
A survivor's life in the dungeon. (Danmachi fanfic)

witness the journey of a man who lost everything, as he dives in the dungeon for strength and power. will he succumb to the dangers that he'll face, or will he persevere and find what he's looking for, be it revenge or closure that's for him to decide. . . . . . Hey, I'm writing my very first fanfic, I'll write this story as realistic as I can, so no overpowered MC, he'll be strong, but not in an overpowered kind of strong. I hope y'all like it, and please leave comments and feedback so that I may improve the writing of the fanfic, and it will be deeply appreciated. this fanfic will be dark, themes of death, violence, gore, and other dark stuff, so reader discretion is advised.

TheManCandy · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 59 Semifinals bracket A (3) Marius Victrix Rakia vs Edwin Hyrule


There was a palpable difference in the vibes of the amphitheater, the crowd was uneasy with the upcoming fight. Both fighters were outsiders from different countries and had beaten adventurers from the favorite to win it all, Loki familia.

Ganesha tried his best to hype the match up but all he received was some scatter applause and disapproving groans from the masses. Still it didn't make the god less professional as he announced the two fighters with the same enthusiasm as he did in the earlier match.

"On my RIGHT!!! THE CROWN PRINCE OF THE KINGDOM OF RAKIA!!! MARIUS!!! VICTRIX!!! RAKIA!!!" Ganesha called the prince out on top of his lungs, trying to urge the crowd to give a reaction to the upcoming fight.

""BOOOOO!!!"" And it did, a united boo from everyone inside the amphitheater rained down on the crown prince.

And it got even louder when he walked down the entrance, an arrogant smile plastered on his face and a look that screams "all of you are beneath me."

Ganesha wanted to continue with his introduction but couldn't because of how loud the crowd was with their insistent booing.

The prince arrived at the middle of the stage and arrogantly ran his hand on his hair as he smiled mockingly for everyone to see.

After a few more seconds the crowd finally settled down, and Ganesha quickly called out the next fighter.

"And to my LEFT!!! THE PALADIN!!! EDWIN!!! HYRULE!!!" this time the crowd cheered, showing that even though he was an outsider he at least was someone who fights with honor.

Edwin marched on stage, his face is the very picture of determination, his eyes stared at the prince.

The knight arrived at the middle and stop inches away from the prince, the two of them are around the same build with Edwin being a tad bit larger in width.

The two fighters engage in a stare down, waiting for Ganesha to give them the signal to begin. Seeing this, the god took a step back to exit the stage and with a loud and firm voice he shouts. "BEGIN!!!"






As ganesha gave the signal, Marius smirked and slashed his sword straight down towards Edwin, he wanted to end the match quickly and thus he used his weapon at the very start.

But Edwin's defensive instinct kicked at the same time, he moved his shield in front blocking the sword of the prince. In a show of brute strength, he pushed his shield forward, pushing back Marius sword, and with a quick follow up he stabs his own sword towards the prince.

Marius showing that he has tremendous strength as well, pulled his weapon back down, blocking Edwin's blade and with a quick spin he held his sword with two hands and slashed vertically.

Edwin blocked the sword with his shield like usual, but this time it didn't go as well as he planned. The prince's swords slammed against his shield, and Edwin flew back, his feet lifting out of the ground, his eyes widened at the power of the slashed he received. He flew straight towards the wall slamming his back on it, he slid down and fell on his knees.

"Is that it? I thought you would give me more of a challenge." The prince placed his sword on top of his shoulder as he mocked the knight who had fallen to his knees. "I thought Athena's pillars were strong.... What a disappointment."

Edwin got to his feet, his eyes glared towards the prince as he gripped his sword and shield firmly. 'He used his momentum to generate power, he was also able to pull his weapon back with relative ease even when he is out of position to do so.' Instead of answering Marius's provocation, he thought back and reviewed the attack he received.

Edwin took a deep breath and oriented himself, as much as he hates to admit it, the prince was strong. But he still has some tricks up on his sleeves. "You sure do pack a wallop." Edwin spoke as he cracked his neck. "Now then."


