
Chapter 8 – The Race of the Century

(Front Porch, Kent Farm – Kansas Smallville – 17th August 2019)

"Come on in, son! Your Ma's setting the table, dinner'll be ready in a few!" Jonathan shouted out from the porch to his son who was moving the last of the day's massive hay bales to the barn.

Clark responded by raising a hand and moving a little quicker to finish the work while the rest of the workers started to finish up for the day as well. Jonathan couldn't help but smile with pride as he watched his son work. His admiration had never been limited to his son's deeds as a hero, but also what he had done for the farm. He had never told him, but the place had slowly been drowning for years in red ink, debts had mounted and, try as they might, the Kents just couldn't keep up with the changing times.

Jonathan's son had changed that, and although he had been reluctant to accept the money he sent them, it had not only staved off disaster but transformed the Kent farm. The small family operation was now one of the largest in the country, and their holdings covered practically all the grazing and farmland in Smallville county.. Gone were the days of Pa breaking his back just to keep things afloat, instead they had hundreds of workers working thousands of acres. In truth, although he missed the work Jonathan admitted was likely the only reason he was still alive, his health was declining and if he was still working 14 plus hours a day he likely would have keeled over years ago.

"The farm's looking good, although I think we are going to need to replace the grazing fence along the west boundary." Clark appeared at the foot of the porch in a blur giving his Pa a wide smile. "I'll stop over to Bill's store tomorrow and order the fencing, then get it set up. Once I get back that is, work's keeping me busy"

"Bill's is closed tomorrow, son," Jonathan chuckled as Clark walked up the porch stairs and gave his father a confused look. "It's Sunday tomorrow,, the day of rest, church, apple pie, and listening to old man Johnson's weekly rant at the town hall meeting. Sound familiar?"

"Oh yeah, of course, Sunday." Clark sighed, shaking his head, his mind still partially elsewhere.

"You know, Mary called before you showed up yesterday." Jonathan moved over from the porch railing and sat in the rocking hair that had been there since his great-great-grandfather built the house. "Something about wanting me and your ma to talk you out of some fool race that you signed up for in secret, she says that'll only cause a ruckus. And not the good kind."

"Yeah, thought Auntie M might have done something of the sort." Clark sighed, taking the railing opposite his pa, leaning back as he crossed his arms. "So, are ya?"

"Don't reckon it's my business son, all this big city intrigue and supe talk, ain't nothing but noise to this old farmer," Jonathan said plainly, kicking the floor slightly so that his chair started to rock with a nice steady rhythm. "Besides, I trust ya to do the right thing, you've been raised right and haven't done a foot wrong since you were the height of my knee. The only thing I worry about is those green rocks we keep buried in the storm cellar."

"Thanks, pa," Clark chuckled, finding his worries already easing as they always did when he was back home away from all the noise.

"Heard your old friend Annie made it into the Seven," Jonathan observed, seemingly making ideal conversation whilst he waited for his wife to call them for dinner.

"Yeah, she went on her first patrol a couple of days ago. Seems like she's doing well." Clark was only just able to keep the tone of the worry out of his voice.

"She still not speaking to you?"

"Yeah. I'm worried pa, I'm worried about a lot of things these days," Clark admitted releasing another sigh as he looked away from his Pa out over the recently harvested fields. He never could keep his father from knowing what was bugging him.

"You'll do the right thing son, you always do." Pa said honestly without an ounce of worry or hesitation.

"What if I don't know what that is?" Clark asked, his face and voice going pensive as he looked out over the farm that had once been his entire world. "Or worse, what if the world won't let me?"

"Then you try son," Jonathan stopped rocking and stood up moving over to his son and placing a comforting hand on his much taller son's shoulder. "That's all any of us can do, from the strongest man in the world to even us simple farmers. All we can do is try."

"It's so messed up these days Pa, I've just scratched the surface and what I've found is just ugly," Clark gave his father a grateful smile but couldn't help the sinking feeling he was having. "It's all just a business, cold and calculating, and no one seems to care about the little people."

"You do, son, you do," Jonathan reassured his son, patting his son's shoulder before leaning on the railing next to him.

"But is that enough? Just me?" Clark asked looking from his father and staring off into space as if he was trying to see the future.

"Son, my ticker ain't worked right in a long time and like it or not I know I don't have long left this side of the great hereafter." Jonathan's sudden addressing of his mortality caused Clark to turn and look at him abruptly, he was about to protest that his dad was healthy, but Jonathan's raised hand stopped him. "It's true my boy, so listen. If you remember one thing, remember this. It ain't about triumphing over evil or changing the world with grand gestures. It's about doing the work, giving people an example to follow and never giving up. And I know Clark that one day you are going to change the world"

"Thanks Pa," Clark smiled back, touched at his father's words the grateful smile widening easily. "…. And about this race, I've got tickets if you want to come, you'd get your own box and there will be people there I'd like you to meet."

"Ah!" Jonathan's declaration was accompanied by a knowing chuckle and grin at his son.

" 'Ah' what?" Clark asked.

"Son, I've seen you with every crush and girl that turned your lead from Lana Lang to that Marine Biologist student that you dated in college," Jonathan responded with a happy smile knowing what Clark was trying to do. "So, who's this woman that you want your folks to meet?"

Clark blinked at his father for few minutes before decided it was just best to get this out of the way, and let out a small chuckle. "Her name is Lois Lane, she's a reporter, and I really like her."

"I know that look, it's the same one my Pa said I have when I talked about Martha." Jonathan happy that his son seemed to have found someone that he cared for. "Well in that case I'm sure we can pry ourselves away from the old farmstead for one evening…..and just let me know if you want your great-grandmother's ring."

"Wh- PA!" Clark went red as his father chuckled at his son's distress patting his shoulder.

