
A story about a serious vigilante and a mischievous villain

Lucas, an uninspired student by day and a dark vigilante ,fighting for justice by night gets his whole life turned around as he has his justice questioned by "Hellfire" a female villain he had no previous encounters with. Read as he starts seeing the world (and her) in a different light and slowly changes as a person

Obnoxious_Man · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Group up

I woke up, got out of bed, brushed my teeth and put my clothes on as I suddenly remembered

'I haven't done any homework for today, have I?'

Well… it didnt matter. I could always cram on break.

I got to the bus station that was right outside the house and after around 10 minutes I arrived at school

It was an ordinay highschool just like any other but it was the highschool my father used to go so it held some importance in my heart

'Ahhh… we have english…'

The fact that it was important didn't mean that I was a good and diligent student, on the contrary I was always the last to raise my hand and didn't really pay any attention to the classes I didn't like

And English was one of them

"Oi, Lukie!"

A student with brown hair and blue eyes patted my back from behind

"Hey Oliver"

"I told you to call me Ollie, I hate the name Oliver"

"Whatever you say, Oliver"

Oliver, the first guy that approached me since coming to this school and my only friend here

"Is the teacher in?" He asked

I peeked from the window to watch inside the class…

…and there she was, a tall middle aged woman with glasses that was currently looking around the class and wrote something in her book

"She is counting students right now"

"Ah, then what are you doing? Go in!"

We got in class and recieved a telling off for being late. I had been in this situation so many times that it basically had no effect on me

I got to my seat and waited till it was time to go home which as always was extremelly boring. Who in their right mind would make kids wake up in the morning to spend half their day listening to a guy talk on his own for seven hours?

It's not that I necessarily disliked school but I found it meaningless. Useful knowledge was rarelly tought, if at all and we had whole days where we learned useless things that we were going to forget either way

But it wasn't always like that, once in a while we would talk about something intresting

"Then, a topic that is really relevant now with the rise of super humans. How do you feel about the new militarisation act to control the superhumans and villains?" The english teacher asked as she looked around

"Hmmm… how about Lucas?"

"M-me?" I was startled from my half asleep state

Faint laughing could be heard from the students

"Yes, you."

"Hmm… I agree with the act"

Whispers could be heard from the class

"Support your opinion"

"… It is true that the military walking around the city with guns may sound scary to some people but it is all done in order to save the citizents from potential threat that could come from an uncontrollable superhuman"

"Well, does anyone have to say or add anything to what Lucas said?"

A girl raised her hand

She had long black hair and fiery black obsidian eyes and looked extremelly beautiful. She appeared calm on the surface but seemed like she held herself back from launching at me

If I remember well her name was…

"Mia, do you want to add anything?"

"Ah, I just wanted to add my opinion"

"Go, on"

"Yes, in my opinion, if we let the military have that much power there is a high chance that they will end up abusing it. If we continue to give them power because we are afraid of super humans then we may end up in a dictatorship. Plus, I don't believe that superhumans should be seen as some kind of-"

"Stop exaggerating…" I cut her off

No matter how beautiful she was I couldn't just leave her spout nonsense like that


"The military is working for the people and for this country. If we don't employ the militarisation act then villains will be able to do whatever they want, leaving us citizens unprotected" I continued

"V-villains are just superhumans that the government deems to be a threat to their leadership. We should help superhumans adapt to their powers, not oppress them and label them as evil" She refuted while raising her voice

"Ehem, quiet down kids" The teacher tried to interject but was ignored

"Superhumans are walking time bombs, how are we supposed to let someone who has the fire power of a tank walk freely among us?" (He said it! he said the thing!)

"Superhumans are still humans, we cant treat them like some kind of-"

"OK, since you guys love talking so much you wouldnt mind beaing in a group together right?" The teacher said while raising her voice

"Huh?" We answered simultaneously

"You will be separated into groups to present your ideas on the topic of the militarisation act and superhumans. The first group is Lucas, Mia, Oliver and Addison"

If you see any () in this novel, it will be for my dumb comments so pay them no mind... I am extremely sorry for the among us reference

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