
A successful villain

In a world divided by hate,control,and segregation. Who will rise up and defend the weak? Save the poor? Dethrone the government? Abi is only trying to be a good girl for mother. Will she betray her teachings? Will she join the rebellion? With her crazy vision and words from friends, she is more confused then ever. No longer care free or full of ignorance. Will Abi stand by and do nothing?

Azian_Dumpling · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

It's the seventh sun rising! Tonight is the party! I just need to get my yard work done fast today.

A warm thick smell comes from inside the big house. I forgot. Today is waffle day. I don't know if mother will shop today. If she does I might be late to the party. I wish I could try a waffle again. Jerica use to sneak out food to me, when we were younger. I've tried waffle,chocolate, and my favorite raspberries! But I doubt I'll get some today.

" peekaboo!"

I scream as I fall back, hitting the stone walkway. "Tstststs.." I say while rubbing my head.

"Oh..My…gosh…Abi I'm so sorry!" Jerica yells in a hushed tone "I didn't mean to scare you! Just surprise you!" She continues while picking me up from the floor.

"That's ok sorry I'm just not use to visitors."

Jerica giggled " yeah guess not. Anyways since you didn't get anything yesterday for your birthday.." she slowly pulls out a plate behind her back. "Here is a waffle with raspberry syrup!" She beamed as she smiled handing me the plate.

"For me! Oh my!! Really!! Thank you!!" I start to tear up.

"Oh..uhhh don't cry it's just a waffle..?"

"Yeah.. yeah im sorry.." wiping my tears

It taste so warm.fluffy.it just melts into my mouth with each bite. The aroma pulling me in more. Each bite my mouth dances with joy.

"Tonight's the night isn't it?"

"Yes it is! I'm so excited!" I gleamed

"I hope you have a great time Abi"

Jerica ran back into the house. Her smile seeming so gentle. I missed this. The attention. The acknowledgment. Knowing I'm not alone. I have my sister.

As the moon rises and sun sets, I put on my new dress. In the moonlight the sparkles glitter and gleam. It's so enchanting. I drag my hand across my silhouette. I'm like a princess from Jericas books. I stuff my blanket with the yellow straws in my little house. Then bound out the gate.

I sneak past the hero's. Being careful as to not ruin my clothes. Finally to the hole in the gate at the lower district. At last I make it to Bazils and my favorite tree.

"Hello Abi!!" Bazil comes running from the shadows of the forest.

"Oh my!" She stops "you look gorgeous!…wait where did you get that?"

"Jerica gave it to me!"

"I thought she stopped talking to you?" Bazil raised her eye brows.

"She only did that because she didn't want to get in trouble with mother! But she gave it to me for my birthday!"

Bazil stared at me. Slowly studying me. My expressions. Then she smiles softly.

"Okay let's go before you miss the fun."

We take off running deeper into the woods. We arrive at a big fire. Tons of people are here dancing.singing. Laughing. People are gather by the fire. Some handing each other food. My stomach grumbles at the smell. Bazil laughs.

"Is someone hungry?"

"I uh.." I turn my head shyly

Bazil motioned to a lady next to the fire. She walked up carrying a tray with two plates of food and two cups. I stared in amazement at the different colors on the plate. It's smelt amazing. My eyes widening with excitement. Bazil hands me a plate.

I dive in for a bite "ah ooo hahahah ouch!" I manage to get out as I spit the food back into the plate.

"It's hot silly" Bazil laughs as she blows on to my food. "Here it should be cold now."

I take another bite. I close my eyes as the flavors enter my mouth. Dancing on my tongue. Soft.chewy.sweet.smoky. The different flavors moving throughout, until it dives down to my stomach.

"What is this stuff!? It's amazing!"

"It's chicken,peas,and a baked potato"

Bazils stares at me letting out a warm giggle as I quickly eat my food.

"Here try this" she hands me the cup.

I stare into the cup. It looks like water. I smell the aroma seeping from the cup. It doesn't smell like water. I take a sip. This is definitely not water!

"This isn't water" puzzled I look at Bazil

She lets out a booking laugh "no it's not.." she is laughing so much her cheeks are glowing. "It's called tea." She finally manages to get out while wiping her tears.

I like this tea. But I can't help to notice there's no cake. Or horse torture. Not even a single pointy hat? What kind of party is this.

"Bazil where is the hanging horse to torture?"

Bazils eyes widen as she spits out her tea. She burst into laughter again. Heaving and struggling to catch her breath. Finally she calms and looks up at me to ask "what in the world are you talking about Abi!?"

"I'm serious Bazil! Isn't this a birthday for the moon! There's supposed to be cake,pointy hats, and a horse to beat up with sticks!"

Again she starts to laugh. I start to get frustrated. "What's so funny!? Do we have to catch the horse first or something?" I am more confused then ever now.

"No.." Bazil try's to talk through the laughter "this isn't…ahh..ha.. this isn't a birthday for the moon." She starts explaining. "This is a ritual. A common tradition in our society. It's like a celebration for the full moon. Where we replenish ourself and become one with the moons power." She points towards the big fire. "That is a Bon Fire. At the moment where the moon is at it's highest peak above the fire. We will gather around and hold hands with each other. With the fire and moon directly in the center."

Bazil then explains a chant that we must say together. She teaches me briefly what the words are.

Soon the moment arrives. I take Bazils hand. We all move together around the fire. Holding each other hand. I see as everyone closes their eyes. I soon join. I hear Bazil start the chant. I follow along mimicking the words. Until finally it flows through my mouth as if I've said it a million times before. My body feels warm. As a breeze washes around my body.calming me.welcoming me. Like if the air is whispering "welcome home dear." It's nice.

Once the ritual was over Bazil walks me back to the tree.

"Thank you for comming." She looks at me tenderly

I smile "I loved it thank you for telling me"

Bazil takes me in her arms. Embracing me in a hug like never before. This feeling punctures my heart. Like a warm syrup spilling over the sides. What is this feeling. Why am I nervous? Then Bazil let's go. Her face is glowing again. We say bye. Why was she glowing? Why do I miss her more then ever now? Oh well, I had a wonderful night tonight. I can't wait to tell Jerica tomorrow.