
A Summer Secret

In the tapestry of secrets, as everyone harbors their own, Julia's story unfolds—a journey on the mountain, a rare fruit, an unexpected connection, and a concealed summer secret.

Gene7 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Awakening

"Julia, Julia, Julia!" her mother's voice called out, pulling Julia from her deep slumber. She groggily mumbled, "Aww, Mom, let me sleep a little longer; it's summer break."

But her mother was insistent. "Honey, wake up. We're going back to the village today. You need to get ready."

Julia, still half-asleep, asked with a hint of annoyance, "But why, Mom? It's not even New Year's."

At that moment, her father entered the room, bringing an unexpected answer. "To eat a fruit."

Julia was puzzled. "Dad, why are you home? I thought you went to work. And why do we have to go back just for a fruit?"

Her father spoke gently, "Sweetie, it's a bamboo fruit that only bears once in half a century, specific to our village's mountain. It grows only in the highest peak of the tallest mountain there, once in fifty years. It's a tradition for our village for everyone to gather and go to the mountain to have a taste of this fruit."

Julia's eyes widened with surprise and curiosity. Her sleepiness was replaced with sudden excitement. She quickly jumped out of bed, full of questions and eager to start the day. She rushed to get ready and pack essentials.

Meanwhile, her father was lost in his own thoughts, reminiscing about how he had longed for this moment since his childhood. He had always heard stories about this unique fruit and wanted to experience it once in his lifetime.

An hour later, the family was ready to depart. Their car was packed with belongings. Just before they left, Julia remembered something important. She dashed back to her room and retrieved a simple yet beautiful bamboo bracelet that had always been her lucky charm. She didn't remember how she acquired it, but it held sentimental value.

Their journey to the village was filled with breathtaking scenery and the wonders of nature. It was a perfect summer day. After a long drive, they arrived in the village and were greeted by relatives who had gathered from all over, including some who had been away for decades. All their relatives were already there, along with some villagers who lived abroad and those who hadn't returned for decades. They exchanged greetings and rested in Julia's grandparents' house.

After some rest, Julia engages in heartfelt conversation with her grandparents, and they were very happy to see her. While her parents started preparing for tomorrow's trek to the mountain. It wasn't an easy journey, as it could be dangerous, so they had to prepare for unexpected challenges. Julia listened attentively as her parents discussed the trek, emphasizing the significance of each step in reaching the elusive fruit.

As the evening settled in, the village buzzed with excitement and anticipation. The air was filled with stories of past journeys, laughter, and the aroma of a communal feast being prepared. The entire village seemed to come alive in preparation for the rare event.

Julia joined the villagers around a bonfire, sharing stories and laughter. The warmth of the fire and the camaraderie of the people created a sense of unity that made her feel connected to her roots in a profound way. She couldn't help but marvel at the unique traditions that bound her village together.

As the night deepened, the villagers gradually dispersed, preparing for a restful night before the challenging ascent. Julia, lying in her childhood bed, stared at the ceiling with a mix of excitement and wonder. Tomorrow held the promise of a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and she drifted into sleep with dreams of reaching the mountain's peak and tasting the legendary fruit.