
Chapter 2

3rd POV

In a green plain lay a body 1.7 meter tall with androgynous appearance but more feminine than masculine long dark purple hair that grew beyond them feet a being that identify as he have his hair cover their left eye but the most eye catching feature is his pointed ears and a pair of white horn which made his appearance appear supernatural

For clothing he wears a sleeveless open_back dress including a collar with gold beads covering his throat. The chest piece is black while the rest of the dress is white, and the gown splits open at his outer thighs which would free his legs for movement. The black sleeves he wears are separated from the gown that reach his mid-upper arms and come down to his middle fingers, where each sleeve is attached to a ring. He is barefoot On his head is a headband formed of two parallel golden strips that match the horns piercing through his hair from the edge of his hairline

At the moment of notice his eye wide open and currently in a trance memories of his life as a normal student and this life as a vampire merge with addition of how he here with all his answer point toward the survey and he currently identified himself as Asuramaru a character from the anime he used to watch owari no seraph and the only message he got from the survey is "good luck on your journey Asuramaru" and no memories of his past name

"Guess my name is Asuramaru now"

Said our protagonist now Asuramaru his journey begin now

Asuramaru POV

I currently in a dilemma as am keep getting panic and calming down by I'm guessing gamer mind it really frustrating but eventually am out of it yay for me ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧

From the memories I'm from tepes faction and a male yay again for me for being a trap I guess. Anyway I'm a bit special while being able to walk on the day without any weakness and don't need to drink blood to live the downside is that I don't have any power that vampire got like bat transformation or darkness manipulation I still got the immortality and regeneration factor of the vampire but still it a defect in the eyes of my race and I was consider useless trash by them the timeline is year 2006 December 13 if I guess right if I join kuoh this year I will be issei senpai thinking about the trolling I could pull was great and all but the sudden awaken of my introvert said a big no in my face calm me down nevermind that moving on if I remember correctly my power is Avalon with gamer mind and body so how am I gonna get stronger to protect myself then hmmmmm from the tepes faction I can deduce I'm in a fantasy story or a certain dragon x dragon perverted anime

"Atleast I got absolute defense and healing just in case being attack by great red or ophis or something I need a attack power and I should be set to just go to my dream life of having a slacker life just staring into nothingness and figure out the purpose of life"

"Hmm these grass plain sure are peaceful wish I could be like this forever"

Standing up I realized and feel myself being shorter

"Bruhhhh height decrease is the worst"

With that last sentence I began navigating myself for out of the forest I found myself in Romania

"I should find a way to travel relying on my superhuman body is a bit inconvenience to just run around at high speed"

Maybe senjutsu for my knowledge. Senjutsu is the power to control the flow of life energy or ki in living beings. Using it, one can strengthen both their internal and external bodies or even cause vegetation around them to bloom or wither. Senjutsu users are able to sense the ki and auras of others thus letting them track targets from far away distances. It can be used to see through illusions by detecting the flow of the spirit or ki of others.

Senjutsu is also capable of dealing interior damage to others by targeting their blood vessels and internal organs, and through disrupting the ki of their opponent's ki or severing it, it is possible to cause direct damage to their spirit and life-force and using this as an attack could result in killing their opponent. As such, there are very few ways to defend against Senjutsu. Senjutsu can be used to disrupt the aura of others, thereby preventing them from using their abilities. Senjutsu is also capable of forcefully putting others to sleep.By controlling the ki of others, Senjutsu can be used to extract curses and poisons from their bodies. Senjutsu can also be used to hide one's presence and avoid detection.

Senjutsu also has healing capabilities that are effective for either one's physical or mental condition, relieving any fatigue and restoring one's lifespan, however, this method requires physical contact. Koneko states Bouchujutsu is the best and fastest method of using the healing abilities of senjutsu, Koneko has explained this method is whenever a woman who specializes in using ki shares her ki with the man and heals their life-force to a greater extent. Senjutsu can also be used to increase the luck of others by controlling the flow of their ki.

While I'm monologue a Ding sound was heard from I'm guessing my mind then a blue panel appear

[Ding! User has awakened Gamble System]

[Ding! User Received Senjutsu]

Bruh the only thought in my mind right now was 'why haven't you appear sooner' anyways let see what I got

[Senjutsu: You can control Ki]

Hm okay then let see the function

< Name: Asuramaru




Heights: 170 cm

Race: Vampire

Overall fighting prowess : D -

Power: Senjutsu, Gamer mind, Gamer body

[Gamble roll:0]>

Cool I guess by looking at this information the system use roll to gamble something

"Hahahaha it gonna be a blast here haha"

Ahh right I now need a place to live and probably train there for sometime and figure out how the system works

"Ok that a good goal for now let move to Japan or something close to it I guess"

TimeSkip 2 week

it been 2 week in 2 week I manage to get to kuoh, I also discover that the gamble is something risky I grain roll by changing once fate which is ok for now cause I figure to try and maybe kill issei currently training my senjutsu to a certain extent which now make my combat prowess go up to C - while also got a hotel by beating up some delinquent that thought I was a girl

I also notice that I don't feel bad or disgusted when I kill some delinquent which count as morally wrong right but that not the point right now some stray devil is targeting me for some reason I also notice rias and Sona seem to sense me and can't stand my presense which I conclude it Avalon doing it only giving off holy aura or something

Today I'm gonna change someone fate hopefully it not so hard

"Alright let see if am lucky"

Trying my hardest to hide myself and waiting for issei to walk home I have observe his way home for some days now

"Okay this is will not be too hard atleast for a normal person it easier to kill, hopefully there no plot armor b*llshit my plan"

After a while I see a brown hair teenager walking in the road I have use senjutsu to move normal people away from here

'Alright let get this over with'

With that last thought I dash behind the teenager and directly use everything I have in the punch plus senjutsu so the results is not to surprising


His head pop like a balloon and his body fell down


<Host 1 receive roll would you like to use it?>





<host receive elf breathing effects: when will cleanse the air of filth making body becoming more healthy passively expel impurities stronger and having life span, naturally in nature environment,friendliness toward beast 80℅>

"Wow it not too bad as I expected from those fanfic where stuff will be useless at first later on it becomes more useful"

While saying that I also smell a horrible smell looking down to see that black goo is escaping from my body

"I'm guessing this is the impurity what now it becoming more and more like a xianxia novel"

Thinking about it gives me the chills, sniffing my hand it smell like pig waste

"I should find a lake or something"