"Dinner's ready you two!" Martha's shout from the kitchen came as she stuck her head around the side to look at the menfolk on the porch. "Unless you want to embarrass the boy anymore?"

"Nah I'm good, got to leave something in the tank for when we meet this reporter of his!" Jonathan shouted back to his wife as he moved away from Clark and opened the front door. "Come on, your Ma's made your favourite and an apple pie as well."

Clark didn't have to wait to be asked twice and quickly followed his dad into his childhood home, the smell of his mother's cooking reaching his nose quickly. He couldn't help but smile at how little the place had changed over the years, his fingers running over the lines on the post next to the dining room that had marked his height over the years. But what made him smile the most was his mother. Martha Kent's hair might have gone grey, and she was definitely plumper than in her youth, but nothing couldn't dampen her warm smile and her bright matronly eyes.

"Oh, Clark it does me a world of good seeing you back home," Martha greeted her son with a warm hug before shooing him over to the table as she laid out the beef bourguignon she had made. "Now, are you eating enough? I've made some meals for you to take back and even cooked an extra pie for you to give to Mary when you see her next."

"Thanks Ma," Clark chuckled knowing from experience it was pointless to argue with his mother, she was always worried about him no matter what and always cooked him enough meals to feed all the homeless on the west coast.

"Such a good boy." Martha smiled at her son as she served up the last of the food, making sure to place the heart pills next Jonathan's meal which was considerably smaller and greener than Clark's. "Are you staying the night? Your room's just how you left it."

"Sorry, I can't, Ma. I've got to attend a charity event for Vought in New York tomorrow." Clark responded with a slight grimace that conveyed how he felt about it. "They want me there to try and sell the idea of supes in the military to some congressmen and senators."

Clark's reply caused a clattering sound as Jonathan dropped his fork and knife whilst choking slightly on his food. "Hrk-cough! What?! They want you to convince people of what?"

"Clark dearie, what your father means is, does that sound like a good idea?" Martha interceded not wanting Jonathan's blunt statement to cause an argument. "I mean you've never really talked about joining the army or helping out in that way."

"Whoa, whoa, I'm not for it, at all." Clark clarified his position, which seemed to settle his parents down, alleviating their fear that their worst nightmare, that their son would be used as a weapon, was coming true. "I need to do this race and keep it quiet before the day. Mary couldn't swing it unless we gave something big in return, so I'm showing up at this event with some other supes and that's all."

"…..Well I don't like it," Jonathan responded bluntly, never one to be shy with his opinions, however a sharp look from Martha as she sat down across from him made him take a friendlier tone. "But I trust you son, if you need to do this then you need to do this."

"Thanks Pa, now can we not talk about my work?" Clark declared, pouring himself a glass of the homemade lemonade that was placed next to him and giving a grateful smile to his mother for the food. "I want to hear about everything that's been going on since I was here last, how are the Mayfields doing?"

"They're good, little Jimmy won first place at the science fair, Mark Johnson threw his back out again, Sue and Susan are thinking of adopting another kid, and the Talon premiered that movie of yours." Martha relayed the goings on that had occurred since Clark last stopped by, the mention of his movie caused him to groan.

"Oh god, you didn't see it did you?" Clark asked, dreading this conversation.

The film had proven a smash hit, broken box office records, and was already being nominated for multiple Oscars along with any other award they could throw at it. The only issue was it was just awful, he had attended a private screening and the premiere in Hollywood, and it was worse than he remembered. It had been too late to do a final edit, and although he was pleased a lot of money was going to charity, he still hated the whole thing, and so did Lois who had described it after the private screening as eye murder and an insult to crap movies.

"Oh, we did! We were the first to see it" Jonathan grinned at his son causing another groan. "And can I just say son, I love you but you are no Steve McQueen or Clark Gable."

"I'm sorry honey, but your Pa is right, acting might not be for you." Martha chimed in with a softer more motherly concern, especially about the nature of the movie. "Can I also say, did your movie have to have so much violence and nudity?"

This earned a sputtering cough of surprise, but Clark soon found himself laughing along as both his parents started to point out the issues and plot holes in 'his' movie and even offer advice for his next one. He didn't mind however it was part of what he loved about being home, he could do anything in the world and his parents would still talk to him as if he was like any other son doing any other job. However, he was wondering if inviting to the race next Saturday was a good idea, if wanted things to go well with Lois maybe having his parents embarrass him to death was not the way to go.

(The Seven Tower – Samaritan's Embrace Charity Event – 18th August 2019)

Stillwell was circulating around the room smiling her best smile at the insufferable windbags and vain idiots that always populated these affairs. Unfortunately said windbags and vain idiots were all Senators and Congressmen the very people they needed to get on side for her plan to land a military contract. Vought was big now, but if she could close this deal, push the bill through senate and gets Supes into the military, well they would go from being a big fish to owning the ocean itself.

She gazed around, making sure all her Supes of the evening were in the right place, Homelander was in the centre of action like he should be. Maeve was chatting up about a dozen congressmen and political insiders all of whom were men and several of whose focus were more on her curves than what she was saying. Whilst Noir was off to one side the silent spectre lingering at the edge of the proverbial feast, providing both a sense of security and allowing some kids who had been dragged alone with parents something to gawk at and take pictures with. She smiled as received a text alert that her ace in the hole had arrived and was ready when she signalled. She wasn't thrilled with the deal she had made with Mary but it was worth it to get this bill through the door.

She gave a polite smile and encouraging nod to Homelander as she passed him, he was talking to the Deputy Secretary of Defence about America, hope and patriotism, all his key demographics. She however homed in on her key target Senator Calhoun, a representative from Oklahoma but more importantly, he was chairman of the Committee on Armed Services. With him on side, passing the bill and other laws would not only be easier but also simply possible. His position was such that it would effectively allow him to torpedo any proposal they tried to make, so they needed him on side.

