
A Story Of a Man that Transmirigated In a BL Otome game

Vilkas Asher, a handsome young man in his 20s, had always despised his breathtaking appearance. Women and even some gay men left and right would hit on him and even spike his drinks with aphrodisiac. Vilkas was a target of hungry and fierce predators ready to pounce on him. "You might think that having a pretty face can make your life 100x easier, but in reality, it just makes your life more harder. " said the very same Vilkas. His sister, Deviana Asher, is a petite and beautiful young girl in her tender years (17) , has some obsession in BL games, and forced her brother to play it with her. Vilkas died in a car crash accident and when he opened his eyes, he found out that he was transmirigated into the same BL Otome game that his sister loved. However, Vilkas was never interested in men nor women before. He had gone to different blind dates to women and even men. Turns out Vilkas was Asexual. Vilkas, who doesn't like men but in a world where he might be hit on one, how will he live his peaceful life now? Author ~ I support LGBTQ+, but this novel is a comedic fantasy one. You might mistake me for someone that hates LGBTQ+ and makes a fool out of them. Enjoy this Novel! (*´∇`)ノ

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Yume's Diner

Supposedly, the character named Zeth was named by the protagonist after he saved a black wolf, it's said that the black wolf and the protagonist would build chemistry together after the protagonist saving him, and the wolf develops feelings for the protagonist. The protagonist didn't know, but the wolf can turn in his human anytime he wants, the male leads would Eleventually know and take action, and to them, another rival appeared.

"Hey! Are you listening to me!? " the dragon angrily shouted. "I'm sorry, I was lost in my thoughts" Vilkas sweated and gave his excuse. "Oh, right. I can't show up all the time and I'll only have a role as a messager if one of the gods decide to pass a message. " the dragon shrugged and started levitating, while at a posture like he was resting at something. "I see. " Vilkas briefly said while looking at the cute, tiny dragon named Vic.

Vic waved his hand and started to vanish in a blink of an eye. Vilkas searched around but couldn't find him. "Hahh.. " Vilkas sighed. "Good thing that I transmirigated into Devias, he's pretty strong if I say so. " Vilkas said while he massaged his temples in order to ease the stress.

"Oh, right! A fake name.. Since I don't intend to take part of the drama, I'll protect myself instead. " Vilkas stood up and stretched his arms backward, tilting his wolf-like ears while thinking of a good name. 'I think Fenris is good enough' he thought to himself, while yawning and thinking what to do next.

Since he was already clothed with a black, long cloth that can sometimes conceal his ears and tail, and what you can see in every fantasy game, he needed to remember the information of season 1 of [I Can't Pick!] in order to settle in a good life before returning in his world.

The main lead, Ezaroth Dé Heúmburg is the second prince of the Imperial family, so naturally, the main lead fights with his siblings in order to get the crown. Ezaroth, who was strong, intelligent and who was remarkable, was faced by a lot of pressure by him being the second prince. The people only flattered him and praised him with different intentions. If he makes the slightest mistake, the only result would be trashtalk and his siblings to take advantage of it. The main lead, tired of it all, while his parent's were hosting a small banquet for the people who lives inside of the castle, he went to his luxurious room and tried to attempt suicide by jumping of his personal balcony.

The protagonist, who was Isaiah Yessé Fallham, was just a lowly butler who happened to be ordered to call for his highness, saw him trying to jump, had suddenly hugged him and pulled him back with all his weight, the prince looked at the back of his shoulder, and saw someone trying to stop him, he flinched and didn't move, as if not wanting to hurt the person who was only trying to save him.

Isaiah, sucessfully saved the prince, but when he opened his eyes, the prince was kabedoning him to the floor, and the protagonist blushed and shouted-- blah blah blah, let's just say that they built chemistry and spended time after that for a shortcut?

Vilkas- I mean, Fenris was in search of a country named " YIILYA " that was the only country and Nation that all races coexisted and lived together, except for dangerous and harmful existences like demons. YIILYA had beastmans, demihumans, elves, dwarfs, humans, orcs, pigmen, goblins, etc roaming around the country. Although the Lord of YIILYA was a human himself, he was a respectful individual. Some of the races there also hated each other, but most of them accepted other races.

Zeth, who was now named Fenris, is a direct descendent of the demiwolf ancestor, in other words, a high-class demiwolf. Only the highest class of demihumans have dark bloody red eyes, well, he's supposedly strong.

Fenris didn't know how nor to control his powers. Fenris bit his lip in regret that he didn't ask the dragon about it. He went to the supposed direction according to his memory, and saw a big, and wide stone wall that protects civilians from monsters.

"Halt! " the guard said, while glaring at Fenris and showed an intimidating aura, "Take of your hood" the guard said while he pierced his gaze towards him. The different races who was lined behind Fenris, glanced at him. The guard's shout made them swift their attention to him. Fenris, stared at the guard blankly and sighed before taking off his hood and reveal himself.

The guard, who once revealed a intimidating aura, only showed the aura of admiration and smiled before saying; "You can go now. " and took a glance before Fenris left. All the races behind him, was dazed blankly, all the girls and women had a face flushed with bright pink and some even cannot take their eyes off the devishly breathtaking man with wolf ears, evident that he was a demihuman, that made him even more attractive.

Fenris, who was unaware of it and thought that his looks may be normal in this world, but it seems that his appearance are also other-wordly here. Fenris twitched his wolf ears and a tail came out of the bottom part of the black long cloth, made eyes look at him with envy, admiration, and jealousy. People even took three glances while walking past him, and some took more than that.

While looking at the bustling, and lively people, he suddenly felt homesick and wanted to go back to his world where he can spend time with his family again as Vilkas Asher. While staring at the familiar scene, he shook his head and stopped reminiscing about the times with his family, and thought of something positive to cheer his spirits up.

