

Screams and shouts echoed from the darkness, countless balls of light flow all around the tent. The men scream in panic as the balls of light weave in between the tent, a few seconds pass the light stops before shining brightly and dying down, illuminating the tent in an eerie light.

The light shows Michael removing the hand off of his collar, the men all around him watches him as he carefully sits back down. They look towards him in despair, unable to move their bodies only their heads. Michael notices despair and fear, something that makes Michael chuckle in amusement.

Alex shouts in panic, "What, what is this?" Michael smiles and a chill flows between them as they felt a grip upon their throat. "This my good man, Is what I call the Dark world." Michael cheerfully spoke as he raises his feet and lowers them to the table, he leans back as the light eerily swirls around him.

"D-dark world!?" Alex stutters in panic, his thoughts firing in a panic as he tried to find a way to escape this. Though the men around him, hearing Michael's reply tries to struggle, afraid of Michael's wrath on what they decided.

Michael whistled a soft tune, the men freeze, realizing their mistake as they watch the man whistle a jovial tune, excited for the upcoming debacle. The reactions varied, as some cried, terrified of Michael's presence. While some struggled in panic, the fear pushing them to find a way to run.

Michael meanwhile, leans back as his feet remain resting on the table. He looks to Alex with interset, who despite the initial panic, seems to be already making a plan. Acknowledging this, Michael spoke, "There's no way you could move. you know."

Alex looks to him inquisitively as he asks, "Why is that?" Michael chuckles, "Well," He taps his chin in thought as he stood, the lights shining at him as if a spotlight "How do I say this," He then gestures around, "The darkness where you are in is under my command."

He then flourishes his hand forward, as a hand grips their neck "Everything and anything follows my command." Alex looks at the hand on his throat, before a look of determination enters his eyes, he asks, "Why are you doing this?"

Michael shrugs as he walked around, "Well, I just planned on going home." He looks to the four officer "Though, you seem to have tried to stop me in doing so." The words fill the four officers with dread. Michael gestures to himself, "I was quite scared you see."

Alex laughs before shouts back, "No, you weren't. You were always planning this." Michael tilts his head with a smile as he replied, "I don't know what you're talking about." Alex shakes his head, before laughing loudly, his men look at him, worried for his sanity.

"You a human, like us. was able to perform magic so grand that i don't doubt the entire encampment is unconscious

"Enough with the theatrics, tell me what you really want." Alex shouts to him, Michael only grins before he skips in his direction, he speaks as he skips, "I can tell you what I want, what I will achieve but," he whispers to his ear, "But are you and your men willing to pay the price for it?"

Alex looks at him, eye to eye, he sees the deep power beneath him. The only human he ever saw to perform such grand magic, if he could perform magic like this then he can be the only one that can. "I can," Michael smiles mockingly as he spoke softly, "But can your men." Alex looks around, seeing the fear and hesitation in the expression of his men.

Alex sighs before a shout takes the room's attention, "Of course!" They look to Anders who spoke, "The Seekers follow the path where humanity can rise. and seek the justice it deserves." Anders looks at Alex with fire in his eyes he shouts to the others "Alex hasn't failed us before, he won't fail us now." The resounding agreement was almost instantaneous, the men shouts in excited fervor, believing that maybe this was it.

Michael watches the change of atmosphere with amusement, as those once panicking men shout out their approval. Alex smirks triumphantly before replying, "We're ready, are you?" Michael laughs loudly, he laughs for a few more seconds, he wipes the tears from his laughter as he glances at Anders, before speaking "Well, that was certainly something."

A few seconds pass as Michael calms down, he shakes his head, his expression turns sombre. Everyone notices the atmosphere thickening as a sinking feeling fills everyone watching, "I hope this was what you were hoping." Michael raises his hand to his face making it click, the sound of the mask falling as he smiles with a wave, "Hello."