"Can I get a club soda?" Stillwell ordered casually as she approached the bar which the senator had been stood next to for most of the evening avoiding even appearing next to a Supe let alone talk to one. "Senator, what can I get you?"

"Jack, rocks." Calhoun responded, lifting his now empty lowball glass.

"You know, we have a MacAllan '25." Stillwell offered, plastering on her best PR smile and gesturing to the attractive female bartender, whom Calhoun's eyes lingered on a bit too long.

"You'd be wasting it. Whiskey's whiskey to me." Calhoun refused, giving a chuckle that Stillwell was forced to return before he turned and gestured to Maeve. "Boy, they're blowing so much smoke up Maeve's ass, it's a miracle she doesn't die of lung cancer."

They both laughed at Calhoun's small joke, but Stillwell felt her face go tense for a moment having played the game long enough to know when someone was setting her up for a put-down. She cast a quick glance at Maeve who was doing a marvellous job playing her group so she decided it was time to signal for her ace in the hole. Her hand gently went down to her purse and with practised expertise subtly tapped out a text message.

"But you know it's just that, right? Smoke." Calhoun continued, his smug condescending smile making Stillwell want to punch his face in.

"I'm sorry?" Stillwell responded by faking misunderstanding as she watched behind Calhoun her secret weapon start to move in, his arrival had been silent but people were starting to take notice.

"Everyone loves to bask in their glow, but tomorrow morning no one's putting supes in national defence. It won't get out of committee, much less hit the floor." Calhoun responded, taking great joy in squashing Stillwell's proposition before she even made it.

"Because god forbid we gain an advantage in an armed conflict" Stillwell shot back her smile slightly leaving her face as she recognised flattery wasn't going to work.

"You send a Supe over the 38th Parallel, Pyongyang's going to answer with a nuke." Calhoun stated bluntly. He knew the reality of the world. Yes, America loved Supes, but the rest of the world was scared shitless of them.

"Then one of my guys will catch it," Stillwell responded quickly, scoffing at the argument she was tired of hearing, which she viewed as nothing more than fearmongering. "And on top of Supes, we also have something else they will never have."

"Which is?" Calhoun asked sceptically, mentally winding up to swat down another one of Stillwell's half-baked ideas.

"Truth, Justice and the American Way!" The voice sounded out causing Calhoun's eyes to go wide as dinner plates.

His gaze levelled with the famous S-shaped crest before looking up, nearly having to tilt his head back fully to look into the face of the incredibly tall being in front of him. Standing before him was the Superman, the Supe every politician wanted to be endorsed by. Why, In Oklahoma alone, the man in front of him was viewed with almost religious reverence. Homelander was popular for sure but Superman held both the rural conservative community and the liberal urban youth audience in the palm of his hand. The former because of his rural upbringing and highly independent self-made man image and the latter for his west coast exploits, outreach to minor communities and very tolerant worldviews.

"Well Senator, I will leave you two to get acquainted. Superman, we'll catch up later," Stillwell responded, giving Clark a wide smile and then turning to go deal with the issue she knew was going to come up before stopping and speaking to the bartender. "Oh, and Rhonda, do get him the MacAllan '25. Why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary?"

Stillwell moved away, leaving the senator to be gladhanded and charmed by the most golden of Vought's golden boys. However, she couldn't rest on the triumph that had cost her one measly race, no, she had a fire to control. Homelander was already quaking were he stood his fist had gone so tight that he had smashed the glass in his hand without even being aware of it. She moved swiftly over to the Number 1 hero in an effort to contain the rage that she knew this was going to cause.

"It's all okay, it's okay. You are still the star here." Stillwell was quick to take on the soft motherly tone she always had to do with Homelander that frankly made her feel sick.

"What?!" Homelander asked harshly before stopping and looking around as several people gave him worried looks before pulling Stillwell over to one side and talking in a hush whisper. "What the fuck is he doing here?

"He's just here for one senator, one small task and then poof he's gone," Stillwell replied using all of her energies to keep the Supe in front of her calm even touching his chest intimately which seemed to calm him down. "He's nothing compared to you, everyone, everyone is here to see you."

"You are not answering my question. Why is he here?" Homelander asked his eyes going from Stillwell to Superman who was laughing at something Calhoun had said.

"We needed to close this, and he was our only option." Stillwell responded by touching the supe in a way that made her skin crawl but brought him back to focus solely on her. "Calhoun's demographics being what they are, we needed someone with a broad-spectrum appeal, and that just happens to be him."

Homelander was about to respond harshly before his whole demeanour shifted, his barely concealed grimace became a wide smile and his body language relaxed. Stillwell was confused until she turned and saw that Clark was already walking away from Calhoun and heading to them, leaving the vital senator alone at the bar. Stillwell's face dropped she had a contingency in place but in truth had believed that she wouldn't need it. She quickly moved over to Clark who was smiling and shaking a few hands as he made his way over to her.

"What is happening? You should be over their convincing him that was the deal?" Stillwell asked in a hush but very aggravated voice whilst trying to keep her smile.

"I did, and I was very charming. He wants me at one of his next campaign events. But I can tell you now, no matter what I say or do he isn't going to sponsor the bill. Even if I endorsed him for president" Clark replied honestly and with a serenity that diffused much of Stillwell's building anger.

"How do you know?" Stillwell pressed in a hushed whisper, her eyes going to the bar where the senator was flirting with her contingency plan.

"Several factors: body language, brain chemistry, heart rate and pupil dilation when asking him certain questions or saying anything about the bill. Also, his responses were non-committal, and he is historically against outsourcing America's weapon business to Vought." Clark responded. Years of having to deal with people from all walks of life had given him a greater insight into human nature than most were aware of. "Mainly though, his biggest factor against the bill is that he just doesn't like you, at all."

