
The Beginning pt2

It was on the Fortieth year of his imprisonment that Sin was awoken from his sleep by a knocking on his cell's door, looking up the youth was surprised to see none other than the Warden with a girl at her side.

The Warden was a woman with crimson hair knit tightly into a bun and a serious face, the girl beside carried a few similar qualities from her looks to the color of her hair allowing Sin to decipher the relationship between the two.

"Stand up, I have an offer for you" called the Warden forcing the youth to stand but he was curious as to what kind of offer she would have.

"How do you feel about forming another Party" asked the Warden suddenly causing Sin to widen his eyes before a scowl quickly covered his face.

"Leave my life in the hand's of a bunch of Backstabbers, yeah right" snorted Sin making his disdain known.

"So you say, but what if forming this Party would allow you freedom" continued the Warden seeing the glimmer in Sin's eyes.

"Am I to assume the girl behind you is who you wish to party me with, must be desperate if your willing to release me" scoffed Sin.

"You are correct on both accounts, as you have probably guessed by now this is my daughter. She is unfortunately incapable of staying in a party due to some of her personality traits, I fear that if this continues she will be blacklisted and so I have come here to make a deal with you. Party with her and protect her, in return you will have your freedom" stated the Warden not mentioning the fact she had used up a number of favors to get her daughter onto a party just to have her kicked within days.

"Fine..." answered Sin after a bit

"Excellent, Ari say hello to Sin. The Esper born with the greatest Thief talent, and now he will be your party member" smiled the Warden feeling a bit of relief as her daughter would now be able to go on missions instead of ending of jobless.

"He's just a kid mom" complained Ari causing Sin to stop in his tracks.

"Never mind, I'll stay here" stated Sin returning to his cot causing the Warden to cast a scathing glance towards her daughter.

"Sin, we both know your capabilities. So why don't you just forget her ignorance for the time being until she sees you in action, I'll even buy your new gear" offered the Warden in a pleasing tone, her temperament had changed quickly signaling she really was at the end of her ropes.

"Deal, but I'm the Party leader" stated Sin causing the Warden to just nod in agreement while Ari silently fumed.

"This is your last hope, don't mess this up. In the future you will be glad I did this" whispered the Warden furiously to her daughter causing Ari to just grunt in acknowledgment.

By this point Sin was forty nine but he seemed to have only aged five years making him appear 14 meaning he was two years younger than Ari which is why she was so unwilling, but unknown to the girl Sin was far more capable than many his age. Having been locked up with nothing but time and his ability to work with, he had learned many things he was capable of.

The Warden escorted the duo from the prison and had them hop in a magic carriage so they could return to the city, the carriage ride was silent as each person carried their own thoughts but only two people were wondering about the third in the carriage while he was focused on one thing.

'I'll be seeing you four real soon' thought Sin as a smile grew on his face at the thought.

The Warden believed he was happy to be free though he didn't want to admit it and just chuckled while Ari wore a scowl the whole trip.

As soon as they made it to the city Sin was ready to get out of his prison uniform which caused many stares to be pointed towards him but upon seeing the Warden they became even more curious.

"Alright Sin let's go and get you geared up, Ari we will also get you some new gear since this a day worth celebrating" smiled the Warden thanking the heavens for her position since it allowed her to abuse her power and get her hopeless daughter a Party member.

The Warden decided to pull out the stops and take them to Mage Lab, it was a name brand supply shop that sold the latest advancements in Guilder gear and it was here that Sin found that a lot had happened during his incarceration.

There were weapons he barely recognized hanging from the walls, and odd looking armors on racks, but his eyes were drawn to an odd looking device on the wall. Seeing his gaze the Warden nearly choked on her own spit, the thing he was looking at was the highest commodity on the market.

"What's this" asked Sin looking at the thing curiously.

"T-That's the Magicannon, it's a new weapon invented about ten years ago" answered the Warden with a stutter.

"What does it do" asked Sin as it seemed small and convenient to carry around instead of a sword or dagger let alone a spear.

