
A Stranger Thing

I would just like to say. I am a student looking to improve my writing, i enjoy writing a lot. I don’t care for the plot of my stories so if that’s what you’re looking for, don’t read this. if you want to criticise me, at least be constructive, thanks.

kyro454 · TV
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Dr. Brenner

Twelve sat still, thinking about what they were to do. Eleven was fearful on the inside, but she acted as brave as possible, which in turn, help boost Twelves confidence. Knock Knock… the door was being pounded so aggressively they could here it from the basement.

"Bad men" Eleven said, looking into twelves eyes.

"It's okay, we'll be safe." Twelve reassured Eleven.

Suddenly, someone burst through the basement door, it was Mike. "We have a code red." he shouted into his bulky radio

"Copy, on my way." Dustin replied.

"Stay here, they don't know you're here." Mike told Eleven and Twelve.

"Bad men?" They asked Mike.

"Bad men" Mike confirmed.

There was crackling on the radio, "I'm outside, be quick" Dustin panted

Mike gestured at Eleven and Twelve to follow him and they all silently ran past the agents and out the back door. The rattle of the back door slamming alerted the agents. "Quick get on" Dustin shouted to Twelve, Mike got on his bike and waited for Eleven to get on the back.

"Lucas. Do you copy. This is a code red." Dustin spat into his radio, beginning to ride off.

"I copy" Lucas finally replied.

"Meet us at the bus" Dustin ordered

'The bus' was an abandoned school bus in a small secluded area, filled with trash and thrown away utilities.

Back at Mikes house his mother Karen, his father Ted, and his sister Nancy wheeler, were all being questioned to the whereabouts of Mike and his friends. Mike also had another sister who was much too young to be questioned.

"My name is Dr Brenner." the old man said softly

"What do you want?" Karen asked the man angrily

"Your son, we need to know his whereabouts." Brenner said

"Why is that?" Ted said curiously from behind Karen's shoulder.

"We suspect he may have a girl and a boy with him" Brenner lied "They are very sick and they are dangerous, Your son and his friends are in terrible danger, where could we find them" Brenners story convinced Mikes parents

"I don't know. Mike always talks about this, i don't know bike trail, all dirt, he's probably there." Karen revealed

Nothing but a quick, "Thank you." from Brenner before he stood up and left the dining room table.

In the other room, Nancy and her friend Johnathan were also being questioned. The same questions were asked, and they heard the story about how much danger Mike is in, but they wouldn't buy it.

"Even if i knew, why would i tell you, why would i help you?" Nancy stood up, grabbed Johnathans hand and dragged him into another room. "We need to call Hopper" Nancy whispered. Hopper was the chief of police for Hawkins, he was also the man leading the case on the missing boy.

After calling Hopper he agreed to help, He told them to meet them at the byers house, the byers were Joyce, Wills mum, who was practically going mad at the loss of her son, Will and Johnathon, Wills brother. They get into Johnathon's old car, the doors creaked as they shut, they make their way over to Wills house to meet Hopper.

They step out of the car to see Hopper, standing outside of the front door. Hopper was a tall strong man, slightly chubby but very intimidating, a moustache sat on his top lip, filtering the air that entered his nostrils.

"Hopper!" Nancy shouts "We need to find Mike."

Meanwhile, Mike was racing on his bike, followed by Dustin and Lucas, who they had found on the way to the bus. They were being chased by the agents, some in vans, some in smaller cars. They knew if they didn't loose them, they would be killed, so Mike, Lucas and Dustin, despite them dripping with sweat and huffing and puffing like a dog, kept pedalling as hard as they could. Until two cars blocked the road. There was no time to get up the curb. They couldn't turn around. This was it. Eleven and Twelve, still sitting on the back of Mike and Dustin's bikes, simultaneously lifted their hand, concentrated on different cars. Both of the cars crumbled slightly and flipped backwards onto the pavement.The wind whistles past them as the past the upturned vehicles, and then, once they had passed, Eleven and Twelve slid the still upside down cars to block the road, they wiped there bloody noses but Mike Dustin and Lucas definitely knew something was up. And just like that, they had lost them.

"Where would they go?" Hopper Asked Nancy in a rush

"I don't know, Mike never tells me anything!" Nancy was panicking

"Wait. I think i know how we can ask him." Johnathan smiled, proud at his own idea.

Johnathan started rummaging through Wills things. Nancy and Hopper, confused, watched Johnathan when he shouted, "AAHAA!" and lifted a bulky, black radio into the air.

"Is anyone there do you copy" Johnathan rushed his words

No reply. "Mike it's Jim. You've got to tell me where you are." Hopper growled into the radio

Still nothing came from the radio. Nancy snatched the radio "Mike it's your sister. I really don't know how you've fucked up this time but it's bad. where are you… Do you copy?"

A long silence led them to believe the plan had failed until a voice spoke "We copy." it was Mike

"Mike! where are you?" Nancy burst out

"The bus, it's easy to find, get on the dirt trail not far from our house, follow it until you find an abandoned bus, we'll be here" Mike replied

"Hey kid," Hopper said over the radio, "hide, stay hidden until we're there. Over and out"

Mike and Lucas stuffed the bikes under the bus, hiding them to any passers by.

"What the fuck!?" Dustin shouted "do you.. have.. superpowers?" He asked Eleven and Twelve, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Although Dustin received no answer, it became clear that something was strange about them when Eleven and Twelve locked eyes for a moment.

"Hey," Lucas called over to Dustin "In here." he stood by the rusty, smashed door that opened into the old bus, dust dropping from the ceiling with every step they take. They all sat down hidden in the corner of the bus, waiting for Hopper.