Stillwell was silent for a moment as she looked into Clark's honest expression then back at Senator Calhoun who was leaning over to whisper into the bartender's ears. She narrowed her vision slightly and locked eyes with her backup plan that was pretending to giggle at the Senator's words. She gave a subtle nod, then turned back to Clark.

"Thank you, now please enjoy the rest of the evening, I know how busy your schedule is…And just remember, my offer is always on the table" Stillwell then politely excused herself and headed over to support Maeve in building the groundwork needed for the bill she was going to push through the committee and then onto the Senate floor.

Clark gave a polite nod recognising that his use to Stillwell for the moment was over and that she was very subtly suggesting he leave now. However, Clark couldn't help but look over at the man he had looked up to since being a little boy and felt that he needed to speak to the man. As he moved over he saw that Homelander had picked up a glass of champagne and was sipping it as he looked over the crowd before he had a slight wince that Clark recognised all too well.

"It's the soap isn't it." Clark's words caused Homelander to look from the crowd to him, his face confused for a moment, causing Clark to clarify what he meant. "The glass. No matter how much they clean it or what they serve you can still taste the soap, can't you?"

Homelander's eyes narrowed at Clark for a moment before he let out a small huff to concede the point. "Yeah, events like this, the drinks all taste like dish soap and the food reeks of cooking oil or grease."

"... and the bottled stuff's little better," Clark joked, moving next to the man gesturing to the containers of imported spring water that had been laid out.

"Right!" Homelander chuckled loudly, enjoying the frank discussion about the annoyance of super senses with someone who understood for once. "Artisanal this and minerals that, it's all just chlorine and salt."

"Yeah, downside of being like us. Everyone always loves the idea that you can see and hear everything, but no one ever asks or thinks about the other senses." Clark continued the conversation also liking being able to with someone as well who understood the issues.

"Or how fragile everything is. I feel like I'm living in a world made of…." Homelander continued the conversation feeling himself oddly relaxed for once.

"Cardboard." Both men said in unison.

They were both silent for a second before sharing a small chuckle and shaking their heads enjoying the moment. Both of them went quiet as they looked around the room filled with people that had come to see them. Clark's eyes lingered on Black Noir briefly and then shifted to Maeve who met his eyes and offered him a smile that seemed to be the only genuine reaction he had received yet apart from Homelander's laugh.

However, Homelander wasn't gazing at the crowd, his own eyes had focused on Stillwell as the woman had glanced at the two and was clearly uncomfortable, but he didn't care about that. No, his attention returned to the man next to him and although he hated that Clark was his potential replacement, he was surprised at how nice his company was. He would never accept the farm boy as the new him, but all his life he had wanted someone to connect to and here he was.

If he was being honest with himself, Homelander had always wanted a family, he craved it in fact, and when he had been given his own team, he thought they would be that. Instead, he had received…. well, 'his team': a bunch of degenerate idiot fuck ups that cared nothing about the family he had tried to build. So, he had coasted through life living off the love of the public and trying to get Stillwell to see him more than the little scared boy she used to visit at night.

How he hated it, strutting around for a public that was made up of weak mindless sheep that bought anything he said, trying to gain the love of a woman that cared more about a mewling baby than him. It made him sick, and each day that sickness grew inch by inch.

Clark though, he was different, Homelander 2.0, him without all the flaws and fuck ups, a shining replacement for their outdated hero. Oh, he really hated that, he hated that people thought that, how they whispered it when they thought he wasn't listening, in truth for a long time he hated everything about Clark. He had imagined in the quiet dark moments of the night, when he alone was awake and everyone else slept, of going to that ah-shucks Kansas farm and levelling it, beating the man to death and destroying the life that should have been his.

But those fantasies were starting to fade, it was like he could feel the bond only they could share, the bond of being the only two that saw, felt and knew the world like they did. And then of course there were rumours, the other whispers people made around him, that Clark was…...his son. Now, he knew he couldn't have children and despite what people thought he actually had little experience and remembered all the women he had been with, of which Martha Kent was not one. Though when Vought was involved that meant nothing, they had enough of his blood and DNA to play with that making a child would be easy.

And looking at the tall squared jawed man next to him, he did wonder…...what if it was true?

Clark wouldn't know, he would be like all the other Supes with their heads full of lies about being related to these sheep, these pathetic monkeys. It was up to him to reveal the truth of the world, the difference between the powerful and the powerless. The thought made him smile, a wide honest hopeful smile, as he imagined being a father figure, having someone to connect to, to support, to lo-...to love. He knew what he would do, he would be the only one strong enough to support Clark, to mould the young man in his own image and bask in the pride of his achievements and success.

'I could always use the backup too, Translucent is still missing and nobody but me seems to care.'

"So, you going to the race next Saturday?" Clark asked turning back to look at Homelander giving the man a kind smile, that to Homelander's mind offered him so much.

"I was debating it, it'ssort of A-Train's day and I don't want to overshadow the guy." Homelander replied diplomatically instead of revealing how little he cared about a stupid race and for selling Stillwell's talking points to the braindead public.

"Yeah, A-Train" Clark replied in a tone that Homelander knew, he had used it a lot when talking about the druggie athlete and the invisible pervert on his team. "The man is certainly something."

"Yes, he is." Homelander replied slowly, before taking a deep breath and deciding to trust his instincts. "You know, I could maybe use your help with something, Translu-"

"Superman, we need you for a photo." Stillwell's voice suddenly cut off Homelander as she appeared next to Clark, her arm linking into his to drag him off for a photo with Maeve.

She also gave Homelander a subtle look that clearly told him to drop the Translucent issue and that Clark was not staying much longer.

"Sorry, duty calls apparently. It was good to finally meet you Homelander," Clark turned from Stillwell and offered his hand that the other hero quickly took, shaking it gladly. "I hope you attend the race, I'm planning on attending, and it would be good to speak to you more about certain things."

