
A Superman of a different kind

A guy from our world dies, he becomes the God of his own universe, so he decides to create his own superhero universe and even his own version of the man of steel. disclaimer, I only own the plot, and maybe one or two OC's nothing more, this is purely a fanfic

bookwormjohnny2 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 1

***Third-person pov***

***May 28, 1995, Kansas Pikesville***

It was a clear sky that night in Pikesville, farmer Samuel Johnson was going through the last of his cattle to make sure they were all safe and sound. The man stood 1.80 m tall, had hazel brown hair and cobalt blue eyes.

He and his wife were happily married, and they had a one-year-old son already driving them nuts, he wouldn't have changed anything in his life.

Although he had a piece of sad news, he heard this morning, the man he grew up watching his movies, the one they all called superman, had a horse accident that had him in the hospital.

Although he wouldn't show it, Samuel was an avid fan of the superman comic books growing up, and always wished he could fly in the sky like the man of tomorrow, but unfortunately, he had to grow up.

He just stood next to the cows and said to himself, "Lord, I thank you for the gift you had given me of having a livelihood for my family, but I wish, I wish that you would send help to the man who is my childhood hero." And then he added jokingly, in the thought that God was too busy listening to him, "oh and if you could, please send baby superman to this land, thanks."

He was about to turn back to his house when all of a sudden, a bright light appeared out of the sky. He looked up and saw that it has gotten closer to him, so with no thought spared, he ducked out of the way, and to the side, where he watched the object falling on the place he just stood on.

As the dust cleared, Samuel had gotten closer and closer, cuffing like crazy all the way. He waved his hand in a vain attempt to disperse the remaining dust cloud.

Then, when he has gotten close enough to the drop site, he was halted in his place when he saw the object.

It was a big metallic, cylindrical-shaped object, it had four outstretched wings at the bottom, but what Sam was looking for was the big diamond-shaped shield with the S on it but couldn't find it.

He thought maybe he was looking at the wrong angle, so he was getting closer to the rocket, but just as he did, the rocket hissed and opened a side door.

Sam had picked his head closer to the alien craft and was stunned yet again. In the pod was a baby boy, with raven black hair, and eyes so blue it was unbelievable.

Then he looked up to the sky and said, "you were listening? Oh my… I was kidding about the last part!!!"

Unbeknownst to him, the entity that created this universe was laughing its metaphorical and metaphysical ass off.

While that happened, he took the baby out of the alien spaceship, all the while thinking, -how the hell am I supposed to explain this to Angela? –

He took the baby in his hands and braced himself to being chewed out by his wife.

He opened his door and saw that his wife was at the sink doing the dishes, she was a beautiful woman, she stood 1.65 m tall, had honey blonde hair, and emerald, green eyes.

it was at that time that he cleared his throat and said to his wife, "hey honey… you would never guess what just happened…"

"Oh, do tell sweety."

Well, you see… I was just getting the cattle ready back at their place for the night and after that I sort of just looked at the night sky and send a little prayer to God. In it, I thanked him for giving me you and David but also prayed for several people's health."

He stops then gets fully inside revealing the baby in his hands he was hiding this entire time, that took his wife by surprise, but before she could ask him about it he continued, "I felt like God wasn't listening, so towards the end of it I jokingly added that I wished he would send us the baby superman next, and well…" he finished by presenting her the baby, she just said, "Sam… if this is a joke, it is not funny at all…"

"I swear to god Angela, if you would come with me, I can prove it."

She sighed and said, "you are so lucky David is already asleep." And went with him outside to where the spaceship was.

When they had gotten there, her jaw was dropped, and Sam thought he would need to peek it up from the floor.

He was about to ask her if she was ok when she exclaimed, "Damn it! Samuel Johnson, you don't joke around with God! How many times do I have to tell you that?!"

Hearing the loud voice, the alien baby started to cry, and he quickly tried to calm him down, all the while telling his wife, "How in the heck was I supposed to know he would take this one seriously?! I mean look at him he looks just like baby superman!" he said with a hushed yell.

She looked at the alien baby and couldn't deny that he bore a very striking resemblance to the superman her husband was always fascinated by, and he was very cute so she couldn't stay mad at him.

So, she turned to her husband and asked, "so what are we going to do with him?"

"I was thinking maybe we would adopt him?"

"How? The baby literally fell from the sky! Not to mention what are we going to do when he'll develop his powers? If he is really the baby superman… oh god… and how that will affect David… and we obviously can't name him Clark Kent, it would be too obvious."

