
A story of First Love

Siya is a smart girl who just finished her schooling and waiting for her results in the entrance exam for getting admission to a reputed college in the city. On vacation, she stays at her cousin's home where she met a guy, Vihaan, who is a best friend of his cousin, Aarav, with whom she started to feel something at her first meeting. How does her love story move on? Read out.

M_Mounika · Teen
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36 Chs

Chapter 27

Vihaan's father arrived early and asked him about his mom. He took him to her ward, and I followed them. I saw his father was sad after seeing her condition. He held back the tears in his eyes and sat next to her.

Aunt woke up from her sleep as she felt his touch, stared at him, and said to her with uttered pain in his heart with a trembling voice, "Sorry, I was not there when you needed me the most. It's my mistake that I let you go from my life."

She replied in a low tone, "It's not your fault. It was I who decided. Now, I'm just worried about our son. I ask you to take care of him." He nodded.

I took Vihaan out of her ward with me by leaving them alone to talk and have some time alone, as they had a lot to talk about after a long wait.

As we peeked through the glass door of her ward, saw that they both looked happy together, but sad, as well.

Suddenly, we panicked to see her getting seizures, and we rushed to call the doctor. The doctor asked us to leave the room. We were worried about her waiting for a response from the nurse, who was going back and forth from her ward. But she left without informing us anything about her condition.

After a while, the doctor came out sadly and informed us, "She's no more." Vihaan mourned by kneeling. I hugged him and tried to console him. But it's not so easy because it is a sad thing to lose someone precious behind. I have decided to let his tears come out of his eyes to blow out the pain in his heart.

As the days passed, he came out of his house and tried to accept the truth that his mom was no longer with him. I took him out for a stroll to have fresh air, and we walked together, holding hands. I reminded his father asked me for a favor as Vihaan's friend, to convince him to stay with him in London.

At first, I felt I couldn't be without him. Later, I convinced myself not to be selfish and to make him stay here alone. Because he had recently lost his mom, he needed a family that cared for and loved him to come out of sadness and despair.

His father wants to take care of him as he loves him the most. It was better for his future, which was his mother's only wish for him to have a bright future. I decided to talk with Vihaan about it. He stared at me and asked noticing worry on my face, "Are you thinking something serious?"

I hold his arm tightly and make myself calm and brave to put my words in front of him. Looking down at my feet, I finally told him what I had been preparing to say a few days ago, "I think you should go with your father."

He raised my head and frowned, "Did he ask you to convince me? Do you think I could be there without you?" and "What about you? Can you be without me?"

I closed my eyes, told myself not to lower my courage in front of him, and said, "If we decide, we make it a long-distance relationship. We frequently talk and see each other through video calls." He was disappointed with me.

I continued to convince him, "Aunt wished to see you becoming a successful person and living a comfortable and happy life. If you live here alone, you won't be able to move on and keep missing your mom and feels alone. Go and stay with your father, and there are people around you to look after. You can focus on your dream to be a successful person like your father. Don't worry about me. Think about yourself."

I held his hand and said, " A few miles of distance can't change my love for you." I continued staring at him, "I'll wait until you come to me, even if it takes years," He agreed.

The next day, I helped him to pack his belongings because his flight was late at night. I informed Aarav, and other friends, about his flight tonight. They visited him and gave farewell to him with their best wishes.

I and Aarav stood with him until his cab arrived. Aarav helped him to get out his luggage and put it in the cab, and his father was waiting for Vihaan to come out of the home. I was pretending to be strong, not to sob in front of him. He was going to walk through the door, turn around to look at me, grab me in his arms, and kiss me for the last time. I feel him with my closed eyes to capture this moment in my heart.

He saw my tears and wiped them with his soft fingers, "I love you, forever. Your love is so precious that happened to me. I will return soon, and we have never been apart away again. I promise." I nodded, trying to send him off with a smile.

He hardly moved his foot away from me to go out and get in the cab to leave with his father. He pushed himself to step forward and left in pain.

I stood for a few minutes to regain my sense to realize that he had gone far from me. I was already missing him. Aarav came to me, consoled me with a warm hug, and walked me home. Mom asked me, looking at my sad face, "Are you all right, Siya?"

I hugged my mom, comforting myself, and burst into tears in my eyes. Later, I walked into my room, locked the door, sat at the bedside, and cried out until I was tired and fell asleep.

Mom woke me up and asked me to eat breakfast early in the morning. Lethargically, I got up and was ready for college. I had my breakfast with mom and dad. They are trying to make me talk by asking for random things in the news. I finished my breakfast quietly, took my backpack, and left for college. They were worried about me being quiet from last night.

Aarav and Annie were waiting for me at the entrance, trying to make me feel better and talk. Though I tried to behave normally, I couldn't because my mind and soul were not cooperating.

I ended the day in college with grief, kept silent without responding to anyone, reached home, and tried to behave normally. I was trying to focus on my studies. Suddenly one of the books fell from the desk. I picked it up and opened it. I was contended seeing it, which gave relief to me. It was my drawing book where I preserved my moments with Vihaan, and glancing into those pictures and remembering our moments makes me feel better and smile again.

Aarav came to my room and saw me smiling at the book, and he thought I had gone crazy, "Are you gone mad, smiling yourself?" As he approached me and marveled at the pictures in the book. He took the book out of my hands, looked in it, and asked me surprisingly, "Did you draw these pictures? Are these moments of you with Vihaan?" I nodded with a cute smile.

"Yeah, I drew these. Now, I hope it will be helpful to endure my pain and longing for him." I said.

"You are really talented. I am amazed at your pictures." Aarav returned my book, patted me on the shoulder, and left my room.