"It would, I would like that….son" Homelander offered a wide smile that Clark returned, taking Homelander's choice of words as a reference to their age difference not what was actually intended.

As the Man of Steel left to have his photo taken with the lowly mortals, Homelander's eyes never left the man, deciding to attend the race and speak more to the only being who could be his equal.

(Vought Hartsdale Sports Plaza and Stadium – Race of the Century – 24th August 2019)

Clark was in his civilian attire as he helped his parents out of the car, making sure to support first his mother then his father. He had hired a chauffeur for the past few days and taken advantage of not driving to catch up with them at the hotel and on the way. He didn't have to worry about the paparazzi or the press as they were using the private entrance and his civilian clothes meant he wasn't well-recognised.

"So, what's the whole point of this race, son?" Jonathan Kent asked as they entered through the private VIP entrance.

"It's to find out who the fastest man alive is." Clark responded as he pushed them past the hallways packed with people that worked behind the scenes of these events.

"It seems sort of pointless to me." Jonathan replied as they reached the elevator that would take them up to the private boxes, looking around at all people and money having been spent. "I mean, no offence, but do they really need all this for a quick sprint?"

"Oh, hush Jonathan, there's no call for you to be difficult and grumpy. Don't you listen to him, Clark." Martha shushed her husband with a playful swat on the arm earning a bashful smile. "Someone's just crabby because he hasn't had his morning coffee."

"Wait. Didn't they have any at the hotel?" Clark asked, confused. He had gotten them a penthouse suite in The Ritz-Carlton just off Central Park.

"$20 for a single cup of joe! I wasn't paying that," Jonathan huffed in defence as the elevator doors opened and they were greeted by a hostess who gestured for them to follow.

"Pa…" Clark sighed, his hand coming up to his face to pinch the bridge of his nose as he chuckled at his father's antics. "It was included in the price I paid for the room; you didn't have to pay."

"Well….it was still too darn much for coffee." Jonathan grumbled as they entered the private box that overlooked the finish line.

As they entered Clark was pleasantly surprised to see that Lois was already present off to one side as she adjusted the shirt and skirt she was wearing. He smiled. He had seen her take everything head on without fear, but meeting his parents was apparently more of a daunting task than interviewing superheroes and world leaders.

"Ma, Pa. I want to introduce Lois Lane, my….." Clark's introduction stalled out as he realised he had no idea what to actually call Lois and feared he was about to put his foot in his mouth.

"I'm his girlfriend." Lois finished Clark's sentence cutting off the awkward silence and causing Clark to smile widely at the word. "It's good to meet you Mr and Mrs Kent, Clark has told me so mu-"

Lois had stretched out her hand for a friendly shake only to be cut off by Martha moving in and giving her a Kansas-sized hug that Lois swore clicked her back.

"None of this Mister and Missus stuff, you can call us Martha and Jonathan." She instructed the younger woman who looked very surprised and unsure of how to react. Martha then broke off the hug taking a step back to admire the young woman in front of her. "Now, let me have a look at you. Oh my, you are a beauty aren't you dear?"

"I-I-I-I Um…...thanks?" Lois responded looking to Clark for support.

"Ma, please? Stop tormenting her." Clark responded and he couldn't help but chuckle at the scene just as his father was doing.

"Oh, hush you," Martha turned to face her son with a wink and a grin. "Tormenting? Really, such awful things to say about your mother. Just for that I am going to tell this lovely young lady all about the hamburger incident."

"Hamburger incident?" Lois asked intrigued now moving over to place a friendly arm around the other woman and guiding her to the seats in the box. "Martha, I think you and me are gonna have a lot to talk about."

Clark couldn't do much but groan and earned a small consolatory pat on the back from his father as they both followed the two chatting women. Martha launched into telling in excruciating detail the infamous Hamburger Incident and the cloud of grease and smell of French fries that had followed Clark around for weeks. Eventually, and mercifully, the conversation moved on from one of his embarrassing early saves to other topics as his parents got to know Lois and Lois them.

In all, the day was going well and Clark's plans were in no rush. The race wasn't starting until the evening and it wasn't like he needed to run off. He was right where he needed to be, and the people he wanted to talk to weren't there yet so he opted to relax with the ones he loved. However, as he watched Lois talk to his parents he noticed that at times she seemed to be asking leading questions and digging deeper into his parents' lives than just a friendly chat. As if she was trying to figure out or uncover something about his parents.

"Good lord, what is she wearing?!" Jonathan's voice caused everyone to turn to face the man that had stood up to get food from the table next to the window.

"Jonathan, what is it?" Martha asked standing up trying to see what her husband was talking about only for her eyes to go wide as saucers. "Oh, dearie me!"

"Ma what is the mat-" It was Clark's turn to stand up along with Lois and look out of the window his voice was cut off as standing on a balcony was Annie.

However, it took him a moment to recognise her as she wasn't wearing her old costume. Annie was wearing what could be generously called a slimmed-down leotard with high-heeled boots. The new costume consisted of very, very little material, and what little there was had been unzipped all the way below her chest. Clark was too much of a gentleman to say what he was thinking about the costume out loud but his mind certainly wasn't holding back.

"Clark, I think you might want to make an earlier appearance?" Lois turned and gave him an understanding nod that gave him permission to leave, which his parents' faces clearly supported.

"Thanks, I'll catch up with you and be back after the race." Clark promised everyone in the room before leaning in and giving Lois a grateful kiss on the cheek as he started for the door. He pulled out his phone and dialled the number he had been given to signal his arrival on the field.

(Inside – Vought Singing Booths)

Annie had moved inside now, after a brief and humiliating spectacle on the balcony her new costume looked like it was more suited for an adult movie than fighting crime. She felt her skin crawl at all the looks she was receiving from the small, disappointed glares of mothers with daughters and especially from the men of all ages who leered at her. However, she was trying to push that out of her mind as she singed her photo for the fans that had cued hours to see her, most of them young woman and little girls.

