
A soul In The making(male OC x Boku No Hero Academia)

This is a story written in blood and tears, happiness and sadness, hope and despair, If you found out that fantasy is reality what would you do, rule the world, become a hero, create a villain, or... Michino Aizawa lives with his father Shouta Aizawa, who’s also known as EraserHead, one day when he was nine years old, he found out what he was, and this changed his entire view of the world (First story I’ve written, I hope you like it)

yokozach_28 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 1/ part 1





You opened your eye very slowly, however with the fact that your bedroom lamp is as bright as the sun,

you were practically blind.

" It's so bright..."

You decided to get up out of bed, even though you really couldn't see anything in front of you.

"I need to go wa-AH!!"

Literally, just three seconds after you got up, you tripped on your carpet and fell straight on your face.


So far, your morning hasn't been going well. Hopefully, this isn't an omen.

After you tried to get off the floor, you patted the dust off your pants and shirt. Fortunately, the fall was able to fully wake you up.

"Alrighty, now that I'm fully awake, it's time to start my day!" you said very optimistically. "But first, I need to see if I have wake up papa."


You walked out of your bedroom and walked right into the living room, where you find a yellow cocoon-like sleeping bag on the sofa, and inside said cocoon was a sleepy old man.

"hehe, he must have been out late patrolling, it's nice to see him sleep,"

You said, looking at him very cheerfully.

"...but..." right after saying that you headed for the kitchen (it's directly connected to the living room), grabbed a pan and a ladle, went back into the kitchen and then...




The yellow cocoon fell on the floor and started to move. After constant attempts of twisting and turning on the floor, he was finally able to get the sleeping bag to face right side up

"Gooood Mooooorniiiiiing!!" you said very happily.

"Why do you do this every morning?" Said Aizawa very grumpily.

"It's because my papa is a pro-hero, and pro-heroes have to start the day early," you responded very earnestly.

"...I'm going back to sleep," Aizawa says and actually does.

"Welp, I guess you leave me no choice then," you say very regretfully.

Aizawa was very confused. He watched you pull out your phone and call someone, but who?

"Hi Mr. Yamada, it's me Michino, I was wondering if you can come over and-"

Right when you were about to ask him for a favor, Aizawa pulled your phone right out of your hand and hanged it up.

"So... what's on the menu?" he asks.

"...heh," you let out a cheerful laugh, and then look at him and say, "cheese sandwiches with a side of sunny side eggs and bacon, also with a drink of orange juice."


You both sat at the little table in the middle of the living room, eating breakfast. Since Aizawa has no talent as a cook and doesn't know how to make a nutritious meal, you had no choice but to learn how to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

"So..." Aizawa decides to start a conversation.

"you're about to start your first year in elementary, right?" he asks.

"Yeah, that's right, and to be honest, I'm actually a bit nervous," you replied.

"about school?" he asked.

"Well, yes, there is that, but that's not it, though," you replied.

"It's just that, I still haven't figured out if I'm quirkless or not, and since it's most likely that everyone else has already theirs, I'm worried that I might-eh?"

All of a sudden, Aizawa placed his hand on your head, which caught you by surprise, and started rubbing.

"It'll be alright, you have nothing to worry about," he says very reassuringly and with a smile.

Usually, around other people, he's been known to have a straight face, not showing any emotions except displeasure, always pushing everyone away. But when it's just you and him, he smiles to you as if you were the only thing he cared about, it made you feel happy.

"Thank you, papa," you said very happily.

After that, both you decided to keep eating breakfast.

"But papa, if I'm not able to discover it on my own, then maybe we should take me to a doctor and-"


He yelled and slammed the table very violently. He was shaking a lot and looked very angry. For some reason, he never wants to take you a hospital; he's usually the one who's taken care of you, checking up on you.

"I-I'm sorry," you said very apologetically.

"N-no, that was my bad, I didn't mean to yell...I'm sorry," he looked down at the table, hands together, looking very guilt-ridden.

"No, that was actually my bad, I shouldn't have brought that up, and besides...," you then walk around the table, placing your hand on his

"I know you do this because you care for me, and I'm glad that you do and also... I can say that you're the number one papa in the entire world."