"don't worry honey, if God has given him to us, then he will help us, plus I already have a name in mind for him."

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

"Christopher Reeve Johnson."

She looked at her husband with a deadpan expression on her face and she said, "you're kidding me."

He smiled at her and said, "nope, much more conspicuous than Clark Kent, don't you think?"

She was about to protest, but then she thought about it, and he was right, that was a pretty normal name.

"Ok fine we can keep him, but you will have to take of that in the morning you, understandable?"

"Yes ma'am!"

She then looked at the baby and told him, "Well, welcome to the family, Christopher."

But the baby was already fast asleep in his new father's arms. He turned towards his wife and told her in a much softer voice, "why don't get him situated in the house, I'll get the truck out, and get this spaceship somewhere safe?"

She nodded and took the baby, she also added, "I think I have some David's old clothes laying around for him to use."

He nodded at her, and they both went to do their own separate things.

It took Sam a little while to get the spaceship out of the ground and onto the truck, from there he took it to the storm shelter to be kept for when the time comes.

***October 10, 2004***

It has been 9 years since Christopher, or Chris for short had joined the Johnson family.

His mom and dad had loved him very much, and his older brother David, who had taken his looks from his mother, was someone he looked up two.

Of course, boys being boys, they would always find themselves in a new kind of shenanigans, which had driven their parents' nuts.

His parents had always watched him like hawks, he didn't know why, he was just like everybody else, but the same could be said about his brother David, all in all, he had a good life on the Johnson farm.

And of course, that's the day everything was about to change.

The boys along with their father were watching the news when they had declared the death of their father's favorite actor while growing up, Christopher Reeve, who Chris was named after.

He had died from a cardiac arrest while was at home in his sleep.

Chris, looked at his dad and saw that he was sad had decided to cheer him up, so he ran to the room he was sharing with his brother and had put on the costume he was wearing for this Halloween, it was a superman suit, with the 'Boots' just being painted on the bottom part of the pants just below the knee cap.

So, he wore the superman suit and ran back to the living room yelling in superheroic like a theme song, "ta tada ta!" they all turned towards him, and his mother was about to tell him to quit it until he spoke again, "I am superman!" he said puffing his chest in the process.

He then turned towards his pa and said, "I heard you are said Pa and came here to make you happy again." He then ran to his dad and jumped to his lap, giving him a big hug.

That had wormed the man's heart and he embraced his son, soon enough David had come closer and hugged him as well, and when they were done, David had turned to his little brother and said, "now can you please put my superman costume back?"

the boy pouts and says, "no! I want to be superman!"

Then David starts yelling, "no I want to be superman!"

"No, I am!"

"Boys!" their dad had raised his voice and they were both silenced by this, then he said, "why don't the two of you take turns on who plays superman, ok?"

They both nodded and said, "yes pa…"

"Good, now Chris… why don't you give your brother his costume back, and David… you have 30 minutes as superman then you switch with your brother ok?"

"Yes, pa."

"Good now go play in your room," then his expression had changed to that of mystery and playfulness, and he then whispered to the boys, "now superman, listen to me very carefully, lex Luther had kidnaped Lois Lane, and is about to blow up metropolis, now go save the day!"

And with that the boys had run to their room, the red cape on Chris's back fluttering behind him.

"You know… you shouldn't encourage them, Sam."

"Oh, relax Angela, they are just kids, besides, Chris is a normal kid, nothing will happen."

"If he was so normal, how come we found him in a you-know-what in the field 9 years ago? And they are still boys, they to all kinds of shenanigans I've lost count."

"Oh, that? Don't worry they are still small enough not to get into too much trouble."

Then they heard of a boy screaming and calling, "MA! PA! Come help!"

It was David.

They ran to the boys' room at speeds they didn't know they had possessed, and when they had finally reached their sons' room, they were shocked even though they kind of expected it.

Outside of the window, still wearing his superman costume, was their son Chris, suspended in midair.

He looked at them, fear in his eyes and he managed to ask, "ma?" then he just dropped to the lawn.

Immediately Samuel had run to the front lawn to check in on his son, while his wife Angela had exclaimed and called out, "Chris!" and rushed to the window to check if she could see her son.

She saw her husband getting to Chris and checking in on him, she was relieved to see him standing up while her husband was checking in on him.