"Aren't you cute?" Annie couldn't help aww at the cute little girl in front of her wearing a starlight costume, quickly signing a photo for her.

"Is it okay if I get a selfie?" The young adorable girl asked hesitantly holding up her phone that had a starlight case on it.

"Of course, honey. Take this." Annie quickly agreed, giving the girl the signed photo and standing up to take the photo. "You really dressed the part?"

However, she quickly regretted the decision as she realised her new costume was not appropriate for a picture with a small child. She glanced at the line of men waiting for Black Noir who were suddenly grinning like idiots at her.

"It's your old costume but I am saving up for your new one!" The young fan exclaimed excitedly looking at her idol with wonder and pride as Starlight came up next to her. The thought of a little kid dressing up in a costume like she was wearing made her feel uneasy.

As she leaned over to take the photo next to the young girl, her heart sank further as she had to place a hand over her chest to keep a shot of her cleavage out of the selfie. However, the moment was almost worth it as she saw the look of joy on her fan's face, right up until a voice cried out.

"Hey, Starlight!" A young man being egged on by a group of his friends shouted out causing Annie to look over. "Show us your tits!"

Her face fell suddenly and shifted to a look of disgust at the man who just leered at her whilst several others called out in approval at the idea. It wasn't many but there were more than enough to ruin the moment and chase away the hopeful expression on her fan's face. As the whistles and calls continued she was about to press forward and shut the men up when her manager Ashely's hand appeared on her shoulder.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." She quickly tried to cool the supe's raging emotions and head off the PR nightmare she saw coming. "You do not need to press your luck right now, right?"

Annie watched as her young fan started to shuffle away with a look of sadness. An idea started to form, and she smiled.

"Hey, sweetie. You know what? Save your money. I like that one a lot better."

Annie then turned to Ashely as the fan left and was about to ask for a private minute alone when suddenly the louder speakers roared to life, and a tune she had not heard in years sounded out. It started off with an unmistakable brass trombone playing a tune that was known universally.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, and sports fans of all ages. We have the pleasure to inform you that today's race will NOT decide who the fastest speedster in the world is. No, for today is truly THE RACE OF THE CENTURY!"

The announcer spoke with such enthusiasm and passion that Annie was already moving outside before she registered that she was walking. The outside crowd had ballooned to its maximum capacity as everyone came out of the woodworks, including A-Train and Shockwave who were not supposed to be out yet. Everyone's eyes looked to the skies as they knew what the music represented and what it signalled.

"Please direct your attention skywards, as our two competitors today are joined today by a man who needs no introduction. He is the fastest man alive, and is putting that title up to the challenge today!"

Annie couldn't help the smile that came to her face as her lips mouthed the words that followed next. She wasn't the only one either, she saw dozens of people mouthing and whispering the famous lines that followed as the anticipation built.

"Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! The one… the only… SUPERMAN!"

Each line was accompanied by a small blast of air that hit the crowd as a red and blue blur streaked across the sky, getting lower each time. One the final line the blur suddenly shot down into the middle of the field as the music reached its crescendo, causing the stadium to shake and the ground to quake. As Clark stood up stretching his hands to the side to give a wave, the noise that hit him was more powerful than his arrival.

"Hi everyone! Who's ready for a race!" Clark declared with a plastered-on smile, his eyes locking on to Annie's as the crowd exploded into cheers.

He didn't waste any time and before she could move off or the VNN team who had been interviewing Maeve and Homelander could corner him. He floated above the crowd waving at everyone as he did so and landed next to Annie, who seemed shocked at his presence. He quickly brought her into a half hug and positioned it so they were waving to the crowd together, although he knew the rumours it would spark he didn't care.

"We need to talk" Clark whispered as the crowd went wild taking photos of them and more than a few screaming how cute they were as a couple.

Annie merely nodded in response and the two swiftly moved off, waving to the crowd that was still going crazy in response. Clark gave a quick glance at A-Train who seemed to have gone pale but also seemed to be sweating as well. The speedster's heart was pounding fiercely, practically a drumbeat that carried across the field. However, before he could spend anytime on that he was already inside and his attention shifted back to Annie.

"Clark, it's good to see you. I've been meaning to call." Her words were delivered in a clipped monotone, not the usual chipperness she had always used when they talked. Her arms folded around her body.

"Annie, please, what happened?" Clark asked gently. He recognised the tone along with the folded arms and self-hug.

He had the unpleasant knowledge of what their actions pointed to from years of breaking up prostitution rings and working with the LAPD to crack down on vice-related crimes. He had helped more women than he could count to deal with the trauma of what had happened and had a sinking feeling he knew what Annie was going to say.

"Oh Clark, I've been an idiot." Annie suddenly broke down crying as she fell against the wall and slumped to the floor. "First I was confused, and everything was hitting at once. I let these stupid rumours I heard into my head, and my mom's voice kept playing again and again. I fucked up, I fucked up so bad…."

"Hey, hey, hey. It's alright, I promise you it will be alright," Clark responded softly, kneeling down next to his friend knowing all he needed to do for the moment was listen and see what she needed. "Just take a deep breath and tell me slowly. What happened?"

Annie sobbed for a few moments before she let out a deep breath and then proceeded to tell Clark all the stupid decisions she made and the fears she had let control her. As if the words were being torn from her soul, she described what the Deep had done and all the humiliating things she was starting to have to do for Vought to keep her job. Clark merely knelt there not interrupting Annie apart from a comforting smile and gentle squeeze of the hand.

It didn't take long before Annie's tale of woe was finished, and a look of worry appeared on her face. "Clark, I'm so sorry, you must hate me fo-"

"Annie, I could never hate you, nor am I disappointed. Okay?" Clark cut her off, an honest look in his eyes as he reassured her, placing a hand over hers. "We are going to figure this out. After the race I am going to talk to Homelander, and I will put a stop to all of it.."

