
A Spartan's galactic empire

A baby crashes on earth during the time acient Greece ruled the Mediterranean sea. After his spaceship malfunctions, his escape pod falls to the earth at breakneck speeds. after falling down to earth he crashes in Greece and gets stuck in the mountains. Leonidas sent on a search party by his half brother, cleomenes the first. Finds the small, garlon and decides to adopt the child, naming him Deimos. I might still use different works as inspiration but I will create all characters in the book myself and create the universe and world's independently too.) And if I use other lightnovels or other works as inspiration, I will put it underneath my chapters afterwards. also a few tags so you know if it is something for you no harem no smut a lot of gore and violence ( once the war arcs begin) sci-fi cunning protagonist ruthless when needed but is capable of showing empathy.

jonas_karel · Fantasy
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51 Chs

A new family member

Leonidas was hugging Medusa and Deimos in the air.

Only after a minute did he put them down.

"I have my missed you son."

"I missed you too dad"

That was all they needed to say, sometimes silence said enough.

"And who might this beautiful lass be?"

"She is Medusa; my future queen"

"Deimos!!?" Medusa screamed with a red face.

"I never said I would marry you!"

"Hahaha I see that you got your work cut out for you."

"It's gonna take a lot of convincing on your part."

"I know but I am not giving up."

"Well let's go home then."

"I bet your mother and brother can't wait to see you again."

So they moved out of the encampment, under the resentful looks of the soldier Leonidas woke up in his rampage.

After a hours walk they made it to Sparta's entrance.

There his brother Phobos, and mother were waiting for him.

The moment his brother saw him he rushed to Deimos.

"Deimos!!" Phobos rushed up to his brother, and jumped him.

Deimos moved along with Phobos and they ended up on the ground.

"You are alive" Phobos was crying tears of joy.

His mother had rushed up to him right after Phobos.

And took them both in her arms.

"You are finally home."

"Yes mother I am home."

After a long hug, Deimos patted the back of his mother indicating that the hug had lasted long enough.

Gorgo looked at the girl standing three steps back.

She instantly saw that she wasn't a human.

I mean the clues are obvious.

Snake eyes, snakes as hair and her tongue was long and serpent like.

"Oh and who is this young lady."

"My name is mm.. Medusa" she stuttered.

"Ooooh she is so cute."

"Can I keep her"


"Don't embarrass me"

"But I am curious about her story."

"How did she end up with you."

"Deimos continued to tell the whole story of what he experienced, and how he met Medusa."

"Oh my poor girl don't worry I will be your mom."

"And Deimos can be your brother how nice is that?"

"No mom I am going to marry her once I grow up."

"how can she be my sister?"

"Don't worry about that Deimos, family ties never stopped a royal family before."

"Besides your not even related to her by blood."

"So no problem with that."

"What's about setting up a engagement."

"You can marry her once you get out of military training at the age of 20."

"What do you think Medusa?"

"Hmm oke." She said with a small voice.

"Haha not only have I gotten back my son I even got a daughter." Leonidas laughed out loud.

Well let's a get a good night sleep, we can talk further tomorrow.

This was the first night in years that Medusa and Deimos slept separately, so they had a rather sleepless night.

The next day Deimos made his way to his father's office.

Knock knock

"Come in"

Deimos opend the door and walked inside.

"What can I help you with son."

I told you yesterday how I saw different kinds of documents, in the tormentors study.

"Yes you did"

"Well I took them with me."

Deimos put his hand inside his toga and pulled out a stack of papers.

He walked up to his father's workplace, and put the documents down on the table.

"Oh it is in Persian writing?"

"Yes this one is about the war plans of Persia, and this is about a metal ship."

"Oh could you possibly translate it for me?" asked Leonidas.

"Of course father."

The next two hours Deimos stayed with his father translating the documents.

"And done."

Once Leonidas had read everything his face turned serious.

"Father could we possibly build a Gally like that?"

Deimos asked curiously.

"Yes we can."

"I will order the best smiths from Sparta and villages around to create the Gally on a enormous scale."

"So it can hold your weight once you are fully grown."

"It will be the flagship of our new fleed, and it will be your ship once you are done with military training."

"I will train Phobos to be a excellent commander for ground battles, and I will train you to be a outstanding commander of the Spartan fleets."

"This way you two will compliment each other's shortcomings."

"As for the other piece of information."

We need to call an meeting in the throne room.

30 minutes later the throne room.

Cleomenes was sitting on his throne.

He went to see Deimos yesterday already and had spoken to him about his experiences in Athens.

"Oh hello Deimos how are you."

"Good grandpa"

"Hohoho that's good to hear."

Cleomenes says while stroking his long white beard.

Leonidas was sitting on his throne looking down on the Spartans gathered.

"I have important news." Leonidas began.

"We have a traitor in our midst."

"And a problem to solve."

One of the magistrate was starting to sweat.

When he heard the words traitor.

"First things first we are going to build a city wall around Sparta."

"We are also going to build gates trough mountain passes and fortresses in bottlenecks of mountain ranges."

"We are also going to expand repair and inovate the Spartan fleet."

"We are unmatched on land and it is time we are unmatched on the sea too."

"If I may ask sire why the sudden wall and why the expansion of the fleet."

"Because it is time for Sparta to become the hegemony of all Greece."

"So we will strengthen our armies build up our defences and expand our fleet."

"Within 15 years I want to be ready to take over Greece and confront Persia."

"Now over to why I said there was a traitor in our midst."

Leonidas threw a stack of papers on the ground.

"In these papers, there are all weak points of Sparta defence."

"Our costums traditions and who they managed to buy out."

"This is why I want a wall"

"There are more than 5 strategies in there making use of the lack off walls"

"This will not be overlooked."

"But now the most important piece of news."

"Your prince has returned!!"

"And I will betow upon him the title of crown prince."