
A survivor's life in the dungeon. (Danmachi fanfic)

witness the journey of a man who lost everything, as he dives in the dungeon for strength and power. will he succumb to the dangers that he'll face, or will he persevere and find what he's looking for, be it revenge or closure that's for him to decide. . . . . . Hey, I'm writing my very first fanfic, I'll write this story as realistic as I can, so no overpowered MC, he'll be strong, but not in an overpowered kind of strong. I hope y'all like it, and please leave comments and feedback so that I may improve the writing of the fanfic, and it will be deeply appreciated. this fanfic will be dark, themes of death, violence, gore, and other dark stuff, so reader discretion is advised.

TheManCandy · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 42 The spear and its Master, The mortal not of this world.


-the 18th floor safe zone.

Denki was tending to August's wounds, it had been two days now and his captain was still unconscious. The memories of the fight are still fresh in the mind of the young samurai, he vividly remembers the attack that decimated Goliath Rex into nothing.

"Hey Denk, the adventurers would be making their climb now, we should prepare for the journey as well." Froke entered their tent along with a bowl of stew for Denki and her. He was thankful to her, she could have just left them here yet she chose to stay. She even used up her potions to help August recover.

Denki received the bowl and gave Froke a thankful nod. "The captain is still unconscious, making the journey with him in this state would be dangerous."

"That's why I suggest we go with the adventurers returning back. The more bodies around us the more safer we are." Froke answer him as she ate a spoon full of her stew. "And with you there the journey back would be relatively safe, we could pay some adventurers to carry August all through the trip."

Denki took a moment to think about it and stared at his captain. His wounds are starting to heal, the bones in his right hand was mending itself, honestly he was dumbstruck by how fast the pace of his recovery is. An injury of this magnitude usually takes months to heal yet August's body was mending itself by the minute. "Then lets prepare." Denki looked at Froke and smiled at her. "Thank you Froke..."

Froke had an expression like she swallowed a bug, her face was cringing so hard. "Yeah... Don't ever make that face at me ever again."

"Well fuck you too." yeah he really can't get along with the halfbreed.

"Just eat your fucking stew, we'll be leaving after lunch." Froke was looking at Denki when suddenly her eyes widden. She dropped the spoon that she was holding.

"I could use food as well." a voice sounded behind Denki which made him turn quickly. August was awake as he stared at the two of them, to be more precise he was staring at the bowl of stew they were holding. "I'm famsihed."

"CAPTAIN!!!" Denki screamed as he rushed beside August.

"Arghh... Can you please not scream." August winced at the loud sound, right now his senses are in overdrive. "I can hear you well so don't raise your voice."

Froke walked closer as well, she didn't expect that August would wake up, not in that state at least. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"oh I feel swell." August answered sarcastically. "What do you think? I fell like shit!"

"Hey I can do without the attitude." Froke rolled her eyes. "In all seriousness... I'm glad you're ok." she then smiled at August. "I mean, who would pay me, those arrows cost a fortune."

"Aww, so you do care." August sarcastically says as he tried to sit up. "Anyway how long was I out?"

Denki helped him up. "About two days which is shocking, we both expect you to be out cold for weeks, even months with the injury that you suffered." Denki answered him.

"Fuck! So the tournament is two days." August cursed under his breath. He was wondering if he can fight at this condition.

"You're not seriously thinking of still fighting are you?" Froke was flabbergasted. 'Is this idiot serious? Fucking battle maniac.' she thought to herself as she shook her head in disapproval.

"I'm afraid I have to side on Froke on this one. As you are now you are in no condition to fight." Denki chimed in.

"Well the thing is... I have no choice but to fight in that tournament." August answered, a serious look on his face.

"Yes you do. You can choose not to fight." Denki argued with him. "Proving yourself as the strongest level 5 in the city is not worth getting your career as an adventurer being cut short due to an unfixable injury."

Froke looked between the two of them, she wanted to join and stop August as well but she know she has no right. She's an outsider, a hired hand, she has no say in this matter. She could only bite her lips and look at the two adventurers whom she considered her friend.

"Denki I appreciate you getting worried about me, but I need to fight." August looked Denki in the eyes, his eyes filled with fire and determination which made Denki swallow his saliva. "If I don't then everything will be over." August then explain why he needed to fight to both Denki and Froke.




"So let me get this straight, if any member of Ganesha Familia beats you then you'll leave our familia and join them? I can't believe lord Heracles agreed to that." Denki paced back and forth as he contemplated on the information he received.

"The old man had no choice. Its either that or a war game, at least I'll be fighting one on one and not get gang up by multiple level 5." August sigh as he took a big gulp of water.

"What does lord Ganesha wants with you? Why take you?" Froke asked.

"He wants nothing, at least that's what I heard from the old man. It's his captain who wants me to join." August shrugs as he answer.