Annie was quiet for a few moments as she dried her tears, getting up from the floor and giving Clark a grateful smile. It was like old times again minus the scanty costume she was dressed in and the crisis looming over her.

"Thanks, Clark, but I really am sorry. It's just….." Annie's face fell again and she looked away from her friend

"Just what?" Clark pressed wanting to know what was wrong.

"It's just… it's difficult okay? You're well you and sometimes it's really hard believing that you exist, let alone being your friend." Annie sighed trying to give words to the complex emotions and facts of her life. "It's like you're a god or a force of nature. Something beyond human, which sometimes makes it difficult….. not to see you as flawed. People have flaws, people need to see them, to relate to them and well you…... don't. You're so perfect, and the rest of us make things up just to have something to hold on to. Sorry, this must sound so stupid."

"It doesn't, I understand." Clark gently placed his hand on Annie's shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze. "Annie, if you ever need me for anything. All you've got to do is ask…. Hell, I can beat up the Deep if you want?"

"Thanks, Clark," Annie chuckled at Clark's joke feeling better and liking having her friend back on side. "I might take you up on that, but for the moment, I think Ineed to handle it alone, you know?"

"I think so." Clark gave her a smile as they started walking towards the changing rooms, a line of photographers and reporters in wait to get pictures of the Supes coming in and out. However, before they reached the gauntlet of flashes Clark stopped twisting his head back around. "…. Sorry, I'm needed outside. They're calling the racers out. I'll meet you afterwards, okay?"

"Okay," Annie smiled, exchanging a small private hug with her friend before he headed back the way they came. "Oh and Clark? Beat their asses."

Clark smiled as he twisted around and gave Annie a salute, promising to do just that. As she turned, she felt herself feeling better not realising how much she needed to vent to Clark. She was pushing towards the Seven's private changing rooms when she suddenly heard a voice call out from the crowd.

"Annie! Annie! Over here!" The voice caught her off guard and she turned towards another friendly face, but this was one she hadn't expected to see.


(Outside – Super Abled Race Track)

As A-Train left the tunnel he was entirely focused on the music pounding through his headphones, getting himself psyched up. He was also trying to control the high he was feeling as the V burned in his veins. Fuck coke, to hell with crystal, and molly could go suck it. Nothing beat the euphoria, the power, the electricity that the blue stuff pumped through every inch of him. Although that was just for him, Popclaw described the experience differently and he suspected the type of high you got was dependent on your powers.

However, his moment of joy and focus was immediately halted as he saw that he wasn't the first competitor on the racetrack. Standing with his arms crossed in the middle of the track talking to an VNN reporter was the man that had stolen his title of the fastest man alive. A-train clenched his teeth.

"So, Superman, the big question of today. Why the sudden or better-phrased surprise appearance from you today?" The reporter was a young African American woman named Kathy Maloney who was giving her best and most flirtatious smile to the powerhouse in front of her. This interview was solid gold and could make her career.

"Well, as you know I don't lie." Clark joked, causing Kathy to respond with her own yet clearly fake laugh. "So in truth, it was a last-minute decision. My schedule is always fluid and I'm only able to commit to so much. I'm always on duty, you understand."

"Of course, of course, and I think I speak for everyone when I thank you for it," Kathy responded, earning a grateful nod from Clark. "But can I ask, why now? You've been the undisputed fastest man for over a decade now and you've never shown an inclination to do races to prove it. So, what's changed?"

"A few personal considerations were a factor, but what made it an easy decision is that my proceeds for the event will go to charity." Clark responded by uncrossing his arms and putting them on his waist to seem more friendly. "Along with any of my potential winnings."

"Potential? So, you say that there is a chance you'll lose." Kathy pushed leaping on the chance to get a sound bite that her network could run, and she could take credit for.

"Well as my Pa always said, 'don't count your chickens before they hatch'. Anything is possible Kathy, but if you're asking my personal belief, I would say I'm confident." Clark responded modestly, giving his best smile. "Now if you'll excuse me. I'm needed for the race."

"Yes, of course. Thank you for your time and good luck Superman." Kathy replied giving him a subtle wink and leaning forward slightly to let him have a better look at her chest, before turning back to the camera. "Well you heard it here first folks, and straight from me Kathy Maloney. Reporting for VNN."

As the camera's light went off Kathy let the painful cheery smile drop from her face and all but threw her microphone to the intern nearby. As she turned she spied someone standing at the side-lines that she really didn't expect to see. There was Lois Lane, standing around in smart casual clothes, an exclusive VIP pass on her neck, and not a film crew or recorder in sight.

"Well, well, well. Isn't this a surprise: the famous Lois Lane, and without her bleeding-heart liberal agenda back up boys with her." Kathy smugly greeted Lois, although she knew the other reporter was way out of her league she could take a shot, especially now that she was just another cape chaser like her.

"Kathy Maloney, right?" Lois glanced at the woman briefly recalling the name from a previous brief interaction. "Surprised to see you're off your back and not on your knees for a change. Getting to be too much work for an interview?"

Kathy's face went red at the unsubtle and painfully true insult before deciding to return fire, shoving a thumb over at Superman. "Well, I've heard you're doing the same these days? How is the Man of Steel?"

However, much to Kathy's fury Lois didn't rise to the jab or look shocked at the accusation. All she did was raise a wicked smile and turn to face her fellow reporter. "Girl, you wouldn't believe me."

With that Lois walked away moving closer to Clark, to let him know his parents were going to stay in their box and she was going to watch from the side-lines. All she left behind was a gobsmacked bundle of jealousy..

