
A Story Called Destiny

What would happen if one day your life changed drastically? If everything you have for granted disappeared in just one moment? If you wanted to go back to the past and fix your mistakes, but you realize that it isn't possible? In that case, will you blame someone? Will you accept his demands on a good term and surrender to his omnipotent status? Or will you get up and face him with all your will? Welcome to one of those possibilities. This is my story... a story called destiny

SilverMigri · Action
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133 Chs

The Reason for the Determination (II)

"Okay, it's time to begin"

One of them lunged at me making a vertical slash, I unsheathed my sword to receive it. The impact was quite strong and my arm went numb.

"It's my turn!" shouted the other one who appeared from my left with a horizontal movement.

I swerved my body to the right evading the attack, though it was able to scratch me a little.

"Don't you have any consideration at all!?"

"Why should we?"

"Yes, what would be the reason?"

"I'm at a distinct disadvantage! Isn't that enough for you!?"

"Not at all. It's like the organizer said"

"Use whatever it takes to win, it's all according to the rules"

"Yes. As long as we win, nothing else matters"

"After defeating you we'll be one step closer to collecting all the Objects"

Are they really so blinded by their ideal that they have sold out to follow Rowen's orders? The same will happen with Zeke? And what about Corneria? If we face each other, won't they last to kill me as long as they're the one who gets to the end?

Thinking about it in detail, I'm just like them. While I'm not interested in winning, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish my goals.

That would be to save Maria no matter what. If that's why, then...

"Don't get distracted!" said the red brother.

With both hands he raised his weapon and dropped it on me. Even though I blocked it, all I could do was stand and try to hold on.

Surprisingly the blue brother appeared with his blade in hand to take advantage of the fact that I could not avoid his attack.

Not knowing what else to do, I let the force of red propel me down to roll back and prevent a lethal blow from my second opponent.

Still he managed to react in time and slightly tear my shoulder, blood began to slowly gush from that wound. It's not serious, but this tactic of one attacking and the other waiting for the opportunity to sneak in and strike the unsuspecting opponent is something that any fighter with a little honor would reproach.

"And what do you think of this?" said blue lunging for my right.

I repelled the cut keeping moving so as not to get caught like last time. However red came up from behind me quickly.

I'm busy with blue now! If I stand still or stop blocking these 2 will take advantage to make mincemeat of me.

Without much more to think about and in a moment of desperation I grabbed with my left hand the sheath lying on my waist to stop red's strike. I thought it would break from the impact, but to my surprise it was able to hold.

"Can you let me breathe for a second!" I shouted furious at the pressure.

With both hands busy I found an instant to use the strength of both of them and deflect them to collide with each other, this way I managed to move back a few steps.

The 2 were still faster than me and split up to attack each from a different side. I continued to block cut after cut with my katana and my sheath. I was able to avoid killing blows, however scratches on arms and my body were inevitable. With such a disadvantage I have no chance to rest. These guys take turns attacking me, they clearly have experience in this type of combat and that gives them the advantage in this fight. I don't even know the name of their Object or what their skill is.

In the middle of the exchange of blows I didn't see a kick coming from one of the brothers that made me lose my balance and fall to the floor. I took the opportunity to roll away and got to my feet as fast as I could.

"This is not enough, don't you think so, brother?" said red suddenly, in a mocking tone.

"Certainly. We were commissioned to kill you in the worst possible way" replied blue.

"You have yet to show that expression of regret on your face"

"And for that you will behold our true power"

It seems that they will only just take things seriously. It was already clear to me that they were playing with me, still I was afraid that this situation would come.

They both approached, took their blades and placed them side by side.

"Get ready to say goodbye to your ties. These scissors will cut off every last one you have left"

"Immerse yourself in the despair of forgetting your loved ones!"

Then the 2 seemed to synchronize shouting in unison.

"Let's go Zenbu no kizuna wo kiru Hazami! We'll start by getting rid of your oldest ties!"

Scissors? Ties? What are they talking about? Leaving that distraction I prepared to block the attack.

To my surprise, time seemed to stop. Was it me who was moving slower, or did they become faster?

Without understanding what was happening, I saw how a kind of thread appeared in front of me and remained floating in mid-air. As I watched it, I lost myself for a moment in my mind. Something strange is happening, I can feel it. This must be the special ability of their Objects.

Quickly the brothers brought their blades closer and hurriedly tried to cut it in a way reminiscent of scissors.