
Lost hope.

"Hello? Yes sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your mother died last night in the hospital bed, the cancer finally consumed her, I'm so sorry for your loss."

"You're a disgrace to this company, you can't even do anything right. What did you possibly expect to happen? Your Fired!"

"Hey, so I met this guy and he treats me better than you, he takes me to expensive restaurants and is better in bed. I'm leaving you for him."

He stood up on the ledge. Their voices, their words echoing within. He blankly looked at the city that lay before him. The bustling streets full of honking and conversations. Everyone so preoccupied with their own world that nobody noticed him as he stood up on the ledge.

Gusts of air blew his hair and clothes threatening to pull him over, a soft whisper and gentle pull tempting him to a end.

What did he have to live for? His own life had crumbled in days, even his only friend started to ignore him what was there left to do besides take a single step forward, off of the building.

He raised a foot gracefully into the the air, but his leg rebelled in reprieve. A tingle running from his raised leg all the way to his finger tips. Funny how even now his body warned him of the imminent danger that taking a step would cause.

He closed his eyes. he took a deep breath. He readied himself. He took the step forward.

"Wait Don't!".