
A Spartan's galactic empire

A baby crashes on earth during the time acient Greece ruled the Mediterranean sea. After his spaceship malfunctions, his escape pod falls to the earth at breakneck speeds. after falling down to earth he crashes in Greece and gets stuck in the mountains. Leonidas sent on a search party by his half brother, cleomenes the first. Finds the small, garlon and decides to adopt the child, naming him Deimos. I might still use different works as inspiration but I will create all characters in the book myself and create the universe and world's independently too.) And if I use other lightnovels or other works as inspiration, I will put it underneath my chapters afterwards. also a few tags so you know if it is something for you no harem no smut a lot of gore and violence ( once the war arcs begin) sci-fi cunning protagonist ruthless when needed but is capable of showing empathy.

jonas_karel · Fantasy
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51 Chs

adopted in a royal family

Brother I have returned, Leonidas swaddling a small infant boy returns to Sparta. Cleomenes sits on his throne, next to him leotychidas the second king of Sparta. Leonidas seeing him here frowned. leotychidas and his brother always butted heads no matter the topic.

Include the magistrates and you have a headache on your hands.

Looking at the five old men standing besides the thrones he was even more weary.

What were these old fossils planning.

Leonidas my brother what have you found in the mountains?

We found a weird godly artifact made purely of metal.

And It could speak the language of the gods.

Murmers came from the magistrates.

Blasfemie shouted one of them no mere piece of metal can comprehend the gods!! Leonidas now getting on the end of his patience said: and what if it can?

Silence fell, what if he is right?

Maybe it was a artifact created by Hefetus. They would only be making a fool out of themselves.

And what do you have in your hands asked his brother.

Leonidas looked at his half brother this is my adopted son Deimos Agiad of Sparta.

Now the whole magistrat exploded.

How dare you name the child after the gods!! Screamed the priest.

Leonidas looked coldly at him, he always hated these old bones binding them with the Devine.

The old priest continues: we can't let the child live he shall displease the gods.

Leonidas eyes turned ice cold now looking at that old snake.

He could see leotychidas trying to keep a smile from forming on his face.

Leonidas could already see what was going on leotychidas has bought the priest.

He paid him to do everything in his power to bring the Agiad (family name of Leonidas) in the mud.

Now his face black: looking at leotychidas he says "if you want to get him you have to go trough me".

Cleomenes sitting on his throne did nothing for his half brother, he knew when to use his political power and now was not the time. His half-brother and son in law nobody dared to touch him.

But this unrelated child they could use him, to give Agiad a blow in the political world.

No weapons were allowed in the throne room so Leonidas did not have any on him. Leotychidas looked at the guards at the side giving them a look.

Soon 20 guards came in the throne room, Leonidas fought as a lion protecting its cub he could not use his full power, afraid he would hurt the baby in his arms.

First they encircled Leonidas, while Deimos looked curiously at what was happening around him.

The first Spartan went forward followed by 12 others, the other 8 kept the circle so Leonidas could not escape.

Leonidas looked with bloodshot eyes at them they dared not get closer.

The royal familie are descendants of Heracles, and some of his strength still flows trough their veins.

The strength of the royal familie is about 4 times as strong as the healthy young Spartan, and it grows with age.

Leonidas is a member with a thicker bloodline making him 6 times stronger than a normal Spartan.

They closed in slowly but Leonidas was not having it he took tree quick steps forward, and launched himself at the first assailant.

If he had his weapons and armour it would not have been a problem, to singlehandedly take down all these man.

But he was unarmed and had a life to protect.

Ducking under the incoming spear he gives a uppercut under the helmet knocking him out.

Afterwards he moves on to the second one en hits him in the liver, he flys backwards and hits a Pilar besides the wall.

The ones left know they have to change tactics so they work together to keep him busy, while three of the last 8 move to get a fishing net.

Leonidas moves trough the attacks but after 7 minutes of gruelling fighting he has only taken out 10 of them.

And those three have returned with the net.

Leonidas fully focused on the fight does not see the net coming from the back and gets caught like a fish.

