
A SSS Ranked Player's World Domination

In a world where pixels and reality collide, a new saga unfolds. Follow the journey of Zero, an SSS Ranked Number 1 player who's about to become a legend in a realm he once thought was confined to his screen.

Rankings · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Invitation (Side. Seraphine)

Standing before Khronos, I felt a mixture of awe and uncertainty. He denied being from Earth, though something in me still believed otherwise. But for now, I decided to let his words stand. Maybe he had his reasons for keeping his origins a secret.

"Alright," I responded, my voice steady as I nodded. I knew that beneath his poised exterior, there was a complexity I couldn't quite grasp. Finding common ground between our worlds seemed crucial, though it wasn't going to be easy.

"I've been working on something," I began, my eyes meeting his as I revealed my own ambitions. "A nation, just for newcomers like us. A place where those from Earth can find their footing in this new reality."

Khronos's eyes showed a glimmer of interest, and I hoped he saw the potential in my vision. It was a daring endeavor, a chance to build something meaningful in this unfamiliar world.

"I'm looking for people who share this dream," I continued, my determination unwavering. "People who want to break free from the limitations of our past and create something extraordinary."

I held his gaze, my heart pounding as I put my proposition on the table. The decision he would make in the next few moments could shape everything—our future, the world's future, and possibly even Earth's fate.

"Khronos, I'm offering you an invitation," I said, my words carrying a weight that seemed to echo in the silence that followed. "Join me in shaping a new destiny, one that bridges the gap between our worlds and defies the boundaries of game and reality."

As I waited for his response, I clung to the hope that this encounter could mark the beginning of something incredible—a journey that would forever alter the course of Eldoria and, just maybe, Earth as well.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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