
A Spartan's galactic empire

A baby crashes on earth during the time acient Greece ruled the Mediterranean sea. After his spaceship malfunctions, his escape pod falls to the earth at breakneck speeds. after falling down to earth he crashes in Greece and gets stuck in the mountains. Leonidas sent on a search party by his half brother, cleomenes the first. Finds the small, garlon and decides to adopt the child, naming him Deimos. I might still use different works as inspiration but I will create all characters in the book myself and create the universe and world's independently too.) And if I use other lightnovels or other works as inspiration, I will put it underneath my chapters afterwards. also a few tags so you know if it is something for you no harem no smut a lot of gore and violence ( once the war arcs begin) sci-fi cunning protagonist ruthless when needed but is capable of showing empathy.

jonas_karel · Fantasy
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51 Chs

a black hole full of wonder

The ship too weak, to pull itself out of the black holes gravity, resigns itself to its fate.

Slowly being pulled into the event horizon.

It looks like it's is not moving standing still for all eternity.

But do we actually know what is in a black hole? the awnser is "no".

Most likely extremely dens matter.

But that is not the case here.

In the black hole a gigantic being made of holy light looks curiously at the spaceship. The being has golden glowing wings and deep golden eyes capable of looking trough anything.

Weird this was not supposed to happen.

I should inform my brethren.

Just as he was about to do so, he gets a messenge from another such being.

I see so that's how it is.

"In that case you shall receive a blessing little one" he said.

Looking at the new born baby he took out of the spaceship, without touching or damaging anything.

A golden holy light bathes the child.

It giggles in delight the sensation was heavenly for the baby, warm and all forgiving.

Afterwards the being of light gentle puts the baby back in the spaceship.

He steps aside and a wormhole is shown behind the gigantic being.

The spaceship softly hums as the systems are coming back online.

Detecting the wormhole in front of it, the spaceship continues its journey to earth.

After the spaceship left another being of light came to the black hole.

Starting a conversation with the first, what do you think arakiel?

"I don't know" he awnsers.

Looking with his deep golden eyes where the child left for.

"Does anyone know what @##€$¥ thinks"? "Just let it be, and follow his command" said arakiel.

"I guess your right" the newcomer awnserd.

The ship now hurdling trough time space and dimensions finally came to a stop.

Deep in space there were stars all around but no black hole in sight.

[CHECKEN FOR WORLD COÖRDINAT] [FOUND TAGET PANET] [LOCK ON EARTH] the ship started space jumping again.

But because it was already damaged it did not go well.

When it got out of the jump close to earth it was already non functional.


The child now as big as a newborn was securely placed in a escape pod.

He was then launched towards the earth. The spaceship continues on route for the moon while little lor-Zod was hurdling towards a mountain range in Greece.

To be exact the tygetus mountains overlooking Sparta.

Crash landing into the mountain and embedding itself in a crack of stone.

Where little sunshine still seeped trough the crack.

In Sparta there was a uproar a flaming ball of destruction was cast from the heavens, and landed in the tygetus mountains.

The gods are angry at us said the priest of Ares god of war.

Nonsense said the present king of Sparta cleomenes I.

It was currently the year 515 BC and he has been sitting on the throne for a little more than 5 years.

He would not let the useless priests sow discord in his rule.

"It must be a gift from the gods instead", he said.

Let's gather a search party and look for what they left for us.

While they starting a search party.

Faros Kreed was taking the energie from the sun, ground and air, strengthening his frail little body slowly getting stronger and stronger.

Leonidas together with 40 other young and healthy Spartans went up into the mountains to look for the fallen object.

He was 25 this year healthy and strong.

Dilios do you think it is a gift from the gods? Just as my idiot of a brother said.

I don't know your highness.

But we will see one we discover the crash site.

And so they climbed, after a 18 hour journey they finally made it to the crash site.

They stood ready for any danger, this was not the first time something dangerous came from the heavens.

And it would not be the last time.

Slowly they made their way to the crack in the mountain.

They could see whatever fell from the sky slided of the side and should be stuck in there.

"Stelios go and look "said Leonidas.

"Why me" Stelios said.

because I said so that's why.

"Fine", so Stelios carefully stuck his head over the side off the mountain crack.

looking down he saw a weird metal machine. Your highness you should see this he said.

Oh Leonidas moved closer to the side looking down he could see a weird machine with a infant laying inside.

By Ares is that a god.

It was not weird that he said so.

While the hair of the infant is black it's eyes are deep golden.

The same colour as the mysterious being in the black hole.

Seeing him Leonidas orders his men to carefully climb down.

So they landed on the weird metal construction.

There was a logo, a weapon of arms on the machine.

Looking at it Leonidas asked his men if they knew what god, It stands for but none of them knew.

It was the shape of a black sun, but on the inside there was a golden K.

"Oh well it does not matter" said Leonidas.

Once they stood on the metal machine there was a new challenge.

How do we open it sir asked dilios.

This stomped Leonidas he didn't know how to open it either.

Try priein it open with our spear and so they did, but it didn't budge.

Sir is seem it doesn't work.

Suddenly they heard a foreign robotic voice [INTELLIGENT LIFEFORMS FOUND DETECTED THEY POSE NO THREAT TO HIGHEST PRIORITY OPENING VOID HATCH] the Spartans looked startled.

Is that the language of the gods stelios asked.

Maybe dilios awnserd.

Then the hatch opens.

For the first time the young garan breaths in earth's air.

Sunshine directly enters its body further strengthening him.

Leonidas bends down and takes up the boy.

He looks strong.

I shall call him Deimos after Ares son.

That he may sow panic on the battlefield.