"Leotychidas!!" he screamed is this how your man fight.

Leotychidas looked at him mockingly, you know they stand no chance against you, so I have to use tactics.

If I want to win I have to cheat a bit.

Leonidas looked like a wounded and angry lion, ready to put his fangs in whomever got closer.

But he did not expect that they would stab him in his tigh making him imoble.

Because he has Devine blood running trough his veins this wound would heal in about a day, but that does not take away the fact that he is now immobile.

Seeing this the priest walks up to him, looking at the man in the net, he grabs the baby from his hands.

Deimos feeling he is taken away begins to cry, the priest looks at him with hatred.

This was the outcome he designed from the beginning.

First it was purely the gold leotychidas offerd him.

But the moment that child came in the palace, the powers he got from Ares screamed in fear for the infant.

To be exact his eyes.

Looking at those deep golden eyes he felt fear tepridation and hatred.

Like a old enemy, that has once beaten him badly.

The old priest turns to a guard and says: "get my sacramonial dagger".

Right away sir replied the guard.

Not a minute later the guard returns with the dagger.

The priest takes it from him.

The priest looks at the child he has done this many times.

He determined if a child was fit to survive.

So he has thrown many baby's off the cliff, when they were not healthy, or if a political enemy paid enough gold.

He did not dare do this to the royal family.

Otherwise he would not know how he died the next day.

But this is different he has never felt this treathend before, he would kill this baby and burn its body.

Leonidas seeing this happen looked at his brother and father in law, cleomenes looked back at him and shook his head.

Leonidas lowerd his head: I am sorry Deimos there is nothing I can do now.

The priest walking up a set of stairs lays the baby on the sacrificial altar.

Right under the thrones of the king's he begins to speak.

Citizens of Sparta, the gods send down a fire of destruction in the mountains, as a warning to us all.

Now this child was found in the mountains by prince Leonidas.

This child was meant as a sacrifice by the gods, I heard this last night from Ares before the fire of destruction was sent down.

Don't spew your foul lies hissed Leonidas this child is a blessing upon us.

Shut your mouth said the priest.

"Bind his mouth" he said afterwards.

I will continue this sacrifice in the name of ARES!!!

He lifted the dagger above his head and plunched it down.

Deimos looked up he had been crying for the whole time.

Looking at the priest and the dagger, for the first time in his life he felt something different than hunger happiness and sadness.

Anger and disgust is what he felt.

As if what was before him should not exist. The blessing he received from the entity in the black hole was not just anything.

It was the eyes of a watcher capable of seeing trough the true essence of things.

He saw the priest as a dark corrupt being, and the dagger was Staind by the souls blood and life of the innocent.

Not knowing what these feelings were he acted on instinct.

Leonidas watching this could only muffledly scream.

He just adopted the boy but the feeling was there the instand he saw the child.

The same way you would feel when you first become a father, you know you could die for that little life.

So seeing this happening before him he was filled with dark thoughts of revenge.

He would not only kill the priest but also leotychidas, his eyes dark with hate looked as the dagger almost hits the child, and kills it.

But then the eyes of the child begin to glow black, with very small golden lines here and there.

Before the priest understands what is happening his head gets blown of !!

Not just a little but his head explodes in bits and pieces.

Normally the Lazer would go cleanly trough someone, but the small golden lines reacted aggressively with the dark corrupted energie in the priest, making his head explode.

After going trough the head as if locked onto something they go for the dagger, melting it to scrap metal.

There is a deadly silence in the throne room. Until cleomenes muttered something under his breath: True devine power

I know Gorgo was thought to have been born between 508 BC and 518 BC but for a smoother story I decided to make her be born in 535 this way even if it is weird she married her half uncle at least the age difference isn't too big I know it was normal in those times but it still doesn't sit right to me also it works beter for the story if leonidas already has a family structure before adopting Deimos also in our history their is believed to have been two Spartan king's at a time but I can't find information about who ruled together with. cleomenes buti did find leotigydas ruled at the same time as Leonidas so I will use him and make him have a long rule so that it fits with the story

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