
A strange place like 'HELL'

It's on you , How you see the world. it's hell if you see as. and it is heaven if you see as

Arshlan_khan · Fantasy
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10 Chs

ch0#1 . "A strange place"

This story is a work of fiction and some amusings of my mind. Any resemblance is co-incidental.



I wake up late as always,

Not on my own. My friend made me awake "cherry"

It's my only best friend except "Hina".

I am a teacher of the high school students in 'loyal.


But, I can't live this peaceful life anymore

A sudden incident or you can say a parallel

Shift threw me into a jungle or you can say it's a

Place like ... like People left this place a DECADE

Ago, there are only rotten fleshes of dead and

Decay animals. And broken huts.

Oh! You all are thinking that how I got here

So, I can say that, I don't know also but I can tell you

From where I got Unconcicious and wake up


this is a fictional and sci-fi story. and in next chapter.

I will tell you how "Derry" got there.

oh! sorry "Derry" is our main character. and

'Cherry' is my alarm clock

Arshlan_khancreators' thoughts