He then turned to her and said, "it's fine! Just a little scraped and bruised, but he will be ok!"

Then Angela had turned towards her other son David with a furious expression and asked with barely contained anger, "you better have a good explanation for this MR!"

"I swear mom I had nothing to do with this!" the boy said scared, but Angela could tell he was lying to her, so she said a little more loudly, "I swear MR, If you are not telling me the truth you are going to be grounded until the rest of your- "

"Ok fine!" the kid exclaimed, he held up both of his hands in a surrendering manner and said, "we started to play superheroes and he wouldn't let me have my costume, so I dared him to try and fly with it, and if he could do it, he would get to keep it!"

He stopped and breathed hard, but then quickly added, "but I didn't think he would actually do it! mom, I swear!"

"And why wouldn't he try it?! And what if he would have gotten himself in even a worse situation than he is now?!"

"But he didn't!"

"That is not the point! He is your little brother, and it is your responsibility to make sure he stays safe!"

David then looked deflated for a moment, Angela had taken that moment to take a breath, but then he asked her a little hesitant, "mom? H-how did Chris was able to fly?"

She sighed in defeat, she knew this day would come but she didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Come, let's check in on your brother, and then we will explain everything to you."

They walked downstairs to the kitchen area where they saw Sam taking care of Christopher's scraped elbow.

To his credit, little Chris winced only a little when the rubbing alcohol had made contact with his exposed flesh, then Angela had cleared her throat and told her husband, "Sam?"


"I think it's time."

He sighed in defeat before saying, "you're right, you're right."

Chris had a look of confusion written all over his face, so he asked, "Time for what…?"

They had made their way to the storm seller, when their father had opened up the doors the atmosphere became even more serious.

They had made their way down there, and when they were finally there, they saw it, a big object covered in a dusty old tarp.

Sam then sighed and said, "Boys, there is something you two should know about Chris." He then stopped and looked at his son and said, "Chris I am sorry, but… you're adopted."

That had hit Chris really hard, from all the things he was expecting to hear today, this wasn't it.

"But I want you to know that no matter what, you will always be my son, and you and David will always be brothers."

Chris could feel his eyes becoming watery, but he held it in and let his dad continue.

"This." He said, removing the tarp, and revealing the cylindrical object underneath. "This is how you came to us son."

"W-Where did I come from?" he asked his father, who shrugged his shoulders and said, "we don't know son, all we can do is guess… and right now, our biggest guess is that you came from the planet Krypton or something alike."

"So… am I an alien?"

"We don't know, but it sure seems like it."

He then went to some shelves at took out some bundles of cloths and unwrapped it saying, "I had a buddy of mine check it, it doesn't match anything on the periodic table of earth."

He then showed it to him, revealing an object that was ovule in shape, he handed it to Chris but as soon as he had touched it, the spaceship had started to come to life.

This of course had startled the Johnsons, and Angela had taken David to hide behind her while Sam had put his hand protectively over Chris' shoulders.

Then a hologram of a man, who looked like a much older version of Chris appeared, he looked in their direction and said, "Tal-Ar my son, If you are seeing this message, it means that I and the rest of our people are dead, at the time of this recording you are nothing but babe so you won't remember me, I am your father Lo-Ar, the Quarthians are trying to eliminate us all and I fear that they just might succeed in that endeavor." Then sounds of an explosion could be heard around and the hologram of Lo-Ar had ducked, and he said frightenedly, "they are here! My son you are the last hope of the Viltronians, only you can help us, in this pod you will have all the knowledge that you will need in order to help you in the future." He then ran to the other side of the room, and it looked like he was punching some keys on an unseen computer panel, when suddenly an explosion was sounding much closer, followed by a monstrous roar.

Then the hologram said, "I have set the coordinates to a planet where the inhabitants look like us, it is my hope that you will have long and prosperous life Tal-Ar." Then both his eyes started to glow red, and he shot two reis of heat at the unseen assailant, all the while saying, "GO my son! And may Rao show his blessings on you!" then the message ended.

Everyone in the storm seller was deathly quiet, none of them dared to speak, all the while Sam's grip of his son's shoulders had tightened protectively.

Then Angela had noticed that her son was crying, heard, she looked and saw that it was Chris, so she asked him, "Chris? Are you ok baby?" he then started to cry out, "I don't want to be adopted! I don't want to be like superman!" he then turned around and started to run out of the storm seller.

