
A Spartan's galactic empire

A baby crashes on earth during the time acient Greece ruled the Mediterranean sea. After his spaceship malfunctions, his escape pod falls to the earth at breakneck speeds. after falling down to earth he crashes in Greece and gets stuck in the mountains. Leonidas sent on a search party by his half brother, cleomenes the first. Finds the small, garlon and decides to adopt the child, naming him Deimos. I might still use different works as inspiration but I will create all characters in the book myself and create the universe and world's independently too.) And if I use other lightnovels or other works as inspiration, I will put it underneath my chapters afterwards. also a few tags so you know if it is something for you no harem no smut a lot of gore and violence ( once the war arcs begin) sci-fi cunning protagonist ruthless when needed but is capable of showing empathy.

jonas_karel · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Welcome home

Deimos had been flying for three full days.

Too stubborn to ask for directions.

"Deimos please just go down and ask for directions."

Medusa had a great experience flying.

Deimos had first flown to a small fishing village, with her in a princess carry.

But this was no good for long flights.

Or when you don't know the way.

So he asked a local fisherswife to weave him a basket big enough to hold Medusa.

So now Medusa was snuggling most of the time in her wool lined basket on Deimos back.

"No I don't want to." Deimos awnsers

Medusa stuck her head out of the basket.

A bit of wool was still stuck on her nose.

Her eyes were two content slits, and mischievous slime was plastered on her lips.

One of the golden snakes made its way to Deimos ear.

Sticking out it's small thin tongue, it licked his ear.

Deimos got spooked by the sudden attack.

"Medusa don't do that!!"

"Hihihi got you"

"Hmpf I am not speaking with you anymore."

"Don't be like that I'm just bored."

"Well I am trying to fly safely here."

"If you don't stop acting like a child I will turn around."

"But we are both kids Deimos."

Medusa decided not to keep poking the grumpy bear.

She turned to look down at the other side of her basket.

After about a hour, she saw something on the side of a clearing.

"Hey do you see that."

"Isn't that the flag of Sparta you told me about"

"Your right!!"

Deimos immediately dove down, towards the Spartan camp.

He landed about a hundred meters from the encampment.

He took off his backpack basket, so that Medusa could get out.

The scout up in the watchtower looked at this with a slack jaw.

"Am I seeing things?"

Two gigantic children just came flying down from the sky.

That can't be true.


"I should not have eaten that mushroom."

My mother warned me not to eat weird things but I just wouldn't listen.

"Hey hey hey"

"Sir please inform your captain that your prince is back."

The soldier looked weirdly at the kid that was taller than him.

"Right I shall inform my superior."

He gave one last glance at the weird duo.

Deimos looked smugly at medusa.

With a grin that asked for a beating.

"I told you I was a prince."

Medusa rolled her eyes.

"Right he looked like he ReSPecTeD you a lot your royal highness"

She said with obvious sarcasm.

"I know right."

Today Medusa learned something new about Deimos.

He was deaf to sarcasm.

Uniform footsteps sounded after some time.

The captain walked in front of the group.

He stopped 10 meters in front of Deimos.

"Identify yourself" he said.

Deimos face turned dark.

"I already told the soldier just now that I was the prince."

"And we are supposed to believe that the prince, who has been gone for two years comes from the sky without any sighn or warning."


"Aaaah alright I am not going to argue with a child."even if he is gigantic thought the captain.

"We will escort you to the camp, then we will sent a message to Sparta confirming your identity."

"Can't you recognise me?"

"I am the only one I know with deep gold eyes."

"You never know said the captain."

"Fine; come medusa, we will wait for my father to come pick us up."

"Hmm oke" Medusa hummed.

It would have looked cute, if her hair wasn't trying to bite a nearby soldier.

After walking into the camp Deimos and Medusa got assigned two different rooms.

But they were so used to sleeping together that they only used one.

Deimos was exhausted from flying for three days.

Not physically, but mentally he was totally drained.

So he fell fast asleep.

"Captain do you believe his words?"

"No but they are obviously special."

"And extremely strong, I felt like I was confronting a Apex predator withouts weapons or clothes."

" Sent the message to Sparta if he truely is the prince a promotion is waiting for me."

"And you as the messenger." He didn't forget to add.

Your right captain, I will go imidiately to Sparta I should be back tomorrow morning at the latest.

And so the night passed.

The messenger made it to Sparta.

"Halt what are you here for" asked the guard.

"I have a urgent message for the royal family"

Hearing this, the two guards at the entrance of Sparta moved aside.

Making way for the messenger.

The soldier stepped down from his horse.

At the Royal palace.

He ran into the throne room, while shouting

Urgent message.

The hearing that was in session was interrupted by the messenger.

Leonidas leaning on his hand, was slumped in his throne.

After his bloodline was purified he kept on growing the past 2 years, and he was now 2,2m tall.

Making it look like he was a giant on a miniature throne.

His oppressive aura was even stronger than it used to be.

The magistrates didn't dare object, or plan any neverious plans with his suppression.

They were now just honestly working as the king's advisors.

Cleomenes had taken his hands mostly of most military matters, and left that to Leonidas.

Cleomenes was mostly doing political work.

And keeping good relationships with the surrounding city states.

Today was a discussion about what to do with the city's defence.

So Leonidas took the throne room.

Going back to the messenger.

He was going to announce the news to Leonidas.

"Your majesty big news, at the southern outpost of Sparta, a giant child accompanied by a Demihuman claims he is the prince."

"He also orderd us to inform your majesty."

"His power is unconfirmed, but he is capable of flight and gives us the feeling of a giant predator"

Hearing this Leonidas stood straight out of his throne.

"What colour are his eyes."

"Dark gold; sire"

Before he could even understand what was happening, a hard wind knocked him to the ground and went past him.

Leonidas ran at full speed to the outpost.

Running at ridiculous speed, he sometimes didn't look the right direction and smashed a tree or boulder in his way.

Splinter scattered all around, debris flew into the air but Leonidas didn't stop running.

After half a hour he made it to the encampment.

Rushing into the different tents to check where his son was.

The soldiers inside were scared shitless.

A giant man with debris an sticks in his hair, came running into their tents without explanation, looks around and leaves without saying anything.

After 7 tents he finally sees his son inside, snuggling together with a unknown girl.

He rushes up to him.

Deimos who was dreaming suddenly feels movement close by but before he can react, he and medusa are taken into the air and tightly hugged.

"Welcome home son!!!"