"Shakti Varma wants you to join Ganesha familia?" Froke seems more confuse.

"Yes..." August took a deep breath and continued. "She and my father are close friend back then, my father use to be a part of their familia and she wants me there because she feels like I need her protection or some shit."

"Protection? She must be joking right?" Denki couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"Well she saved me when I was a kid, but I feel like even now she still views me as the same kid she saved nine years ago." August sighed. He then looked around the room trying to find something. "Where's my spear?" he asked.

"About that..." Denki scratched his head as he awkwardly dodged August's gaze.




August was dumbstruck at what he was hearing, the spear is stuck at the 17th floor embedded deeply inside the ground.

"So you're telling me that not only could you not pull it out but everyone who came close to it gets sent flying into the air?" August asked dryly.

"That's the gist of it." Froke answered his question with an equally dry tone. "What the fuck is that spear made of?"

"Honestly... I have no idea." August put his fingers into his chin as he tried to think of what Beowulf is really made of.

"Well whatever it is, it's scaring the shit out of everyone going thru the 17th floor, it radiates magic so dense even as we speak." Denki chimed in.

"Well this is a better time than any, let's get my spear and head home." August tried standing up but he staggered when he did, he was still recuperating from his injuries. "A little help would be nice."

"You really shouldn't be moving right now." Froke just stared at him.

Denki on the other hand is at August side helping him balance himself, he let him use his shoulder as support.

Froke watched as the duo exited the gate with August limping and Denki acting as a crutch for him.

"Men." Froke just shook her head and sigh, she followed them nonetheless.






The three of them arrived on the 17th floor where multiple adventurers were standing by, they were circling the spear looking at it curiously, the magic was palpable in the air as it was thick and dense which made their skin crawl.

"And there it is." Denki pointed at the spear as August stared at it from afar.

August felt his heart beating fast, he didn't know why but he feels like the spear is calling for him, he feels strong, his strength is returning to him by the second, the closer he gets the more rejuvenated he feels.

He walked closer to the shock of both Froke and Denki, he was walking with his own two feet without needing the help of Denki.

The mana that was radiating from the spear is flowing directly towards August as his wounds closed, the bones that were broken are getting mended, he was smoking from the heat that he was emanating.

The adventurers felt the heat and started to sweat, they looked at August like he was an anomaly, his wounds and injuries are getting healed right in front of their eyes.

The adventurers started murmuring as they made way for the owner of the spear, their eyes filled with awe at the vestige that is radiating from August.

The mana in the air shook growing stronger and stronger, heavier and heavier for their body as some of the weaker adventurers including Froke can do nothing but fall into their knees.

Abraham, one of the oldest adventurers in the ciry was mesmerised by what he was seeing, he was a level 3 adventurer who was way past his prime and was active when Zeus and Hera familia was still on top of Orario. "An aura of a king!" he exclaimed. He was blown away by the Aura that August was exuding.

August arrived in front of Beowulf, the magic in the air crackling in their presence. Then August crouched down, now the wounds in his body are few and far between, he then placed his right hand in the weapon.


Magic exploded in the air sending shockwaves as August hand touched the Theïkó Óplo, all the magic stockpiled inside the spear rushed inside August as his body glowed a radiant light which enveloped the whole boss room blinding everyone in its glory.

With a simple tug August pulled the spear out of the ground like it was nothing, he felt unstoppable right now, he felt like he could do just about anything, power was coursing in his veins, it was itoxicating.

The light slowly subside and there he stood, the Gáe Bulg, the adventurer who was regarded as death incarnate, August Kaiser, with all his glory, vestige, and strength. He stood there for everyone to see.

"Let's climb up shall we." He turned back towards his party and smiled as he said so.

Denki and Froke, as well as the adventurers inside the floor 17th boss room was in awe at this guy. He was the very picture of strength.

"This guy..." Denki can only smile.

"High level adventurers are scary." Froke shivered while thinking about August strength.

And without minding the other adventurers, the three made their way up the dungeon, arriving at the surface a few hours later.






-Somewhere in Wishe Forest.

A lone figure was moving towards Oraria, he was a human roughly the age of 15, wearing grey leather armor, and a pale blue inner wear. He has greyish white hair that was wildly loose and was swaying in the air freely. At his side was a bastard sword, beautifully ornamented by some runic carvings and a lone blue jewel at the pummel.

He had been on a long journey and he's goal was reaching Orario in one piece, join a strong familia, maybe meet a girl or two.

"Only a few more days and I'll finally be in Orario." he muttered as he looked down on his map. "I wonder who'll I see there? Anyway I'll just live my life as a random bystander."

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he took the flask of water and drank from it. After he was done he placed it back to his side and continued on his journey. But before that he muttered to himself as he was walking. "God, a coke would be nice."













Chapter 42 is done now, how do you guys like the story so far?

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.