Sam said, "I got him, honey, Hey Chris! Get back here!" and he started to run after him, what he didn't expect was how fast the kid could run, so after a few meters of him running, he stopped to catch his breath, after he finished panting heavily, he whistled to the dog, and said, "Dusty! Come here boy!" "Bark! Bark!" the german Shepard had come running to him and he had told him one thing, "go find Chris." The dog started to sniff the ground, then he barked as he recognized the scent and ran after it.

Samuel then ran after the dog in search of his son, it took him a while, but they found Chris crouched down in the neighboring farmer's crop field, his knees touching his chin and he just crying his eyes out.

"Hey, Chris? How are you doing son?"

He asked his son after he had calmed down enough, the dog was now next to him, whining as he felt the boy's emotionally distraught, he sniffed and said, "I'm scared pa."

That was somewhat surprising to the man, and he asked him, "of what son?"

"What if that thing would come here to kill me? What if I accidentally hurt you or mom or David? What if that thing comes after you guys? I'm scared, dad."

The man sighed in defeat, he couldn't debunk the boy's logic, because he had thought many thoughts similar to this one when the boy had landed in front of him that day, he then gave his son a one-arm hug and said, "Son, I am not sure if you are meant to be our superman or not, but I can tell you this, you can be anything you want to be when you grow up, you sure have the brains for it if your grades are any indication, and you have your whole life ahead of you to figure it out.

If whatever that thing was will come for you, or us, we will face it as a family, you have abilities, that much is obvious, so we will help you master them if that is what scares you son."

"I thought being like superman would be cool." The boy said, "but it's not, why can't I just be your son pa?"

The man then tightened his hug and said to him, "you are my son, you'll always will be, but somewhere out there, you had another father who did everything he could to save you, and the Lord knows that we are very grateful to have you in our lives, and David… you have no idea how much he loves you, so we will always have your back son."

That caused the boy to hug his bather back and to cry into his chest, all the while he was wishing in the dee0est parts of his heart that God will give him and his family the strength for what is most likely to come.

Angela had heard Dusty's barks before she saw her husband and son return to their house, her husband had his arm around her son's shoulders, when he had gotten closer to her, he said to her, "the boy just needs time is all." He then stretched out his back and went inside the house.

Angela had looked at her son who was sitting on the edge of the front porch, she wanted to hug him, brush his hair and tell him everything is going to be ok… but she also knew he needed time to process it all.

So, she had come closer to her son and told him, "If you need me or your pa, we will be here for you son." She then kissed him on the head, turned around, and walked back to the house.

The sky started to turn darker and darker, and Christopher stayed outside on the porch, he heard the door opening and the steps of his older brother coming closer to him and sat down next to him.

The boys just sat there in silence before David spoke, "soo… you're an alien…"

Chris didn't respond so he continued, "must be weird being you right now huh? I mean… you being from another planet is kind of-"

"Weird?" Chris asked, fear of being rejected by his brother evident in his voice.

"I was going to say cool, how come you're not thrilled about it?"

"You saw what I saw, whatever that thing was that had killed my father and the rest of my people… what if it will find me here? I'm scared Dave."

David, even though was only 10 years old had gotten into full older brother mode and started to act much more mature than his age, he had gotten his arm around his brother's neck and pulled him into a noogie.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

David just smirked and said, "to prove a point."

Chris, rubbing his head asked, "what point?"

"That no one is allowed to beat my little brother up, except me!"

"That was not funny!" Chris said while a smile formed on his face.

"You sure about that? It looks like it had made you smile…"

Chris then noticed that he was feeling better, his brother somehow knew how to make him feel better.

Then his brother stood up from where he sat down, extended his hand for his brother to take, and said to him, "now come on, mom made her famous meatloaf for supper."

Chris took his brother's hand and stood up, his brother had put his hand around his shoulder, and they had both walked inside the house for dinner, all the while Chris thought that everything was going to be okay.

It has been several Years since Chris had found out about his real origins from his parents, he still hasn't decided if he wanted to be a superhero, but one thing was for sure, he needed to control his powers, so with the help of his family, they read up on all of superman's powers and checked if he had any of them, flight of course was the first thing they found out, speed was second since he managed to outrun his father when he ran to the neighbor's crop field.

Then the third one they tried on purpose was super strength, at first it wasn't easy for him, but he managed to lift the tractor, then as he did again and again it had gotten much easier.