A violent surge of mana oozed out of Edwin, the force of it sent torrent of violent winds all over the stage. "Arise, hero of old... HOPLIZON TELEIOS!!!" the atmosphere became more dense as Edwin's mana roared as he unleahed his enchantment magic.

This made Marius's expression falter a bit, he knew about Edwin's magic, he was watching the match earlier, but watching from the sidelines and having a close and personal experience against the knight's magic are two very different things.

"Now then your Majesty... COME!!!"

"Looks like you'll be entertaining after all." the prince answered.






Athena bit her lips as she watched the match heat up, the prince is a powerful individual, and he is a Theïkó Óplo user to boot.

She has confidence in the strength of Edwin, Athena firmly believe he can beat anyone in this tournament, but not as he is right now.

Edwin's ancient magic, Guardian can only be used once a day, and he already used it when he faced Tiona Hiryute.

"Have faith." Athena heard a voice beside her that snap her out of her train of thoughts. Athena looked to see Heracles staring at the match, he then spoke again. "Trust in your child, that is the only thing you can do now as his god."

Athena brought her attention back to the match. 'Heracles is right.' she thought. 'I have to put my faith in Edwin. He can do this.'




Ares caught a glimpse of Athena's grimacing face, seeing it put a smile on his face, the two of them are god of wars, siblings by blood the two had been compared to one another for as long as he can remember.

This is the chance for him to prove that he is the superior deity, and with the demonic sword Mistilteinn at the hands of Marius, his victory was assured from the start.

"I can't wait to see the look on your face dear sister." He whispered to himself as he tried his very best to hold his laughter back. He returned his attention back to the match, a psychotic smile plastered on his face.






Edwin didn't remove his eyes on the prince who was circling him, he had this bad feeling inside him eversince the prince pulled his sword out if his scabbard, the aura he is releasing feels repulsive, dark, and evil.

He could feel his body shivering, like the cold was running inside his veins. But he must fight, and right now he will utilized his talent to the fullest.

Marius tap his sword on his shoulder, he was searching for an opening, but there is non, the knight's defense was air tight, and he must say it was impressive. 'Still... It is no match for my power.' he thought as he rushed in.

Edwin's eyes widened, he didn't expect a frontal attack to come, the prince arrived in front of him in a blink of an eye.

Marius slashed horizontally, his sword slicing the wind as it traveled at extreme speed.

Though caught off guard, Edwin was able to block the incoming attack, he felt his hand vibrate at the force. Marius followed it up with another slash at the same direction.

Over and over again, the prince slammed his sword at the same spot, and Edwin can do nothing but turtle up as he has no space nor time to deliver a counter.

"LET ME PRY OPEN THAT UNBREAKABLE DEFENSE OF YOURS!!!" Marius let out a crazed wail as he bashed Edwin over and over again.

As the attack continue, Edwin was being pushed back, seeing this Marius loaded mana into his sword and with one final slam, the prince pushed Edwin's shield to the side, essentially opening him up for an attack.

The crowd gasp, the prince had destroyed the perfect defense of the palladin.

A look of shock enveloped the knight's face, he was able to withstand attacks from his fellow pillars who are a level or two above him, yet the prince who was the same level as him was able to blow his shield to the side.

With a smirk the prince raised his weapon one more time, it glowed a sinister purple hue as he loaded it with even more mana. And with a smile he slashed down straight towards the knight's unprotected body.

But Edwin was not going down without a fight, raising his sword up as well, he loaded it with his mana as it crackles in a violent silver light, with a primal scream he slashed his weapon forward.


The two weapons collide as a combination of purple and silver light shone bright, their mana battling for dominance.

"How utterly foolish!" The prince spoke in a mocking tone as his mana overpowered Edwin's.


Edwin was sent flying as his sword shattered like glass, his back meet the cold hard concrete wall of the arena, the impact shook the stadium as his body slid down, bloody and battered his whole body was filled with wounds and bruised.

"*Cough cough.*" Edwin coughed up blood as he felt his internal organs taking damage with that strike as well. His mana flickered on and off as his mind fought off the drowsiness that was beginning to set in.

