
A Spartan's galactic empire

A baby crashes on earth during the time acient Greece ruled the Mediterranean sea. After his spaceship malfunctions, his escape pod falls to the earth at breakneck speeds. after falling down to earth he crashes in Greece and gets stuck in the mountains. Leonidas sent on a search party by his half brother, cleomenes the first. Finds the small, garlon and decides to adopt the child, naming him Deimos. I might still use different works as inspiration but I will create all characters in the book myself and create the universe and world's independently too.) And if I use other lightnovels or other works as inspiration, I will put it underneath my chapters afterwards. also a few tags so you know if it is something for you no harem no smut a lot of gore and violence ( once the war arcs begin) sci-fi cunning protagonist ruthless when needed but is capable of showing empathy.

jonas_karel · Fantasy
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51 Chs

a system

Looking at the infant, now alone on the altar there was a somber tone in the air.

Suddenly there was a giggle in the room. The baby was laughing trying to reach something in the air.

Leonidas was still stuffed with a cloth but could not stop with laughing.

Muffled Snickers and tears of joy filled his eyes.

Cleomenes was quick on the optake, while leotychidas was still dazed, he started talking.

Citizens of Sparta as you can see this baby is the child of the gods.

As he is the adopted child of my son in law he shall be known as a prince, and inherent the title king after my half-brother leonidas. Takes over after I step down.

Hearing this leotychidas came out of his reverie.

Veins bulged on his head, not only did his move on agiad fail.

He lost a important pawn that desposes of the children of his enemies.

Not only that, the agaid also got their hands on a new Devine bloodline.

A extremely potent one at that.

Seeing this he wanted to use the fact that the priest was a important figure.

And publicly executing the priest was worthy of the same treatment.

But he wisely shut his mouth.

Not only was this killing in self defence the one defending was an infant.

If he tried to hold the child responsible he might as wel directly resign from his seat of power.

Seeing no disagreement cleomenes continues, he shall have the hardest training possible.

And be tempered by war.

You wil not only have a Devine prince but a champion as well!!

The crowd went wild, the Idea that they would finally have a champion that can stand against the fast rising Athens inticed them.

Meanwhile Deimos was looking right in front of him he saw a golden glowing screen about 40 from his face.

He could not read or understand what was said, but he felt close to this screen like it was a part of him.

On the screen stood in golden letters:

[True Devine Blessing System]


[Eyes of the watcher] LEVEL 1 planet lv

(Capabele of seeing trough all of creation, be it illusions attacks or the essence of all things you will be able to see trough it)

(With higher levels you will be able to use more Devine power while using it making the attack stronger and make it easier to identify wich is in front of you)

[Devine strength] LEVEL 1 NEW

(God one gave his people a champion named Samson, he was undefeated and could fight armies on his own. Alas he did not heed Gods words and lost his strength. Now after you killed the priest of the false god God has decided to gift you a new blessing. As you are now the champion of your people )

[Level 1 increases your strength 10×]

Right after this message popped up Deimos strength rose exponentialy, it was purely his physical strength.

But that does not mean this blessing is weak far from it.

With a Garan physique as an infant that just made it to earth he was already strong enough to crush a mountain.

Let alone when he grows up en he gets stronger bigger and absorbs more dark matter from the surroundings.

Cleomenes looked at the freed Leonidas and beckons him to take the infant home.

Leonidas standing up bows to his brother and moves to pick up the infant.

Having made his way out of the throne room, he moves back home.

Where his wife Gorgo agaid of Sparta stood waiting with a smile.

Leo what had my father made you do this time.

Leonidas looks at her before awnsering.

He told her everything from going up the mountains to how it played out in the courtroom.

She looks at Deimos with pitty such a small child and they wanted to sacrifice him. Serves him right dying without dignity.

They lay Deimos in a cradle they had already prepared for their own future children.

Gorgo was already pregnant with their first child so an orphaned child like Deimos was a welcome expansion.

Small time skip

Three months passed and Gorgo was ready to go into labour.

Leonidas stood by the door of the room holding Deimos, waiting for the good news both expectant and fearful.

After 3 extremely slow hours there was finally a cry.

Afterwards the nurse came outside.

"Your highness it is a boy" the nurse said. And her highness is safe and sound.

Give us some time to clean up and then you can go inside.

You could see Leonidas light up, his eyes sparkled and a grin could not stop forming on his face.

15 minutes later the nurse and the doctor left the room.

"You can go inside now" the doctor said.

Next to Leonidas cleomenes stood grinning as wel, now let us ga see my grandchild. They went inside, on the bed there was a tired and sweating Gorgo.

Next to her was her mother Avon smiling at her daughter, in Gorgo's arms was a small child no more than 3 kg.

What do you want to name him Leonidas.

"I say we call him Phobos after Deimos brother in the legends" said leonidas.

Our oldest is already named after a god why not a second.

A smile came over her face you are right she said.

Cleomenes looked at the newborn, Phobos of Sparta that does sound nice.

While they were discussing the name. Deimos was looking at his new brother curiously, he looked at him stretching his hand out and babbling.

Leonidas who saw this smiled softly laying Deimos next to Phobos the both looked more at ease when together.

After snuggling in his mother's arms they fell asleep.

Gorgo looky at them happly she could finally breastfeed herself.

They had to give Deimos to a midwife so that he may get his milk.

But now she could feed both Deimos and Phobos.

Right above them flew a invisible phantom made of holy light she looked at Deimos as a mother would her child.

She was what some people would call a guardian angel, she lay contact with Deimos trough the nanobots in his blood.

She could lets her voice be heard directly in his head.

While Deimos did not know any language yet, he never felt alone because of it.

He was also the only one who could see her because of his golden eyes.

How the blessing system works en how she is connected to it is really simple.

Because Deimos had nanites in his blood when he got blessed, they got blessed too.

Holy nanites if you will.

So when that happen something changed,from how it was supposed to go.

And because of that she was sent to monitor him.

The nanites were changed to a system so he could receive more than one blessing.

Most beings can only accommodate one true blessing.

But because something went wrong he can now acquire a unlimited amount of them.

The nanites work so that they can transver any blessing to any cell, but still the blessing works for the whole body.

After knowing this she was sent to monitor him, and keep record of his deeds, if he did something worthy of a blessing he would receive one.

And trough the nanites the blessings could even be upgraded.

It could also keep track of his vitals and strength.

But that was not yet useful only when he grows up and meet stronger enemy's is that important.

I could not find accounts of Gorga s mother so I made up a name

jonas_karelcreators' thoughts