
A Student by Day, Soul Hunter by Night

Ray is a Soul Hunter , Hunting soul by night as he tries to live his normal life , but just for how long can he do that as the darkness continuously grows. Authors comment: There are elements of slice of life and horror mix in as I try to convey it in my story. Do leave a review and comments if you like my story.

Just_Rakin · Fantasy
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24 Chs

the party

Ray drop by Don place right after school and they both were drinking coffee while they chat , Don talk about the games they plan for the party and started talking about a girl he has a crush on and how he hope he can get her attention, Ray jokingly says " that the only attention you will get is mine hahaha"

Don laughs and playfully punches Ray on the arm. "Yeah, yeah, I know I'm not exactly the ladies' man. But a guy can dream, right?"

As they continued to chat and drink their coffee, Don's expression suddenly turned serious. "Actually, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about. It's about the party tomorrow."

Ray raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "What about it?"

"I heard some people invited friends from other classes so Sean might show up. I'm not sure if they're true or not, but I just wanted to give you a heads up in case something happens."

Ray's expression grew concerned. "What you mean something happen?"

"I don't know for sure, but I've heard some talk about some of how Sean been having his eyes on Fatima. He might try something so I just wanted to let you know so you can be on your guard."

Ray nodded, taking the information in. "Thanks for letting me know, Don. I'll definitely keep an eye out tomorrow, i going to be hanging out with Fatima all night anyway so it should be fine."

" So there is really nothing going on between you and Fatima " Don eyebrows raise as he ask.

Ray hesitated for a moment before replying, "No, there's nothing between me and Fatima. We're just friends. Why do you ask?"

Don leaned back in his chair, sipping his coffee. "I don't know, man. I just thought there was something there, the way you two always seem to be hanging out together. Plus, she's always talking about you to her friends. I figured you had a thing for her."

Ray shook his head. "No, like I said, we're just friends. We've known each other for a long time, and I care about her, but there's nothing romantic there. I can't help who she talks about to her friends."

Don nodded, looking a bit disappointed. "Well, I guess that's that then. I'll just have to keep working on my own game."

"Speaking of which," Ray said, changing the subject, "what kind of games do you have planned for the party? I hope they're not too crazy."

Don grinned. "Of course they're going to be crazy. It's a party! But don't worry, I've got everything under control. We've got a scavenger hunt, a drinking game, and even a kissing booth. It's going to be a blast!"

Ray laughed. "Sounds like it. Just make sure you don't get too wild, alright? I don't want to have to bail you out of any trouble."

"Don't worry, I've got this," Don said, patting Ray on the back. "Now let's finish our coffee and get back to planning. This party is going to be epic!"

They continue their planning but at the back of his mind Ray knew he cant get love involve in his life , knowing what he had to do and what he had to hide . He just do not want to risk anyone getting hurt.


The day of the party had finally arrived and Ray found himself standing outside of Fatima's house, eagerly waiting for her and Xie Yi to come out. He had offered to pick them up and bring them to the party together. He checked his phone for the time, it was already getting late and they still hadn't come out yet.

Just as he was getting worried, the front door of Fatima's house opened and out came Fatima, looking stunning in her party dress. She was followed by Xie Yi, who was also dressed nicely, but still had a bit of a tomboyish look to her.

"Sorry we're late," Fatima said, smiling at Ray. "Xie Yi took forever to get ready."

"Hey, I wanted to look nice for the party too," Xie Yi protested, playfully punching Fatima's arm.

Ray laughed and led the way to his car, opening the door for them to get in. "Well, you both look great," he said. "Don't worry about being late, the party's just getting started."

As they took a cab and drove to the party, they chatted and laughed, enjoying each other's company.

When they arrived at the party, they were greeted by a crowd of their classmates, all dressed in their best party clothes. Don came up to them, a big grin on his face. "Hey guys, glad you could make it!" he said, ushering them into the house.

As the night went on, Ray found himself having a great time at the party. He laughed and talked with his friends, played games and danced. He even found himself sharing a dance with Fatima, who smiled and laughed as they swayed to the music.

It was a lively night at Don's place, as the partygoers laughed and cheered while playing various party games. Don, the host, had set up a range of games to keep everyone entertained, from classic board games to drinking games.

Ray, Fatima, Xie yi and the rest of their friends were having a great time, laughing and joking with one another as they competed in the games. Fatima and Ray were particularly close, working together to beat the others in the games and having a blast.

