
To yet another iteration

In the middle of a freezing cold snowy plain a man formed out of nothingess. Looking closely you could see the bpdy forming a bit by bit taking longer and longer the farther it went.

Soon the snow started melting under the bodyheat of the yet fully formed man even amidst the raging snowstorms currently occupying this snowy plain. Where not a single soul could be seen present to witness this sorcery like occurance happening.

Days went by, weeks, months even years until the body of this strange humanlike entity was projected in its full glory, showing just how complex the body of it was.

After it was finally over, soon the man would start slowly breathing and after a while gain its conciousness back.

And as if time had completely stopped he opened his eyes. Adjusting his vision to the bright snow all around him emitting light his crystal blue eyes squinted until after a while fully adjusting.

Laying back down the took a deep breath and took a deep sigh filled with pain and anguish for yet another life is a ahead of him.

Standing up he finally begans to walk to random direction just a simple robe over yet his not showing anything on it, just complete nothingess dominating it clearly not at all bothered by the cold snow and air that surrounds him

A long walk now behind him, he could finally see a glimpse a town that had some life in and could embrace the cold winter weather these mountains contained.

Getting close to the edge of it he saw that no manpower could be spread to guard the town, so he just walked in it and went staright to a inn looking building where he could get a room for himself.

The towns people were busy minding their own business so he was spared from their looks except a few whom just a odd face at his clothing but just shrug it off as it wasnt their problem.

Staring at the miss behind the counter in the inn the man cleared his throat and said in a hoarse and a deep voice:

"could i get a room for the night please."

The Woman, not faced by his voice simply said:

"sure a room for one person is 2 copper."

Not having any to his name he pulled a beast carcass from under his robes and placed in front the lady.

Gazing at the carcass and then at the man dressed in a torn rug she sighed and said:

"The room is upstairs, last one on the left."

Saying nothing he went up and to his room.

Getting into it, he closed the door and took off his rug and getting into a prayer like position facind the window of the room.

Once in position he took his wrist and bit into it so that he could paint signature around him resembling something pure yet so chaotic.

On the left sharp lines and corners were drawn with touches of something like horns whivh were striking from it.

On the right was a much softer but still majestic looking signature with the opposite features of the left one.

Now kneeling between them he began by putting his hands on his kneels and letting them rest there when he began to speak.

With a voice containing anguish and despair from a thousand different men yet still possesing the resolutness of a another thousand he began to hum. In such unison and harmony it should have been but the soon apathy took over him when words began to leave his mouth.

"God, for yet another time has this lost and hopeless one come seek your magnaminity and plead and beg for you to end this ones endless and fruitless cycle. For too long has this one been seeking that piece you so hardly sought after. Too many iterations i have been through and as many failures there has been as attemps. For once again i beg and plead for your sympathy and end this poor mans search throughout the cosmos."