However, Lois hung back as she saw that Clark had moved over to where A-Train had been stretching and caused a media swarm. Faster than the eye could see, his arm clamped down around the speedster. A-Train did his best to look natural but his heart was racing and he could feel the vice-like grip on his arm as Clark pretended to be side-hugging him.

"I know what you did in New York, and I can guess what was in the bag." Clark whispered; A-Train was impressed and terrified by the fact that Clark seemed able to talk without moving his lips or dropping his million-dollar smile. "You might think you got off, but trust me you haven't. I'm going to be watching you like a hawk, one more slip up or accident and I don't care what team you're part of. I will tear you down. You could see me coming a mile away, and there wouldn't be a single thing you could do to stop it. Understand?"

"Homelander wi-ahh" A-Train tried to shoot back his response, the V giving him a boost of confidence but that stopped when Clark squeezed him tight.

"Understand?" Clark pushed his voice threatening to go above a whisper and reveal their conversation to the world.

"…Yes." A-Train managed to grunt out.

"Good. Consider this a preview. I can be anywhere at any time, and right now I'm going to show everyone how slow you are." Clark let go of the man and was about head over to the starting line without another word, before he stoped and turned his head around again. "Oh, and tell the deep that if Starlight doesn't get the message across, I will."

And with taht he left, A-Train standing still gripping his shoulder in pain.

It was then that the other racer for the day, Shockwave, appeared signalling the race was about to start. Clark moved over to the speedster who was closer to his age and briefly shook the man's hand. They briefly made small talk about their race over a decade ago as children and took a few photos before the race started.

However, as A-Train and Shockwave moved to the starting line Clark moved over to the crowd. His hand went to his shoulders and pressing down hard unlocked his cape's hidden clasps. In a dramatic flourish he whipped off the square of cloth and headed over to a young girl that was wearing a Starlight costume and sitting near the front row. The girl's eyes widened in amazement as Clark handed over what was arguably the most iconic piece of his costume, the golden S crest on the back, causing the crowd to go wild.

"Here, can't have it slow me down, can I?" Clark gave the young Starlight fan a friendly smile and a wink.

As Clark moved back over to the race line, Lois' eyes widened slightly as she saw just how skin-tight his suit was. Without the cape, his very toned back was open to all the world to see. or most, especially the women in the crowd, it wasn't his back muscles their eyes lingered on. Taking his starting spot Clark's eyes remained on A-Train who was jumping erratically and swaying from side to side. Even without his enhanced senses, it was clear that A-Train was jumpier than a smackhead after a fix.

"Runners take your mark!" The official for the event moved forward. A-Train and Shockwave adopted a sprinter's crouch at the starting blocks whilst Clark just stood there, arms crossed.

"Get set!" As the other two racers tensed, Clark still made no move to appear ready, instead just standing still on the spot.

"Go!...?" The official fired his gun, still confused at Clark's relaxed pose.

However, the moment the gunpowder ignited the world slowed to a crawl for the three racers. A-Train and Shockwave pushed off with everything they had both turning to see Clark apparently still frozen. A-Trian face broke into a bright smile, Superman may be fast but the son of a bitch was arrogant and besides he was the A-Train, no one could-

Shockwave and A-train were shoved to the side by the quakes from each of Clark's supersonic foot falls. The man's sheer speed caused not only the air to bend around him, but it looked like the light itself was warping in his wake. The only people able to see it were the racers themselves and Homelander who was watching from a balcony with pride. Then as Shockwave and A-Train hit the ground hard, Clark seemed to blink out of existence before reality came crashing back around them.

They skidded to a halt as Clark appeared past the finish line after stopping with expert precision. The crowd went wild and no one seemed to care about the other racers having been blown away. All anyone cared about was who was the fastest man alive and how it wasn't A-Train, not even close. Clark had little time to saviour the win when suddenly Homelander floated down next to him, and before Clark could ask he took his hand in his and raised them in the air, causing the crowd to go wild.

"Congratulations my boy! Hell of a race." Homelander beamed at Clark with satisfaction, which although the younger man found odd returned with a smile of his own.

"Thank you, actually I wanted to talk to you about some things." Clark leaned in whispering at a volume below the range of human hearing as a crowd of reporters started to swarm them.

"Me too, we have a lot to talk about, and I need your help." Homelander's response caused his eyes to go wide. What did the world's greatest hero need help with? "The sooner the better, I can't say much here, but we're all in danger."

"What danger?" Clark asked, confused and trying desperately to stay close to the other hero as the crowds of reporters crowded around in earnest.

"Translucent has been murdered," Homelander managed to say before they were broken apart.

Clark's jaw dropped, but he wasn't able to respond as both the shock of a supe being murdered caused him to go still and the group of reporters was demanding his attention. However, even over the crowd, he could still see Homelander who merely mouthed 'Come find me'. Clark felt another one of the all-too-common-these-days sinking feeling that his life was about to get complicated again, and that he wouldn't be able solve it by just working everything out with Homelander.

However, he suddenly felt the need to turn his head and his eyes went wide as he saw a very tall well-built man standing next to Lois. They were scruffy-looking, with a growing unkempt beard but despite its length it was clearly military or at least used to be in its style. His clothes also drew Clark's eyes:s Although civilian in nature they clearly were well-chosen to allow free movement and for the ability to conceal the firearm his super-vision could see. He started to push over to Lois in fear for her safety, only to find by the time he made it through the crowd the tall black haired gun-toter was gone.

"Lois, who was that?" Clark asked quickly scanning Lois to make sure she was alright.

"An old contact of mine. In truth I thought he had died a few years back." Lois responded looking down at the card the man had given her, a phone number was scribbled on the back. "Said to call him if I wanted to start making a real difference."

"What's his name?" Clark asked his head turned around giving a large smile to the crowd still following him, whilst he scanned the area for the man alarmed that he seemed to have disappeared.

"William Butcher, guy used to work for the CIA"