Once you said that, the guilt-ridden face that he was wearing disappeared, and what was there instead was a smile that was so gentle, it was as if he never had a guilty conscious, to begin with.

"Also, I think it's about time that you left if I'm reading the time correctly."

"Huh, what do you mean?" He looked a bit confused for some reason.

"Don't tell me you forgot, today's your first day of teaching at UA!"

"Wait, what?" at first, he looked a lot more confused, but then...


"Don't 'ah' me! You actually forgot!?!"

"Guess it just slipped my mind."

"Slipped your mind my but, you could lose your job if you don't go!!" you exclaim.

"Well, to be honest, I'd rather not do this, such a pain the ass..." and he actually means this. he'd rather just do hero work and sleep instead of this.

"my my, you're such a wonderful role model, you know that?" you say with a smile.

"Ngh!" he felt dread the moment you said that.

"Alright I'm going, jeez you serious need to stop looking after me-"

"but isn't that my role as your son?"

"Yeah, but..." he tried to counter you, but he knew you had a point.

"...Alright, you win," he failed.

"Yes!" you won.

"Anyway, you should get changed soon, we'll leave in an hour."


"you're coming with me to school." he was serious.



You and father finally left the apartment and decided to head to his new job, a teacher at UA. However, due to the high traffic of people, it seems that it would take a while, fortunately, since your father is an underground pro-hero, he knows his shortcuts.

"Isn't it dangerous to go through back alleys?" you asked since this is the situation where you could get mugged all of a sudden.

"It's fine, and besides, if anyone does show up, I'd just beat them up."

"If you say it like that, it sounds as if you'll beat up anyone who gets in your way," you say to him.

"Well, that's a bit ru-"

"Hey, wait up!"

All of a sudden, you heard a voice behind you. You turned around and saw a man, he was wearing a trench coat and seemed to be in his early twenties.

"I'm sorry if I scared you two; you're the pro-hero Eraserhead, right?"

"Yeah... what if I am?" your father asked very cautiously, after all, it's strange that someone would follow you so deep in the back alley-ways.

"Well, you see, me and y brother here are huge fans of yours."

he then pulls out a blank paper and pen out of his pocket.

"Could we ask for an autograph?"

Usually, your father doesn't actually do this kind of stuff, but with his son around, he had to make a good example.

"Alright, let me see it," he took the paper and did a quick signature, after that he gave it right back.

"Thank you so very much, also we'd like to ask you a quick question, very quick."

"Alright, what is it?" your father seemed alright about answering; after all, it was a quick question. That's when the person, most likely his brother, all of a sudden, asked, "Have you ever heard of the hollow child?"

something snapped inside Aizawa's head, "MICHNO GET BA-"

"ύπνος," they both said something and your father stopped moving all of a sudden.

"Hey, papa, what wrong?" no response. You kept asking him if something's wrong, but you still didn't get an answer. Then all of a sudden, he fell straight to the ground, fast asleep.

"PAPA, PAPA!" you started to yell at him to try to get him up, but in the end, it wasn't doing anything.

"My my brother Ashton, your sorcery is as wonderful as ever, just one chant, and he's out cold."

"Well, of course, brother Cinder, you should already know that my ether count has been very high since I was a child, of course."

"PAPA, PAPA, PAPA, PAPA, PAPA!!!" you kept yelling at him, over and over again even though he doesn't respond, you were starting to cry.

"Hey, boy."

"Uh-!," you fell on your but, back right on a wall.

"We'd like to tell you a story," says Ashton.


"yes...a story, my brother and I will take turns, I'll go first," says Ashton.

They start telling a story.

"Six years ago, a baby was found that had no heartbeat."

"Even though its chest was silent, It was still alive."

"But that's not all they found out, no-no."

"This baby you see was missing some stuff."

"To be precise, It had no blood, DNA, organs, cells, bones, nothing."

"It was like a living doll."

"I...I don't understand," you ask, terrified.

"Oh, little boy, don't you see that baby from six years ago was.."

Then they both said at the same time.

"was you."

*sorry it took me a while, busy with life, so what do you think of the new chapter, please comment and rate it, I want this story to be enjoyed by everyone*