"It shoots spells and Esper abilities when they are channeled through it depending on the Esper of course, for example your ability is theft so it wouldn't be any good to get it" smiled the Warden trying to dissuade the old youth.

"I see" stated Sin as he walked off to somewhere else in the store causing the Warden to sigh in relief.

"Excuse me" called Sin getting the attention of one of the sales people.

"I notice your sign says you service weapons here, do you happen to have anyone here that can service a Magicannon" asked Sin surprising the salesperson before a loony looking man ran from the back with a bright smile.

"So you need a Magicannon serviced, well I'm the man for the job" barked the man confidently.

"I don't know, I wouldn't want you breaking it. It's rather expensive thing and it wouldn't be right to let just anyone work on it, why don't you take me to your service area and let me see how well you know your stuff" stated Sin with a doubtful look causing the sales lady to smirk at the response.

"You heard him, show him what you can do unless your just blowing hot air" smiled the Sales lady enjoying the indignant look on the man's face.

"Alright then brat, come with me and allow me to blow your mind." harrumphed the man as he lead Sin to the back where he started his own dialogue.

"Stupid woman, she seems to forget I was part of the research team that invented the damn things. Hell it was even my idea but the bastards booted me when they got the completed version, well what they think was the final version" chuckled the man causing Sin to raise his brows as it seemed he found the right person.

"Are you telling the truth" asked Sin causing the man to grab a picture of him in a lab coat with several other holding the first Magicannon.

"Greedy fools, took my hard work and claimed I was delusional but that's fine. I still have the other plan's for it locked away safely in my head where no one can....." the man fell silent as his eyes took on a lifeless tone.

Sin however had a look of intrigue on his face before walking back to the front of the store, the man coming to a bit later looked around in confusion.

'Where the hell am I' was the thought before he looked for an exit and left.

"So did he blow your mind" asked the Sales lady expecting to hear good things but instead Sin just scowled.

"I can't believe you have a quack like that employed here, he didn't explain anything just rambling on about his ideas being stolen" spat Sin causing the lady to sigh though the reason was unknown.

Sin then turned away with a smirk and walked around the store picking up different items, he wasn't too concerned about what he had just done as the memory would come back to the man but now Sin also possessed the information of the Magicannon which was something he found very interesting.

Sin eventually returned to the warden sighing causing her to turn around and look at him.

"What is it" asked the Warden thinking he was depressed about not being able to use the Magicannon.

"It seems this store's selection is lacking" complained Sin causing a scathing glare to be cast towards him by an older man sitting behind the counter.

"What do you mean, Mage Lab has the widest selection of any store in the city. They even have chains stretching across the half the country" shouted Ari in shock causing the people around to look at the commotion but the Old man sitting behind the counter simply smiled at the girl's words.

"Maybe for normal Espers but what about one's like me" countered Sin causing the Warden to understand what he was saying.

"You might actually have a point...." remarked the Warden causing the Old man to clench his fist.

"You can only blame yourself for not having a better ability" sneered Ari causing the old man to cease his tensing.

"Some might beg for an ability like mine" smirked Sin as during this whole debacle things Sin had taken interest in were disappearing from the shelves including the Magicannon on the wall.

"Just shut up and stop being disrespectful" humphed Ari as she walked up to counter ready to check out with her new gear.

A sales person was about to ring her up when the Old man stopped them and took the sale himself.

"That will be sixteen hundred Silver notes" stated the old man causing the clerk that was about to ring the Warden and Ari up to wheeze from the shock.

'H-half price' thought the clerk in shock.

"Sir I don't think you got everything" muttered Ari upon hearing the price.

"I got everything, your words defending my store's honor was enough to pay for the rest" smiled the Old man causing Ari to blush in surprise.

"As for you brat, get the hell out of my store" sneered the old man showing his ugly demeanor towards Sin making the boy smirk.

"If that is what you wish" chuckled the thief as he walked through the aisles again and a few more things went missing including some useful tools which in fact were useful to his chosen profession.

"Thank you so much and I apologize for bringing him here" stated the Warden just causing the old man to huff.

Soon the trio boarded the carriage again and returned to the wardens estate.

Next chapter