

The story begins with two couples named John and Alice who lived in the big city Nairobi in Kenya. The two met in a church construction site where John was a site worker and Alice was the church secretary. The two were in love but it all started as all relationships do, one has to court the lady and rejection 😂😂😂 since ladies do play hard to get.

The two got married and got twins but unfortunately one died on that day he was born and later after a week the other passed away. The couple were devastated but did not give up on God and he blessed them with a bouncing baby boy whom they named Victor meaning victory and who had overcome all.The loved Victor very much and since they didn't have much they tried everything to provide for their son.One day as Victor was 4 years old he went out to play with his friends but one of the neighbor's child pushed Victor off his father's car which made Victor fall and cried out loud.Victor's parents come and took their child since they couldn't do anything due to their low standards of living. Sad about what had happened to their son the two parents prayed to God and they worked hard to provide a better life to their son.

With time God blessed them and they lived a better life from the one they recently had. Victor's parents loved God and made sure their son was raised in a church household

years passed and Victor was now a teenage boy in high school. Just as any teenage child Victor fell in love with the joy's of the world and what it had to offer so he involved himself with bad company. He felt the world at his feet and forgot what he was taught by his parents and didn't take his studies seriously.When he sat for his examination he failed his end of highschool exam but he didn't worry for he knew his father would help him with his life. A year passed and Victor got worried about his life since most of his friends had joined campus and he was still at home, he went to his father and begged him to send him to school but he would have to start from a certificate level due to his bad performance.

Victor joined campus and this is where he experienced love for the first time, and not just any love but love from a beautiful young lady. The two enjoyed each others company and were involved and in an entanglement but later the lady dumped Victor claiming that things were moving too fast and that she had only come out from a relationship and said that she hates men.That was Victor's first heart break but he couldn't tell anyone since he wasn't that close with his dad and his friends would make fun of him. Keeping all his pain inside he decided to take his pain to the gym where he worked his ass off and managed to have a perfect body. He was now a lady killer walking in sight and every lady wanted to be with him but he still felt loneliness inside his soul for he had not forgotten what his ex girlfriend did to him. He slept with different types of ladies because of that girl and he made sure that he was not emotionally available.To the men he was considered a king but in Victor's eyes he was a loser and a sad piece of rack for he feared he will never find love.

Walking around the campus halls Victor saw many couples enjoying themselves, he made fun of them but deep inside he wanted exactly what they had. As a youth one is pressured by just anything, pressure to find love, pressure to get money and most especially pressure from parents since you're afraid that you will disappoint them and all this is what Victor was facing. He would meet up with his working friends and he would see how much they were enjoying life since they worked hard and got employed. All this made Victor realise that if only he worked hard back then he would be on the same level with his friends.He also enjoyed fun and his ideal of fun was drinking alcohol with his friend which he knew that his parents were against it so he feared the disappointment in their eyes due to their Christianity.

With all this buried inside him he got depressed due to the pressure of life and what society expects him to have and to be, suffering in silence is what he decided he would do.

This story is a cry for help for the youth since we're are pressured with the way of life and end up forgetting that we have to start from somewhere. We are pressured with finding love at a young age because others found the love of their lives in campus, and by this we end up getting engaged too early and this leads to a separation since we did not wait for the perfect time. Is there really a perfect time is what we ask. We are also pressured by the society and our parents since they expect us to follow their footsteps and the desire to make them proud is what makes us slaves and forget that they choose their path and as long as you try to live their life you will always fail.You have to be your own person and sometimes you and your parents might not be on good terms but they love you so much and wish nothing but the best for you. We as youths we're always pressured by others to get money, pressure from social media and the high lifestyle of other people we want to live the life of a billionaire and yet you're just young. We forget that we all have to start from somewhere and that Rome wasn't built in a day, you end up finding that many 20 year olds want to live the life of a 40 year old.

Please am urging all youths to not pressure yourselves and enjoy life and let time tell, things will always work out. In Swahili there's a proverb that says 'ujana ni Moshi ukienda haurudi' meaning that you're not young forever, you'll grow old one day and regret how life is and how you would have done it differently when you were young.