
A Strange Crossover

In the dim twilight between realms, Kardis Ark’ay of BloodCrown, known as Conner or Jun, stands as a living bridge between two worlds at odds—the mundane human realm and the supernatural abyss. Bereft of parental warmth from a tender age, his father's disownment and his mother's ruthless assassination marked the inception of his arduous journey. Guided by a brotherhood forged in shadows, Conner's path unfolded amidst the cold embrace of betrayal, treachery, and manipulation. Decades dripped away like drops of blood as he traversed the desolate road of chaos and darkness, relentlessly chasing the elusive specter of power that danced just out of reach. It was only when the murky veil of solitude wrapped itself around him that Conner's true odyssey began. In the crucible of his existence, he discovered that the world, far from the stark duality of black and white, painted itself in shades of ambiguity. Now, as the echoes of his tumultuous past reverberate in the corridors of his consciousness, Conner yearns to conclude the symphony of his own creation—a melody of chaos and shadows that has played for too long. The embers of his purpose glow anew as he sets his sights on bringing closure to the journey he embarked upon so many years ago. Moving forward finding a new purpose, he is prepared to finish what he long started but now with allies. *--------------* *The world is crossover of Marvel, DC and Jujutsu Kaisen and many more. *Heavy AU so you are warned first hand. *Short chapter but fast pace story & 2-3 update per week.

Iamwhatagain · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 17

Onlookers and the mutants familiar with Conner just widen their eyes, not believing whatever has happened in front of them. There was a pin drop silence in the room thanks to Conner doing.

"Brother, whoever comes between me and the throne will be crushed." Among the crowd was Conner's brother who appeared out of nowhere, warned and gave a cold threat to Conner who just chopped his infected hand off ruthlessly without any excessive thought of uncertainty.

The crowd moves in fear, leaving the man quite open space.

Initially Conner lost a lot of blood but stopped it using Reverse Curse Energy, he was very much conscious but at most pissed at his brother antic's.

"Begone, I am not interested in talking to a blood clone. Cleave!" Conner commanded his voice was bone chilling indifferent and his eyes fixed on his brother with his chant his brother clone was chopped up into blocks.

The blood spilled everywhere even on the onlookers who again panicked out of fright, the unrestrained presence of people like Conner and his brother were enough to make civilians dread in terror.

A/N: Conner generally makes sure his presence is restrained.

Erasing his presence he walks in the direction where he butchers his brother's blood clone, then points a finger collecting every single drop of blood present in the area at one point.

"It's all over, if you want to know." Conner stated loud enough so everyone could hear. " I will be in my room packing up my stuff." Conner added up before anyone could ask anything more and he vanished leaving nothing behind.

Everyone wanted to ask just what in the world just happened to his brother, destruction, most mind numbing is him chopping his hand off and killing his brother.

They wanted more clarity but right now was not the good time to dive deep into or demand an explanation. "Music up!" Eric yelled as he made eyes contact with DJ who started the music again more louder, many left the party out of fear, soon ambulance and police came as they registered many calls.


Conner POV

Resting on my bed I stared at the ceiling contemplating the event which recently took place.

"The throne…." I muttered absentmindedly. Recalling his words again and again until it triggers a memory or make sense, however none of two happened.

*Knock *3

"Come in,"

After my permission one by one 16 individuals came in, the room was big and spacious so the number was not the issue.

"Shoot any question, but I will only answer 6. Choose wisely."

From the expression and vibe anybody can grasp that really wanted to know everything, including the reason why it happened.

"Why he called you brother, your relationship with him and WHY the HELL you CHOPPED YOUR HAND!!!" Emma was the one who inquired, she was pissed, anger most of all heartbroken as she stared at him in such a state she new in her life thought she would.

"He is my brother, for the same father but different womb or mother, hence my relation is like he is... an arch nemesis kind. As for my hand it was indeed a desperate move but the best option out which guaranteed my survival." Like as usual he maintained his calm and collected persona which struck others like lighting.

Because too many things happened and it really is too much information for them to digest, it's not everyday they see such ruthless, inhuman fight.

"Everything is beyond repair guys, it's either I kill him or he kills me first ...just accept it." Conner explained patiently noticing the apparent expression speaking length for his own sake.


"Any other question, there are still 3 left?" Conner reminded with an obvious stare.