
A survivor's life in the dungeon. (Danmachi fanfic)

witness the journey of a man who lost everything, as he dives in the dungeon for strength and power. will he succumb to the dangers that he'll face, or will he persevere and find what he's looking for, be it revenge or closure that's for him to decide. . . . . . Hey, I'm writing my very first fanfic, I'll write this story as realistic as I can, so no overpowered MC, he'll be strong, but not in an overpowered kind of strong. I hope y'all like it, and please leave comments and feedback so that I may improve the writing of the fanfic, and it will be deeply appreciated. this fanfic will be dark, themes of death, violence, gore, and other dark stuff, so reader discretion is advised.

TheManCandy · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 43 A traveler's day, Status update, New skills.


First of all I'll be the first one to say that yesterday's chapter was subpar at best, to be completely honest with you guys I was out drinking while writing that chapter but I don't wanna make excuses or anything, as an apology here's an extra chapter for y'all.



The sun was shining brightly as the cool spring breeze blew gently carrying a fresh scent in the air.

A lone traveler was enjoying such a day as he headed towards the dungeon city of Orario, he was singing a tune while making his way through the Wishe forest.

"Hey, what's the matter with your head, yeah... Hey, what's the matter with your mind and your sign oh-oh-oh-oh..."

He was bobbing his head back and forth as he sang off pitch while snapping his finger along with the beat.

As he did so some rustling can be heard in the woods, there's a rule in traveling inside the forest and that is to make little to no noise in order to not attract monsters into your position, and right now all that singing is just bringing attention towards the young traveler.

"COME AND GET YOU LOVE!!! COME AND GET YOUR LOVE!!!" The young traveler started belting on the top of his lungs as his body started to move into a dance.

All the while multiple eyes are locking into him, stalking him, these are the monsters that inhabit Wishe forest. Monsters such as forest goblins, kabolds, and horned apes. They were all attached to the noise that the young traveler was making.

But the thing is, none of the monsters present is even thinking about attacking him, they all can feel the aura of someone way outside their strike zone.

The monsters outside the dungeon may not be as strong as their counterpart but they are much more clever, one difference between them is that the monster inside the dungeon attack without any regard for their lives while the monsters in the wild rely on their instincts to survive, and right now their instincts are screaming at them that the lone traveler is dangerous.

But like mortals some monsters are just born stupid, brave but stupid nonetheless.

And those are the goblins.

As soon as the traveler passed by them they started to rush at him, brandishing their clubs and rusty blades they shrieked as they charged at the traveler from behind.

"Goblins... It's always fucking goblins." the traveler sigh as he unsheathed the bastard sword on his side. "And just when I was getting to the good part of the song."

There were a total of 10 goblins, 6 rushed into him while 4 aimed their bow at him. He stood there waiting for them as he twirled his sword playfully.

The first goblin arrived and slammed its club towards his head, he wanted to yawn at how slow the attack was, he caught it with his bare hand and using his right he thrust his sword straight at the goblin's neck, it passed right through like a hot knife through butter, blood gushed everywhere as a gurgling sound was heard from the goblin.

The 4 others arrived and swung their weapons at him wildly, he jumped up dodging everything and flipped in the air landing at their back.

He senses an arrow flying at him so he grabbed one of the goblins at the nape and used it as a shield.

The goblin cried out in pain as multiple arrows struck it in its body. He then used his mana into his arm and threw the goblin shield into the archers hitting all 4 of them and knocking them down.

With a quick slash he decapitated the 3 other goblins and rushed towards the 4 archers, he made quick work of them as he finished them off all in one quick strike.

The ground was littered in blood after he was done but shockingly no blood ever made contact with his person. He was as clean as when the fight started, he didn't even break a sweat.

He looked around as he sensed more monsters surrounding him. He smiled and screamed. "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?! ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!!" as he has his hands wide open looking all throughout the forest.

The monsters who saw the carnage slowly retreated back into the woods as the traveler sensed their presence going further away from him.

"YEAH!!! YOU BETTER RUN!!!" He screamed and then chuckled at himself. "That's enough pop culture reference for the day." he muttered to himself as he swung his sword a couple of times to get rid of the blood that clings to it he then sheathed it again.

He looked at the goblin horde that he massacred and scratched his head. "I guess no matter which world goblins are just plain stupid." he continued his journey while still talking nonsense to himself. "Well everything except that one anime with the overpowered slime."






-At Heracles's familia

"YOU DID FUCKING WHAT NOW?" Heracles was stumped as he looked at August, his eyes were twitching at both awe, and angered. Awe at how August developed an original magic without the aid of his blessing, and anger because he used it when it was still unfinished which led to him almost losing his arm.

"Relax, as you can see, I'm completely fine." August answered his god nonchalantly, he then spun around slowly to show that he was in fact completely fine.

There was a vein that was popping inside Heracles head, his lips slowly rose to a smile as he looked at August. This smile made August rethink all his life choices up to that point as he felt his body shiver.

"Now there's no need to be violent lord-"

August didn't get to finish as a fist landed on top his head sending him slamming face first into the floor, the impact of it making the whole house shake.


"Was that an earthquake?" was Denki's reaction while training in the courtyard.

Hestia who was washing their dishes dropped a plate as the house shook.


August body twitch as he lies face first on the floor, all that confidence that he gathered thinking he was hot shit vanished in one swift blow to the head by a truly mighty being. He didn't even see the punch coming.

The room suddenly opened as Hestia barge inside. "Heracles there's an earth-"

"Get out!" Heracles cut her off before she could even finish.

Hestia looked dumbstruck at it, then she saw August on the ground and put two and two together. She then slowly leaves, closing the door along her way out.






