
A Story Called Destiny

What would happen if one day your life changed drastically? If everything you have for granted disappeared in just one moment? If you wanted to go back to the past and fix your mistakes, but you realize that it isn't possible? In that case, will you blame someone? Will you accept his demands on a good term and surrender to his omnipotent status? Or will you get up and face him with all your will? Welcome to one of those possibilities. This is my story... a story called destiny

SilverMigri · Action
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133 Chs

The Fortress of the Chosen part 1 (II)

After taking cover the sounds came to a halt. From this angle you can't see me, eh?

This must be the reason why there aren't any creatures, this guy's on patrol so that no one, neither anything can come close to the city.

Will there be more people like that on the inside? If the announce made reference to gather all the chosen ones, then I should expect a "warm" welcome by its inhabitants?

At least I think I got an idea of where he's coming. Prolonging this situation would lead me to nothing, he has the advantage due to the distance and I don't stand a chance if he calls his companions, I have to get close.

I sneaked my way to the building next door, broke a window and climbed up the stairs to the rooftop.

Slowly I peeked and managed to take a look at something sparkling on the roof. Without being noticed I walked carefully and saw a guy holding an extravagant sort of rifle with a familiar colour, looking through the lens down the streets.

There is no doubt, he is one of them. What do I do? It's the first time I have to face another human...

Well, it's now or never.

Without thinking I run catching speed then I jumped to where he was. Surprised by the sound he turned around.

Quickly he raised his sniper and put on guard, however I had previously started to gather energy on my index finger, already anticipating the encounter that approached and now was fully charged, next I aimed to his direction and the shot hit right on his weapon. The force of the impact made the guy drop it.

"So it wasn't destroyed" I said while I checked that my attack didn't caused any scratch where it landed. I guess that being made of the same sort of material as my glove can't cause any damage, it just has the cyan tone as expected. "So, why are you attacking me?" I asked pointing always with my index finger in a gun pose.

Calmly I took the time to observe him in detail. He is a man of my same age, nothing in his clothes is worth mentioning.

What are this guy's intentions? Anyway I won't put my guard down. I know that I can't shoot 2 times on a row, but if he doesn't know I'll have the advantage. This is a good method to keep him intimidated.

"... haha, hahaha!"

"What's so funny?"

"Congratulations for getting so far" the guy looked back at me. He has a weird face, a mix of surprise and happiness.

"That's worth a compliment?"

"You are the very first that doesn't give up after hearing my shots or dies trying since I was assigned on watch duty"


This man... it is just me or he's acting like this was some sort of game?

"You really are one of us, don't you? That agility of yours is impossible for a simple human being. That thing you have in your left, it's an accessory type, hihi. Tell me, what's your power?"


I stayed silent. I don't know how much of a good idea will be to answer in this moment. He mentioned accessory before, there is some difference between this ones and the weapon type? I don't want to trust his words, despite I got him threatened he keeps on smiling. Something makes me believe he's a psychopath, I don't think I can get an honest answer.

"So you won't tell aaanything. That glove you have is ceeertainly cute" he said while slowly turning around.

He doesn't even care that I'm pointing at him? Perhaps he noticed that I can't shot again?

"Hey, don't move!"

"Well, let me taste what you are made of!" said while suddenly his rifle that was on the floor raised and went to his hands.

After catching it he gave a twist to some kind of gear, revelling this way a little dagger on the tip which he used to try stab me.

I managed to evade the first strike by going back a few steps but in an instant he made a second attack. I barely was able to raise my left hand to which his blade couldn't penetrate. After all it seems that two things of the same material can't destroy each other.

"Calm down! I haven't come to fight, I'm just looking for answers"

"Well well, no scratch... interesting. I am curious of what you can do with that"

So he's ignoring me, eh? Confirmed, this man is completely insane. Not only that, he's dangerous.