
A Story of Steel

The events of this book take place immediately after the destruction of the Institute by the Brotherhood's hand. I aim to be as true to the canon lore as possible but this story takes place after the events of Fallout 4 so there's not really any canon lore for that. This is my first novel so expect some level of error in my grammar, sentence structures, etc. Don't be too harsh, but I do appreciate any helpful tips and advice! Now, Knight-Captain Jakobs is a member of the East Coast chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel under Elder Arthur Maxson. After the destruction of the Institute the Brotherhood initiated a widespread manhunt for any and all remaining synths, also declaring that any person who provides safe harboring for a synth will face capital punishment. Knight-Captain Jakobs is one of such people tasked with locating and destroying synths in hiding or on the run. He is ruthless, but not without his humanity. Jakobs cares deeply for his subordinates and wishes the common folk nothing but the best, however, he cares for the Brotherhood itself above all and will do whatever necessary for the cause. Bethesda owns all rights to Fallout video games and content. I am making no money from this book. The only thing I own are my original characters.

Scribe_Onion · Video Games
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A Scared Boy

"I implore you to rethink the current circumstances. Is every human life in your settlement worth the life of a single synthetic? A false being that will turn on you the moment it's programming tells it to? Think about it."

As always I was patient with the man. They were ignorant in these parts of the Commonwealth and didn't understand the severity of the still lingering threat of synthetic humans. How could they understand the dangers synths possessed when they've never encountered anything like them. So when the man's head dipped and he wore the face of defeat, I was relieved that we wouldn't have to exterminate another settlement.

"Go get em' Jeffrey. We don't stand a chance and I'm no fool. I won't have my people slaughtered over a synth, no matter how human they look, the man is right. They're machines."

"Aye sir, I'll fetch the lad."

When the other man brought out the synth, I couldn't help but to feel sorrow. It was a young man around twenty years old, and bore a striking resemblance to the town's leader. No doubt it was his son before the Institute kidnapped him.

"Dad, who are these people?"

A deaf man could hear the fear in the synths voice.

"It's alright son. You're gonna be going with them so they can do a few tests but don't you worry alright? I promise everything is gonna turn out fine, you'll be back before you know it."

Lying. Both to himself and his once human son. People out here have such delicate feelings, clinging to everything that brings them even a shred of momentary happiness.

"But dad, why do I have to go? I haven't done anything wrong I swear it, I've been good, I haven't left the house not one time since you told me not to I swear it!"

Panic. The damn Institute didn't leave out a single detail in their synthetic atrocities.

"No son it isn't that. You're not in trouble they just need to run a few tests on you to prove you're not one of those synths."

"But dad I already told you I was only napping and overslept, I wasn't kidnapped I think I'd know if I was!"

This has gone on long enough. I've seen it all before. They get all wound up and emotional until they lose their senses and demand we leave without they're mother, father, son, daughter, cousin, friend, neighbor, the list goes on. The Institute caused so much disarray and we were left to clean up the mess. And daylight is wasting away.

"Alright it's time to go. Knight Davis if you would take the synth under custody so we can get this over with."

"Yes sir."

Knight Davis began walking towards the pair and the synth falls to it's knees, prepared to beg for it's life.

"Please don't take me I swear I'm not a synth, I swear!"

Knight Davis holds up a list.

"Designation L3-97, also known as Carl Baker."

"No, please!"

"You are on the list of all known and active synthetics within the Commonwealth and as such, you must be destroyed."


The synthetic's pleas for mercy were cut short when Knight Davis shot it point blank in the head with his laser rifle. The body went limp and collapsed backwards, landing with a soft thump. His father fell to his knees and began weeping with his hands cupped over his face.

His settlement would make it through another day, and the Commonwealth was rid of another synth...