
A Strange Crossover

In the dim twilight between realms, Kardis Ark’ay of BloodCrown, known as Conner or Jun, stands as a living bridge between two worlds at odds—the mundane human realm and the supernatural abyss. Bereft of parental warmth from a tender age, his father's disownment and his mother's ruthless assassination marked the inception of his arduous journey. Guided by a brotherhood forged in shadows, Conner's path unfolded amidst the cold embrace of betrayal, treachery, and manipulation. Decades dripped away like drops of blood as he traversed the desolate road of chaos and darkness, relentlessly chasing the elusive specter of power that danced just out of reach. It was only when the murky veil of solitude wrapped itself around him that Conner's true odyssey began. In the crucible of his existence, he discovered that the world, far from the stark duality of black and white, painted itself in shades of ambiguity. Now, as the echoes of his tumultuous past reverberate in the corridors of his consciousness, Conner yearns to conclude the symphony of his own creation—a melody of chaos and shadows that has played for too long. The embers of his purpose glow anew as he sets his sights on bringing closure to the journey he embarked upon so many years ago. Moving forward finding a new purpose, he is prepared to finish what he long started but now with allies. *--------------* *The world is crossover of Marvel, DC and Jujutsu Kaisen and many more. *Heavy AU so you are warned first hand. *Short chapter but fast pace story & 2-3 update per week.

Iamwhatagain · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 44

A/n: regular update on my work is done.


Third person pov

Conner silently observes as Vlad invoked the ominous power of the Blood Field, the very air surrounding them underwent a malevolent transformation. With a mere wave of his hand, Vlad transmuted the atmosphere into blood, creating an eerie and oppressive crimson cyclone that enveloped inside the huge castle destroying everything.

The manifestation of this technique was more than just a visual spectacle; it held the potential to erase all traces of a victim's existence.

"The only way to effectively counter it is to activate one's own Blood field." Conner uttered in a low voice as he concentrated and stuck his fist together to boost his technique.

"What!!!" Vlad shouted in utter disbelief. He felt and sensed Conner manipulating his vampire energy performing Blood field like him but more vicious.

All this happening doesn't make sense for his mind as he never in his sleep expected that conner had the capability to do anything like this.

"Blood. Field." Conner commanded, his eyes shifting in colour as well as hair, emitting a dominating aura infused with murderous intent.

Conner's Blood Field, a manifestation of Conner's formidable strength, had the capacity to distort space and time itself unlike Vlad inferior technique which seemed like a fragile glass ready to break.

Conner's highly dangerous technique, when unleashed, had been significantly more violently shaking the place and sky alike.

However, the mastery and control over this potent technique were paramount, for its unbridled power could prove as perilous to its wielder. If used more than once.

In the midst of this transformed arena, the true test of control and dominance unfolded between the two brothers, Conner and Vlad.

"How can YOU!!!" He yelled, moving his hand to create more control over his technique as he struggled to fight back. Conner was more proficient than himself. "How is it possible at all month ago you were-"

Vlad was still perplexed by the sudden development of his brother's powers and was formulating a plan while thinking how such a change of event was possible.

Conner announced still enraged yet he was calm and collected unlike Vlad who was losing his cool as soon as he was hit with reality. "It's useless brother, prepare to die."

Vlad's POV:

Witnessing the activation of my Blood Field, I felt a surge in strength, prompting me to create as many cyclones as possible. Despite my power, I held back a bit, cautious of my formidable adversary, whose capabilities I knew well.

My devastating attack obliterated the castle's roof entirely. The sheer strength of the assault was evident, given that the castle was constructed by the finest magicians, reinforced with the most robust materials. Not even the most durable structures could withstand the force I unleashed.

In that moment, observing the destruction, I thought, 'His fate is sealed.' Convinced of his impending demise, I watched as Ark'ry did nothing but wait for the inevitable—a consequence of defying me.

However, my astonishment overtook me. 'How is it possible? I knew he was capable of catching up to me, but in a month.' I stood flabbergasted, eyes and mouth wide open in complete shock, realizing that Ark'ry was about to unleash his Blood Field. The expansion of his vampire energy, once deemed impossible for him, challenged my preconceptions.

'I thought only pure blood could do this! It's not the right time to be awed.' I calmed myself, acknowledging Ark'ry's proficiency in countering my attack with a simple swing of his hand.

"In the end, nothing matters as things are going as per my plan," I declared, summoning my blade [DawnBreaker], a weapon crafted by merging a piece of my soul with my father's.

As Ark'ry closed the distance between us in a single dash, wielding his beautiful glowing blue spear and multiple black orbs behind him, I charged my blade with magic combined with Vampire Energy (VE) to maintain equilibrium during our imminent clash.

"Die!!!" He yelled, our weapons colliding with a tremendous force, producing a devastating explosion that sent both of us flying back many feet away. The battlefield echoed with the aftermath of our explosive confrontation.

Conner's POV:

"I have already won, brother! Give up!" Vlad self-proclaimed with sheer arrogance, and we continued to trade off and clash multiple times. Explosion after explosion, neither of us yielded to exhaustion, driven by the stakes we held, determined not to lose what mattered most.

"Ahaha, hell I will!" I harshly responded to his useless boasts, refusing to succumb to his taunts.

"With the gate open, I will take the throne and rule both worlds. And who knows, I might make your women my playthin-" His threat, aimed at those I cherished and held dear, triggered an overwhelming surge of emotions in my mind. Each attack on Vlad became fueled by the intense emotions flooding my being.

As my onslaught intensified, Vlad shifted his focus to defense, prioritizing protection over aggression. The battlefield crackled with tension, the air heavy with the emotional charge of our ongoing confrontation.