However, there was one person who was not enjoying the party as much as the others. Sean, a guy who had a crush on Fatima, couldn't help but feel envious of the closeness between Fatima and Ray. He tried to join in on their games, but they politely included him and went back to having fun with each other.

As the night went on, Sean's envy grew and he found himself sulking in the corner, watching as Fatima and Ray continued to have a great time together. He couldn't help but wonder why he couldn't be the one making her laugh and smile the way Ray was.

Ray had to use the bathroom so he left for awhile ,

As Ray walked out of the bathroom, he could hear shouting coming from the other room. He quickened his pace, worried that something might have happened to Fatima. When he entered the room, he saw Sean standing in front of Fatima, his grip tightly around her wrist. Fatima's face was contorted in pain and fear.

"What the hell is going on here?" Ray shouted, his voice full of anger and concern.

"This isn't any of your business," Sean sneered, not bothering to look at Ray. "Fatima and I were just having a little disagreement."

Ray could see that Fatima was clearly uncomfortable, and he knew he had to act fast. He stepped forward and firmly pried Sean's hand off of Fatima's wrist. "I think it's time for you to leave," he said, his voice cold and steady.

Sean's face turned red with anger. "You think you're so tough, don't you? You think you can just come in here and push me around?"

"I don't have to think about it," Ray said, his voice calm and measured. "I know I can."

Sean sneered at Ray, but he could see the determination in his eyes. He knew he wouldn't be able to win this fight. With a muttered curse, he stormed out of the room, leaving Fatima and Ray alone.

"Are you okay?" Ray asked, turning to Fatima.

"I'm fine," Fatima said, rubbing her wrist. "Thanks for stepping in."

As the party was winding down, Ray noticed that Sean's behavior towards Fatima was becoming increasingly obsessive and aggressive. He knew that Sean had a crush on Fatima, but his actions were crossing the line. Fatima, clearly uncomfortable, confided in Ray that Sean's behavior was making her hate him even more. Ray, feeling protective of Fatima, knew it was time to intervene. "I think it's time I walk you home," he said to Fatima, who quickly agreed. They said their goodbyes to the rest of the partygoers and left the party together.

As Ray and Fatima walked home from the party, the cool night air enveloped them, the bright stars twinkling above them. Fatima couldn't help but feel safe and content with Ray by her side.

As they walked, Fatima couldn't help but notice how handsome Ray looked in the moonlight. She felt her heart flutter as she thought about how much she cared for him. Ray, too, couldn't help but feel a strong pull towards Fatima. He had always had feelings for her, but tonight, they felt stronger than ever.

Ray took Fatima's hand in his, and she smiled up at him.

Fatima: "So, Ray, still single I see?"

Ray: "Hey, I'm just focusing on my career right now."

Fatima: "Oh, is that what they're calling it these days? Career-focused."

Ray: "Ha ha, very funny."

Fatima: "I'm just kidding. But really, you need to find yourself a nice girl. Someone to share all those amazing qualities of yours with."

Ray: "I think I have a pretty great friend to share them with."

Fatima: "Aww, you're too sweet. But come on, you know you want someone to hold your hand and walk in the moonlight with."

Ray: "And who says I can't do that with you?"

Fatima: "Oh, I see how it is. Trying to steal your best friend's heart, huh?"

Ray: "I wouldn't dream of it. You're too busy breaking hearts yourself just a few moments ago you were breaking Sean's heart , poor guy hahaha"

Fatima: "Hey, I can't help it if the boys can't keep up."

Ray: "Well, I'm sure there's someone out there who can handle you."

Fatima: "I sure hope so. But until then, I'll just have to settle for my charming, single best friend."

Ray: "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

Fatima: "I know you will. And that's why I'm lucky to have you in my life."

"Well, we're here," Fatima said as they stopped in front of her house.

"Yeah, we made it," Ray replied with a smile.

"Thanks for walking me home, Ray," Fatima said. "I had a great time tonight, even with all the drama with Sean."

"Anytime, Fatima," Ray said. "I'm just glad I could be there for you. And I had a great time too, despite the interruptions."

"So, are you going to ask me out on a real date soon or what?" Fatima teased.

Ray chuckled. "I'll have to think about it," he said playfully.

"Well, I'll be waiting," Fatima said with a grin.

"Goodnight, Fatima," Ray said as he leaned in to give her a hug.

"Goodnight, Ray," Fatima replied as she hugged him back.

As they pulled away, Ray couldn't help but feel a flutter in his chest