"You could have dodge that... Not that it would have made a difference." The prince took his sweet time as he walked closer towards the downed knight. "Now then... Unleash that ancient magic of yours so that we could fight with are fullest. What was it called again? Oh right... Guardian was it."

"S-sorry *cough* sorry to disappoint you, but I-I can't do that at the m-moment." Edwin slowly got up to his feet, his whole body was shaking as he continued to cough up blood.

"What do you mean you can't?" Marius stopped on his tracks as he asked in a dangerously low voice. "Don't give me that bullshit."

Edwin finally got up to his feet, his knees where shaking, he looked at his right and found that he was only holding the pummel of his sword, the blade had been shattered, seeing this he tossed it aside. He then looked at his left hand, at his shield. This made him chuckle. 'Looks like destiny is choosing the path for me. God damnit, I really wanted to win at least once in an fiery hot exchange of blows.'

"What are you laughing at?" The prince was annoyed, he did not like to be ignored. "FIGHT ME WITH THAT MAGIC OR DIE!!!"

"Are you some sort of an idiot?" Edwin deadpanned as he moved the shield from his left to his right hand. "I already told you I can't." he smirked as he looked at the fuming face of the prince. "Either way I don't need it to beat you." he said with confidence.

A vein popped out of the prince's head, he was angry, his mana rose as the rage inside his body grew. Then it clicked... He can't use it, so it means it has a condition. Marius put two and two together, he was an extremely smart individual, a powerful magic such as that has to have some limitations. "That magic... You can only use it once a day." he asked.

Edwin did not answer, but his silence only serves as a confirmation for the prince.

"And you decided to use it on that weak bitch?" this made him even more angry. "Knowing full well that I'll be your next opponent... I WILL NOT STAND FOR SUCH A DISRESPECT!!!"

"Weak?" Edwin's voice became cold, his mana exploded as the cold silver light erupted out of his body, his mana felt like that of pure steel, it felt unbreakable and unmoving, it roared in rage as Edwin's face turned into a violent scowl. "She is twice the person you are. She is anything but weak."

"What's this?" Marius spoke in a mocking tone. "Don't tell me you've caught feelings for that bitch?"

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL HER THAT!!!" Edwin screamed as his mana rose to new heights, the pressure he was emitting became even larger.

Marius wanted to laugh and mock the knight but he was suddenly pushed back by a blunt force, he balance himself mid air and he landed on his feet, he felt something warm trickling down his nose, using his hand to wipe it a confused look emerge in his eyes as he saw blood on his finger.

He looked at Edwin with a confused face only to see the knight glaring at him at the distance, his body was oozing a silver raging aura as everything around him was being pushed back, a crater had now formed from where Edwin stood.

"What in the gods?" Marius spoke absentmindedly.

Edwin was mad, he didn't know why, but the moment he heard Marius insulting Tiona he felt something snap inside him. Unknowingly he unleashed some sort of a barrier which expanded and hit the prince which sent him flying back.

This happened due to the event of their fight, the price had unknowingly unlocked Edwin's full potential. He insulted Tiona which leads to Edwin's anger, this made the knight reach down for power in order to put the prince in his place, to defeat him, to make him eat his words, but the deciding factor came much earlier, when the two clashed with their swords.

Marius Victrix Rakia won their clash, he won it convincingly by breaking Edwin's sword with his own. This made Edwin realized that no matter how hard he tries he isn't qualified to use the sword, with it, Edwin embraced his talents, nay, now he fully acknowledged it, with only his shield remaining in his arsenal, Edwin Hyrule fully commits in his talents, and with it, his potential had been unlocked.






August felt goosebumps all over his body, his eyes are stuck at Edwin's whole person, the mana he has was so large it felt bottomless. Right now August didn't see a man, he saw a fortress, he saw an unbreakable wall.

"Amazing..." he muttered to himself.




Arthur had his jaw opened wide, his eyes were threatening to jump out of its socket. "Where did all this monsters come from?" he already forgot how many times he asked the same question to himself.

"Is that fucking Naofumi?" he asked as he watch the knight stood tall with only a shield in his hand.






"I told you..." Edwin spoke, snapping the prince out of his stupor. "I don't need that magic to beat the like of you."

