?"

"Good my lord, he has already been prepared." the hooded figure answered, but there was a hint of doubt in her voice. Something Erebus noticed.

"You seem troubled Ari, what is it?" Erebus asked.

"Are you sure we can trust Anna my lord?" Ari said her doubts. "I don't get why you would send her back to Hades."

"Oh... I wouldn't worry about her." Erebus chuckled, he turned and looked at Ari straight in her eyes, she gulped as she saw the crazy look the god has in his face. "After all... She's already broken." he then turned his attention back to the match. "And I need someone inside Hades court, not only that but her presence there would also tie Ishtar down."

"If you say so my lord." Ari bowed, she extended her hand towards Erebus, showing her palm that was filled with scars. "I apologize for doubting you lord Erebus, punish this lowly servant of yours as you see fit."

The god chuckled to himself and took a knife from his back pouch, he then drove it down Ari's palm with the girl smiling erotically at the pain she received from her god.

"Now off you go little one, tell everyone that we will be starting now." Erebus said as he pulled the knife out of Ari's palm. "It is time for Evilus to plunge the world back into darkness."

Ari kneeled with a smile on her face, she licked her palms, the blood forming a grin on her lips. She then answered. "As you command Lord Erebus." and like the shadow, her body vanished, like it wasn't there in the first place.

Erebus couldn't contain his laughter any longer, he laughed like a mad man while looking at the sky. "HAHAHA!!! This is gonna be so FUN!!!"













Chapter 78 is done now, how do you guys like the story so far?

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.