'Oh yeah, the food cuisine in [I Can't Choose] are said to be really good, well the characters said that.' He closed his eyes, while the sun shone brightly on him, he beamed with happiness and curiousness and showed a faint smile on his face as he stood blankly and waved his fluffy-black tail.

His tail suddenly drooped and the sun went away, blocked by numerous big houses and stores when he thought that he didn't have any money and he's broke to even buy food. He wandered around, trying to find a suitable restaurant that he can work in, and one catched his eyes, It was called ' Yumes's Diner'. Even though the exterior was quite classic and looks like the other restaurants, the aura the restaurant emitted was a proud and determined vigorous aura.

Fenris knew this would be the one, and came in, alarming the bell sounds of the door. "Welcome, customer! " a petite, but curvy pinked-haired tan skinned girl with cute bangs that reached her eyebrows and a long braid with freckles, came to greet him. When she looked closely at the tall figure who just came in, she was shocked to find out that a devishly handsome demiwolf came in! With a slight blush crept on her cheeks, she bravely said in front of the handsome demiwolf; "H-hello! What will you order, handsome sir? " she stutteringly said, while trying to advert her gaze from the handsome demiwolf, but can't. Her eyes can't take off his beautifully made face.

"Excuse me pretty girl, are you looking for an employee? " the handsome demiwolf said. "H-huh? Uhh.. Yes! Yess! " she hesitated and thought for a moment, why would such a handsome being like him want to work in this small diner?, well, it would bring attention and more customers to their diner, so it's a win-win. "Is it okay to start now?, my names is Fenris, what's your's? " Fenris said, while looking at the youth in front of him. "My name is Michelle Yumes, yes it is okay to start now if you need money that much, do you need someone to teach you? " she said as she finally held eye contact with the handsome young demiwolf. Fenris thought about it for a moment, the job tha he was going to interview in his old world was an office one, he had never worked in a restaurant before. He shook his head while saying; "No, it's my first time doing these kind of jobs, it will be really helpfull if you lended me some help, kind girl. " he said.

"Are you an orphan? " she said while pondering why he doesn't have a single surname or two surnames. (Having a single surname like Michelle Yumes is the evidence of being a commoner.On the other hand, having two surnames like Ezaroth Dé Heúmburg is evident of that of a noble. Having no surnames means your either an orphan or disowned.)

"Yes, I'm an orphan" he said while scratching his face with a wry smile. "Uhh" she looked away and felt bad about asking something that could bring his bad past, trying to change the topic of the conversation. "You can call me Elle, can I call you Fenris? " she said as she shyly played with her fingers. "Okay, Elle, since I get to call you with your nickname, you can also call me Ris, thank you for also hiring me. " he said then awkwardly averted his gaze away from the blushing girl.

"Okay, Ris, I'll call my twin brother to show you an example of how to serve the customer's. " she spoke, while Fenris was nodding politely. "Mike!! " she called out, while a boy who was only slightly taller than the girl, he had pink fluffy short bangs and freckles, a slender body and he had quite the baby shaped face that resembled the girl in front of him.

He looked like a cute twink-, cough* he looked a bit feminine and showed that he was either a straight or a bottom. As the boy named Mike went to their direction, a slight blush crept on his cheeks when he saw the tall, muscular and handsome man before him. "You'll teach this guy, he's our new employee. " Michelle said, while continuing her sentence; "His names Fenris, I'm going to talk to mom and dad. I'll leave you with the task of teaching our junior, bro" she said and took a glance of the handsome demiwolf before she closed the door quietly behind her.

"H-hello, as you've heard, my name is Mike Yumes, I'm her twin.. We're both 18.." Mike said as pink powder was shown in his cheeks, resembling a cute hamster. "Nice to meet you, I'm Fenris. " Fenris said as he twitched his wolf ears and used a business smile infront of the pink-haired boy.

"We don't usually get that much customer's, but we still serve a few customer's. " Mike said as he turned his head and eye pupils to a certain table, that has a short-haired woman with ear piercings that seemed to be expensive for normal commoners, and that has quite the luxurious dressing. "That woman, she's a baron's daughter. " Mike said as he sighed while having a troubled look. Fenris continued his silence and listened to him determinedly.

"She only comes here to make a fuss, since she's noble and we're commoners, we can't really fight back and just take the damage. " Mike said while lowering his voice to avoid her hearing their conversation. Mike took a glance at the handsome demiwolf's body, and started to look away instantly while having a tomato-colored face.

Fenris caught him taking a glance at his chest, and was shocked (He kind of expected it since he looks like a twink). He didn't really feel anything except for embarrassment. His ears drooped and Mike thought it was because of the baron's daughter. A thought suddenly stroked his mind, and he looked at Fenris with eyes full of hope and vigor, and said; "Fenris, can I trouble you with something?. That woman, she's the sole reason why we haven't been getting a lot of customers lately, so if you seduce her and trick her to never comeback again, we'll pay you thrice. " Mike continued to gaze at Fenris while holding his hand, Fenris felt that his tail had gone up and he felt uncomfy, he did feel weird about that but that wasn't important right now.

It seems that he realized that his good looking appearance still doesn't differ its quality even in this world!? And, SEDUCE!? How would he even do that when it was the women who would hit on him first!? He didn't even try to hit on someone before! How would he deal with it now?

◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ! just a reminder, the MC will not have any homo or straight relationships. This is just a fantasy and comedic novel, the BL Otome game world is an important plot to the story, sorry if you were expecting a gay novel!

Stay tuned for the next chapter! ( ͡°з ͡°)

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