Moments later after the beati-... After Heracles gave August a stern lecture about respect. The two sit in front of each other as they resume their talk in a more calm manner.

"So, how do you feel?" Heracles asked the young adventurer.

"After that punch? Like shit." August answered sarcastically earning him a glare from the god. "I mean, I feel fine, better even. I feel the strongest I have ever been."

"Hmm..." Heracles nodded. 'It is as I fear, the Theïkó Óplo has now completely chosen him as its master... There's no going back now.' he thought to himself as he stared at his child. "Then I shall update your status to see how much you've grown."

"Sure thing." August smiled and took his shirt off, he then turned his seat and sat facing behind Heracles.

Heracles stood and walked towards August, grabbing a knife at his side he pricked his finger drawing blood, letting a drop fall on the back of August.

The room was enveloped by a bright white light as August's status appeared on his back.

Heracles carefully read it and can't help but be in awe at what he was seeing. 'Such growth, in such a short time.'


Name: August Kaiser

LVL: 5


STR: 523 -E

DEX: 562 -D

AGI: 578 -D

MAG: 612 -C

END: 492 -F


Endless Battle: The user enters a state of pure concentration in fighting, giving him a temporary boost in stats. The longer the fight continues, the higher the user's stat rises. This magic can only be activated once the condition has been met.


:The user must wield Beowulf.

: The user has to slay or injure the opponent for blood to be absorbed by Beowulf.

: The user must be fully immersed in Battle and nothing else.

: Due to the recent battle experience the user can now use the magic instantaneously as long as the user is fully immersed in battle.


:If the user stops Endless Battle in any way, shape, or form, the Stats resets back to its original and the user may enter mind zero depending on how long the use of endless battle is.

G*e *ul* Be**ulf: Incomplete Magic Developed by the user, it allows the user to channel vast amount of Mana into Beowulf, the attack will always hit the targets heart, it will not miss, it will not falter, its aim always true. The mana inside Beowulf will then destroy the target from the inside out starting from the heart. This magic will always bring death to the target.


:The user must wield Beowulf in order to use the magic.

:The user must be in the state of Endless Battle to use the magic.

:The user can only use the magic once a day.


:The magic is still in its incomplete state, the user will receive damage every time he uses this magic. (the more mana he puts inside Beowulf, the larger the drawback is.)


Survivor's Drive: If the user survives or wins an unsurvivable situation, the user will receive a permanent boost in stats. (Boost may vary on how unsurvivable the situation is)

Beowulf's call: The ancient weapon Beowulf has chosen the user to be its master, it allows the user to use (at a limited time) all the skills and experience of the previous user of Beowulf using mana at the process. with every kill the user does with Beowulf, the user receives a portion of the slain mana back. As the battle goes on and more mana has been absorbed the user will activate the magic Endless Battle.

Beowulf Greed: The user can only use Endless Battle and Lethal Tempo if the user uses Beowulf, The effects of lethal tempo are dependent on the user's level.

Monster Slayer: Heavily increases all abilities when fighting monsters, potentially making the user stronger than his actual level when fighting them.

Adaptability: the user adopts with every battle he faces, gaining new experience which would trigger growth in existing skills and magic.

Theïkó Óplo user (Primal spear Beowulf): the user is granted enhanced status when using the Primal spear Theïkó Óplo Beowulf, the amount of excelia the user will gain are also enhanced, it also grants the user the use of healing power and spirit healing when the user holds the spear. The effects of this skill are double when the user uses Endless battle.

Development abilities:

Hunter: Hunter improves the user's abilities against monsters the user fought before and gained excelia from.

Lethal Tempo: The User gains Temporary DEX and AGI with every hit the user makes. Can only be used if the user is wielding Beowulf. The effects are dependent on the user's level.

Charge: The user AGI and STR stat increase temporarily when going in for an attack against multiple enemies or enemies that are stronger than the user.

Abnormal Resistance: Resist the effects of abnormalities such as poison.

Strong Body: The user has an extremely strong body due to training.

Mana Manipulation: The user has full control over his mana and can wield it with high mastery.

Healing power: the user gains a healing factor that automatically rejuvenates the user's body. The condition for the skill is in proportion to the user status.

Spirit healing: the user spirit continues to heal as the user fights, automatically begins regenerating the users mind and mana at a low rate after using magic. The condition for the skill is in proportion to the users status.


Heracles grimaced at the new skill that August had received. His eyes are glued to it, Theïkó Óplo user.

"Is everything alright lord?" August's voice snapped Heracles out of his thoughts.

"Yeah I'm just finishing up." Heracles answered as he quickly copied the status, but he made sure to erase the new skill August received.

"Can I see it." August asked.

"Sure." the god handed him the piece of parchment that was modified. "as usual your numbers are abnormally high. Any idea why that is?" he asked, trying to find out if August has any idea of what he was holding.

"None that I can think of at the top of my head." August lied, he doesn't want to reveal to his god that he was getting stronger because of a god-killing weapon. "Maybe I'm just that talented."

"Maybe so." Heracles felt like August was hiding something, he had taught August many things but not how to lie, and he was bad at it. But he decided not to push the topic further. "Now be on your way and call Denki up, I'll update his status as well. And make sure you dispose of that, as I said, no one and I mean no one will ever see that."

"Yeah yeah, I'll be off then." August walked out while reading his status, the rate of his growth is mind boggling, even for him. "At this rate I'll reach level 6 in a couple of months and a year tops." he said to himself as he crumpled the paper and shoved it inside his pocket to be dispose of later.













Chapter 43 is done now, how do you guys like the story so far?

Again, I apologize for the subpar chapter yesterday, good thing is I already made a mental note to my self not to write while drinking obscene amounts of alcohol.

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.