
A Study On Monster: A Scientific Journal

A researcher find himself transported to another world in which magic and monster existed. Find out how he and his research make an impact to the world he is in

bigegp · Fantasy
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A Study On Monsters: Preface

Dear readers, allow me to introduce my self, my name is Yustinus Agung Santoso, from South Kalimantan, a Province of the Republic of Indonesia.

I am a researcher with a Bachelor of Science degree from Ubaya University in East Java Province of the Republic of Indonesia, with expertise and experience on researching the effect of Virgin Coconut Oil Plantation to its surrounding ecosystem, especially on its local fauna.

Before I start writing my views the flora and fauna of this world I'm in right now, I would like to state that this isn't Earth.

It is a fact that I gradually accepted after spending 3 days conversing and information gathering with the help of the first group of inhabitants that I met.

The fact that a method of world transmigration exist is the hardest fact to swallow.

As a note, in Earth world transmigration is a trope almost overused in fantasy adventure literature. I personally never think that I would one day involve in such event.

This book is a compilation of daily journal on my research on this world Monsters. The word 'monster' could be defined as flora or fauna of abnormal form or structure. My research intends to understand in depth this world's Monsters and provide detailed record for this world to use.

This book was written to comply with the request from King Marten Bosland the Left Handed to find their kingdom methods to survive against these monsters. As such I would like to extend my gratitude for every help and assistance given by the kingdom of Bosland, especially by their librarian, knight, and tamers.

Lastly, I would like to remind the readers that even though this book had extensive records it doesn't mean that the information is perfect nor completed. As monsters are living beings it probable for them to learn and evolve, therefore it would be foolish to consider this book the only correct guide for monsters.

As an end I truly hope that this book provides informations needed for every adventurer this allowing them to finish their quest and return home safely.

Best regard,

Yustinus Agung Santoso

good day to everyone,

thank you for reading.

If any of you find any grammatical error or any spelling error do please notify me and I'll try to repair it.

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