Alex only gapes as the men around him hold some disappointed expressions, some were shocked at the beauty of the face that was revealed, whiles some merely disappointed. "That's it?" Was Alex's disappointed words. Michael chuckles as hands grip their throat, the men panic once more before a soft hum echoes through the tent.

"None of this information will ever get out." Michael points to his neck as he spoke, "For if it does, you die." they felt the small prick of pain in the spot where Michael points. Michael then smiles as he sat back down.

"Then for all of this to make sense, It would be best for me to introduce myself." His eyes light up in an eerie black light, "My name is Michael Magna." The name shocks everyone, but before any could react Michael continues, "My plan involves reviving the Magna Imperium, under my rule."

Alex swallows dryly as the implications settle, he was suddenly able to move as Michael gestures him to a seat. "Sit down." Michael orders, one which Alex immediately follows. "So, Is there any question you wanna ask?" Michael asks with a sombre tone.

Alex looks down as he whispers, "Why?" Michael raises an eyebrow, "Why do i wish to revive it?" Michael shrugs, "Perhaps it is due to anger and indignation, my seven years as a slave, has most probably left its mark on me."

Alex looks at him in shock, the new revelation changing his view of the man, After all slaves weren't exactly the most dignified occupation. Michael continued, "Or maybe, I do not wish to live as a second class citizen," Michael grins as laughter bubbles underneath, "Or maybe just because I can."

Alex evaluates Michael's answer, his thirty-five years of experience unable to find a reply. "How, can you use such magic?" Michael points to his shining eye, "I was made a slave, to inspect human artifacts, using my eye." Michael cackles, "I learned how to do it from the times, house Dunsten profited over my hard work."

Alex nods as he goes into deep thought, the men around listen in the conversation. "So where are we in all of this," Michael smiles before he spoke, "Well, I plan to have you as rebels. The first army of the Magna Imperium. The beacon of hope where the people of Rosalia can come to for help."

Alex remains silent before asking, "That's it?" Michael shakes his head, "Well not now anyway, most of the time you'll probably be raiding rival businesses as a way to lay low, you see?" Michael grins, "I can't have you being a rebel so quickly, there's only so much the nobles can tolerate before they start coming out of their castles."

Alex nods, as he starts looking convinced, "Then our funds?" Michael cuts him off, "Will be paid for and more." Alex nods in acknowledgement, "If I agree then, Is there some kind of catch?" Michael nods as he replies, "Of course," He points to his neck, "Every member of this army, will hold this sigil."

Alex reaches for his own neck, to feel for it. Michae waves his hand in dismissal, "There's no need for your concern, the sigil is only seen by those that already have it." Alex asks as a question he looks to his men's neck, "What does it do?"

Michael only shrugs, "Ensures a loyalty to me and in turn, ensure a loyalty to you." Alex sighs, "We never had the choice, to begin with, right?" Michael shrugs as he smirks at him, he then replies, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Alex sighs deeply and the men around him understood the meaning. "How do i at least share the mark?" Michael speaks excitedly, "You just have to shake their hand, and along with their consent. The sigil will be more than happy to pass on."

Alex sighs, a gloomy atmosphere coming from him and his men. He looks to Micahel, "Can we at least do what we used to." Michael noticing their gloomy expression looks confused, before realizing the reason for his question.

"Hahaha, the sigil does not demand obedience in your every move, It won't force you to do something you don't want to do." Michael rolls his eyes at the men's dumbfounded expression, "I'd rather not have any if all I'm gonna have are slaves." The words light a fire in their eyes as Alex smiles with a nod.

Michael shows his hand to Alex as he spoke with a grin, "So would you like to swear your allegiance to me?" Alex nods as he shakes it back, "I hope to work with you from now on." The darkness recedes, the men cheering in excitement as they can move once more. Michael then stands before he exits the tent, a bright light shines as he does so, leaving behind five sacks of gold. Michael shouts from outside,

"Wear the ring in there, so I can give you updates."