
A strange place like 'HELL'

It's on you , How you see the world. it's hell if you see as. and it is heaven if you see as

Arshlan_khan · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Today is the worst day of my life. I have to take an extra class of students. I didn't want to.


But I have to do that as per principles order.

I was very tired because I didn't even blink for a while yesterday, let alone sleeping. It's the fault of that cave.

I am exhausted now. And now my legs are giving up on me.

I want to sleep on the road but this wouldn't be appropriated.

I think I should have a energy drink.

I will get this from the next supermarket.

I bought it and it is a lot of refreshing for me and it blew me away. And it gave me some strength worth getting home.

And it's getting dark also, so I decided to take the short cut.

It was a deserted and terrific road. And soon,

I quickly realized of my wrong decision.

It was a hurry but also a little delay.





I was surrounded by some goons and scoundrels. They have guns and knifes in their hands.

And I had to give away all my money though I didn't want to. In fact they snatched away my watch and coat also




Really! These people have no shame.

They all weren't handicapped they can earn enough money for their food by a little hardwork. As more people of the world do.


I am just frustrated frustrated with this world.

And now I am about to cry because they scoundrels snatched away my monthly income also.

I only got to drink a energy drink. And now I don't have enough money for my rent.



With so much amusings and thinking of my mind. I didn't get to know when I reached at the Mountain "MAZE" near that cave placed at the midway of my house route.

And again I went under that cave.

If the place beyond that light is same as my thinking of crimeless and fearless world.

And I think let's have a seek.

And I went in the light as half of my body is under the light and half is outside.

I afraid as saw nothing except a long white tunnel.

And when I step back. I slipped and fell into that strange light. And I quickly jumped to hold a grip somewhere. But it was too late. A strange feeling is running through my body.


I got Unconcicious ___________________