

The buisness failed ! You are left with a huge debt ! Everyone left you , including your partner ! The prideful you decided to end your life ! But a sudden disaster made your life more upheaval ! A chance for you to shine finally arrived . One more gamble , one more time ! In this apocalypse world , let me gamble once again ! They : You don't have ability at all ! Me : I'm a potion master ! They : You are weak ! Me : I will prove you wrong ! They : You are alone ! Me : Sorry but I am the owner of the strongest stronghold ! One more time ! One more chance !! One more gamble !!! Either I win or die wining !!!!

Hollowlives · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs


Chapter 10


It was warm and comfortable !

No zombies , no KILL , no risks only calm and peaceful .

He woke up suddenly with heavy mind which almost made him dizzy . He was in a unfamiliar room and his upper body were bandaged which prevented from more bleeding .

His body was aching badly every moment made him groan in pain .

" Um ..mister you woke up ?"

It was a woman voice .

He looked at the voice and saw a 30 -29 year woman looking at him in caution and worry . She had a white face with mature bearing but her hair was messy and clothes were in dirt but her charm didn't decrease but brought her a whole new level .

Winter looked at her and said calmly "Did you save me ?"

The women nodes her head and said " I was hiding in the next room when the apocalypse arrived and I didn't go out with some small foods I had I barely survived . When I heard the loud sound here I went outside and saw u fell unconscious in the pile of corpses so I could only drag you out from there and do a simple treatment "

Winter said in gratitude " Thank you for saving my life . My name is winter "

The women said " I'm Sally Hansen I am a researcher in medical plant . Are you from this city ?"

Winter nodded his head and said " Yes . But are you the only survivor in this lab?"

Sally replied in sorrow " No we were ten people survived but five of them left in search of food and didn't return back while three people turned into zombies and only I and my daughter is here now . "

Winter didn't ask what happened to those three who turned into zombies but instead asked her directly

"What are you going to do now since all the world has turned into hell? Do you have plan for future?"

Sally face went down a little and shook her head

"I don't know what to do ! I only Want my daughter to safe now so I'm looking for a place where there is free from dangers"

Winter didn't agree that there would be place which Is devoid of dangers but when he looked at top of her head he was stunned and soon a thought appeared in his mind.






He couldn't help but ask her in silly tone

"Can you see anything above my head ?"

Sally blanked for a moment and said hurriedly

"No . Why ? "

Winter didn't reply but looked at his backpack and took some biscuits and gave it to her .

"Have it . You are hungry now"

Sally immediately grabbed it and said in shaking tone

" Th-thank you-u "

She didn't eat it but turned back and went to the door side where a 10 year old girl was looking at winter in curious .

Sally let her daughter have some biscuits and rubbed her head lovingly . The little girl Mary showed a happy smile and ate the biscuits while still looking at winter with her big eyes.

Winter smiled and didn't saw the level info like Sally above her head that's means it's either she doesn't have any ability or she is still not activated her ability .

Winter looked at Sally and remembered her ability , he decided to test her reaction and see he could rope them in .

"Miss Sally since you don't have any plans for now why don't you follow me at least I'm now staying alone with tons of foods and I think I don't need to worry about food supply . What do you think ?"

Sally was stunned first and was tempted but ultimately hesitated

Because this world has now turned upside down now all the laws before does not work here and in this cruel world she couldn't trust starngers easily or else she and her daughter would be goner for sure .

Before awakening her ability the three people was lusting at her and made a move against her when the apocalypse arrived so at that time in desperation her ability awakened which killed the three people . With her ability she had absolute confidence in saftey but she couldn't move freely to find foods here and there with her daughter that's why she could now only stay in a permanant place and also her ability works only where vegetation is there or else she is good as cripple without it .

Winter saw through her intention immediately and persuaded her by revealing his idea

"Miss Sally you don't have to worry about food since I basically own the food company before and I will not travel to another place since I can't basically travel with those tons of foods in middle of zombies filled Streets . "

He didn't want to move his base not yet because he still didn't UNLOCKED yet functions of the stronghold so he agreed without any conditions.

Sally thought for a while and nodded her head

" Since mr . Winter is this honest I will gladly accept your suggestions but if ever I thought about leaving can I have the permission to leave in future ?"

Winter nodded his head and said " you can have my word "

Sally smiled in response " Good then mr winter when are we going to leave this place ?"

Winter thought for a while and said " After I recovered my injury I need to gather some resources here then we will leave immediately at dawn not night cause its too dangerous "

Sally nodded and said " since like that Mr. Winter have a good rest "

As she said she was about to leave with her daughter but winter took some cup noddles and water bottle he gave it to her saying

"Here you can have some so you couldn't be tired tommorow when we walk

Sally said in gratitude "thank you"

Watching her leave winter didn't say anything but simply laid on the bed and remembered all the previous incident. He didn't ask her what's her ability since he didn't trust her and so she is but seeing her ability info he had some ideas so he planned to recruit her and she was the first human he had contact now after the apocalypse.

Thinking about it he forget to check the system notification since he fell unconscious from heavy injury .

When he opened the system notification he was shocked speechless .