The prince could only glare at the knight, he couldn't believe his eyes, smoke came rising up from Edwins body as his wounds started to close. 'Healing power? Since when did he gain that skill?' his eyes widened when he saw it.

"Now then... What did you say again? Something about prying my defense open?" This time it was Edwin's turn to mock the prince. "Then why are you just standing there?"

"Bastard!" Marius cursed as he raised his sword up. "DON'T GET ARROGANT YOU TRASH!!!" he wailed as he rushed towards the knight who is just standing there waiting for him, a smirk on his face.

"ARGHHH!!!" Marius slammed his weapon forward, his sword crackled it glowed a violent purple.

Edwin moved his shield in front of the blade, stopping it on its tracks, their mana burst as the two weapons meet, shaking the entire arena.

This time it was Edwin who pushed Marius back, with a grunt he forced his shield forward sending Marius flying back.

Edwin then rushed towards the prince, holding his shield with two hands he timed his approach perfectly as he bashed him with the blunt object.

Marius was able to move his sword in front, but the force of Edwin's blow still sent him flying back, he couldn't believe it. He was loosing ground against someone who doesn't even have a weapon.

Marius balanced himself mid air, and as soon as he landed he rushed forward again, this time he went for a speedy approach, he rained down slash after slash only to be met with Edwin's seemingly unbreakable shield.

The prince attacked from every angle at blinding speed, his movement even left after image at how fast he was moving, it almost looked like 5 persons was attacking the knight all at once.

But Edwin was able to keep up with it, he was blocking everything with terrifying accuracy, of the attack of the prince looked like there were 5 persons attacking Edwin at the same time, the knight defense looked as if a solid steel wall was surrounding him on all sides.

The prince was getting frustrated, seeing this Edwin smirked at him, this further infuriates Marius as he increased the tempo of his attack.

But it was a mistake, a mistake that have already cost countless of people their lives, The prince, Marius Victrix Rakia, was letting his emotion get the better of him.

Because of it, some of his attacks are becoming sloppy, this of course was all too clear for Edwin.

With a smirk on his face the knight spoke. "You're slipping." and with it he pushed his shield forward hitting the prince straight in his face.

The hit was devastating, Marius was moving at extreme speeds, and with speed comes force, getting hit by something blunt and heavy while moving like that would do massive amount of damage.

And Marius felt the full extent of that.

He was sent tumbling down as he rolled at quite a far distance, his face was now a bloody mess because of the hit.

Marius shakily pushed himself on all four, he was breathing heavily, he looked up only to see Edwin standing and looking at him with a look that screamed "is that all that you've got."

Seeing this, Marius felt anger like he never did before, he heard laughter, he heard mocking, he heard doubt, disappointment, he heard the world laughing at how weak he was.

"Pathetic..." he heard a dark cold voice inside his head.

"No no no no no... NOOOO!!!" Marius gripped his head, his hands pulled his hair as the voices inside his head kept getting stronger.

Seeing this Edwin came to a stop. Alarm bells was ringing non-stop inside his head.

"You have me and still you lost to this weakling..." the dark voice spoke again inside Marius's head. "How pathetic can you get?"

"Shut up... I-I HAVEN'T LOST YET!!!" Marius was now slamming his head on the ground back and forth as blood gushed out from his head.

"And he can't even use his strongest magic... Yet you still lost?" the voice was coming closer and closer. And then like a whisper, Marius heard the voice right beside him, coming from the sword, coming from Mistilteinn. "How disappointing."

Marius eyes widened, he felt a hand clasping at his neck. It felt cold, it felt like his whole body was frozen solid, it felt like his blood was ice.

The hairs on Edwins neck stood, he jumped back getting as far away from Marius as possible. His back stopped as it hit the wall, cold sweat fell fear gripped his very core. The knight didn't know why, his body moved on his own, his instincts screaming at him, begging for him to run.

The voice then spoke, this time Marius heard it everywhere, it reverberated inside his body, in his very soul. A dark cold voice that felt like it came from the very depths of hell. "Now allow me to show you how to properly use me, my pathetic master."













Chapter 59 is done now, how do you guys like the story so far?

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.