The next one was heat vision, this one he already knew he had since he saw his birth father, Lo-Ar using this power on the final message he had recorded for him. His father had painted a bulls-eye on one of the unused metal sheets they had laying around, they saw on the Smallville tv show that it activated on a hot summer day and Clark was aroused.

That wasn't the case for Chris, he was imagining a different thing, he looked at the target, and in his mind, he imagined it burning, sure enough, it resulted in two intense beams of heat coming out of his eyes, melting the metal sheet, and making a burning hole on the side of the barn, which resulted in him finding out about his fifth power, ice breath.

Then also super-breath was found, and x-ray vision, and super hearing, but that was one other thing that was different from superman's X-ray vision, while superman could see through anything except lead, Chris could see through anything including lead bit not zinc for some reason, but the super hearing was also there, and he found that the more he focused on his hearing, the more he heard.

But one thing that had bothered him was what his father said in his message. In his research on the Superman mythos, one common thing kept popping back, the deity that the Kryptonians worshiped was named Rao, and from the message his father had left, it seemed that their deity was named Rao as well. What would this all mean?

Chris was also very smart, given that the Viltronians had through a course of millions of years became more of a scientific, yet very powerful society, the people themselves became smarter and smarter, to the point where an average Viltronian's I.Q could be considered genius level on earth.

So, when he and his brother finished high school, they were both on scholarships to different colleges.

Chris was going to N.Y.U while his brother David or as he was now called Dave, had gone to west point.

Their father, even if he was a republican, was no racist, he always taught them to respect their fellow man, but he was a firm believer in the United States of America.

So, Dave had decided to become a navy seal, the first one in the family and while Chris was not willing to join the military just yet, he was so proud of his brother. He was his hero.

Chris went into the dorms on his college grounds and opened the door to his room. In there was already a guy unpacking his stuff, he was of Asian descent, was about 1.70. m tall had ebony brown eyes, and he wore a large pair of glasses.

Chris cleared his throat and said, "H-Hi, Is this room 231?"

The guy looked at him, smiled, and said, "yes, it is, you can put your stuff on the bed." He said while gesturing on the aforementioned bed to Chris, who gladly put his stuff on it.

He then turned towards his roommate, stretched his hand out, and said, "Hi, I'm Chris Johnson, your new roommate." The skinnier guy takes his hand and says, "nice to meet you, Chris, I am Peter Park."

Hearing the similarities between his name and that of the titular web-slinger, Chris was about to ask him about it but was immediately cut off by peter saying, "yeah like the amazing spiderman Peter Parker." He then shot him a glare, to which Chris quickly Lied, "I wasn't going to say anything."

"Sure, you weren't…" peter replied, his voice practically dripping with sarcasm.

He then sighed and said, "alright get it out of your systems, I've heard them every spiderman joke by now." Chris honestly thought about it, he wanted to do it, but he also didn't want to start a possibly great friendship on the wrong leg, so he then said, "Deal, but only if you would make fun of me as well."

That seemed to catch his new roommate by surprise, so he asked him, "what can I make fun of you?"

"Well… for starters… my full name is Christopher Reeve Johnson, I am from Pikesville Kansas. Oh and when you really think about it , I pretty much look like superman. Take your pikes."

His new roommate's eyes widen in surprise at hearing what he had said, and then he started to burst out laughing saying, "oh, dude! That is way worse than Peter Park! Oh my god! Did your X-ray kicked in just on puberty? Oh oh! How was your super-speed…" he went on and on and on, Chris didn't mind at all, he seemed like he needed that, he was the but of everyone's spiderman jokes for a long time, he needed to laugh.

When he was done Chris asked, "are you done?" to which the breathing Peter held his sore ribs nodded his head.

"Good, cause it's my turn." Then he proceeded to tell his own spiderman jokes to peter who laughed at some of those, when they were done, Chris had put his very muscular arm around Peter's shoulder, "Peter, I have a feeling this is a start of a beautiful friendship."

"Me too Chris, and just call me Pete."

A/N so what do you guys think about the story so far? Tell me in the comments. I was inspired to write this chapter after rereading one of my favorite Superman stories of all time, 'superman secret identity' for those of you who don't know what I am talking about, you can look for it on the website read comics online.

Now to answer one question: no, Rao or the being is not a watcher, he is the letteral God of his own universe, he is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Love your reviews but I have made this clear. review the story, it lets me know how I am doing, that you love the story and it gives me the energy to keep on writing for you guys.

Until next time.

Bookwormjohnny2 out!